Written answers

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

  • Department of Education and Science
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 60: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when construction work will begin on a new national school in Laytown, County Meath; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • Language Support Services
      Question 61: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps she will take to implement the outstanding recommendations in the Joint Committee on Education and Science report for the...
    • Capitation Grants
      Question 62: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the fact that local authority charges have risen by 104% since 2002 and that this is having an...
    • State Examinations
      Question 63: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if, in view of the rising number of foreign national students in the school system here, she will introduce an international junior...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 64: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the lack of facilities at a school (details supplied) in County Laois which has no physical...
    • School Inspectors
      Question 65: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the duties and responsibilities of primary school inspectors; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33446/07]
    • Language Support Services
      Question 67: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the plans in place to cater for the growing number of non-English speaking students attending both primary and secondary schools here;...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 68: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will review the proposed changes to early immersion education in Irish medium schools. [34000/07]
    • School Transport
      Question 69: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of children who have to travel from the islands to the mainland for a primary education and a secondary education; the means...
    • Vocational Training
      Question 70: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 276 of 20 November 2007, her Department's policy in relation to ensuring that practical training...
    • School Planning
      Question 71: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the extent to which information is available to her Department to facilitate adequate preparation and forward planning for the...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 72: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to her reply to Parliamentary Question No. 64 of 13 November 2007, the location of the 700 classrooms which were due to begin...
    • Physical Education Facilities
      Question 73: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the provisions her Department will make to facilitate primary school pupils with adequate access to swimming pools, in order for them...
    • Student Support Schemes
      Question 74: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she has plans to ensure that the fund for students with a disability, the student assistance fund and the millennium partnership...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 75: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to her reply to Parliamentary Question No. 65 of 13 November 2007, the exact number, name and location of the schools in the...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 76: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of dedicated school visits which she has undertaken since June 2007 in her capacity as Minister and as reported in recent...
    • Site Acquisitions
      Question 77: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if the purchase has been completed for the site of a new national school in Laytown, County Meath; and if she will make a statement on...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 78: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of projects that fall into each of the four bands categorised in the school building programme development for the years...
    • School Inspectors
      Question 81: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of primary school inspectors currently employed by her Department; the number of vacancies; and if she will make a statement...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 82: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps that she will take to reform the planning and building unit of her Department; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • School Management
      Question 83: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the fact that following the significant reduction in the number of religious personnel who...
    • State Examinations
      Question 84: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the amount of fees collected for the junior certificate examination and the leaving certificate examination for each of the years 2002...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 85: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps she has taken since June 2007 to discuss with the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and the Department of...
    • School Management
      Question 86: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will keep her commitment to establish a new model of national school with the VEC as its patron by September 2008; the location...
    • State Examinations
      Question 87: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a standard assessment for non-anglophone pupils will be introduced in secondary schools; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Higher Education Review
      Question 88: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her Department will carry out a comprehensive top level review of higher education here in view of a recent report (details...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 89: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason the OECD reported that in 1994 Ireland spent 5.5% of GDP on education yet in 2007 the OECD Education at a Glance report...
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 90: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will establish Education Ireland on a statutory basis as recommended in a recent report (details supplied); and if she will make...
    • School Records
      Question 91: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the provisions, in view of a recent report (details supplied), she will make to supply schools with adequate storage facilities for...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 92: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when planning permission will be submitted for the building of a new national school in Laytown, County Meath; and if she will make a...
    • Capitation Grants
      Question 94: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the significant discrepancy in the funding for the voluntary secondary schools compared to other...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 95: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a technical team will visit a school (details supplied) in County Kerry to enable the design work for a new school to commence;...
    • Multi-Denominational Schools
      Question 96: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number, arising from the announcement to construct 13 new schools in north Dublin, of these schools that will be...
    • Schools Recognition
      Question 97: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on a recent report (details supplied) highlighting the rising number of students entering third level colleges from fee...
    • Third Level Fees
      Question 99: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the plans she has to increase the fees for foreign nationals outside the EEA enrolling on a post-leaving certificate course to cover...
    • State Examinations
      Question 100: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on whether lower standards for the leaving certificate and junior certificate examinations have led to grade inflation over...
    • Early School Leavers
      Question 101: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the specific steps she proposes to take, in view of her reply to a previous parliamentary question to enable her Department to have a...
    • Third Level Fees
      Question 102: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on whether all students attending part-time education for the first time should be enabled to access free education on the...
    • School Planning
      Question 103: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to her reply to Parliamentary Question No. 56 of 13 November 2007, the number of area development plans that have been...
    • Pupil-Teacher Ratio
      Question 104: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the extent to which class sizes have been reduced in all schools throughout the country since the beginning of the 2007/08 school...
    • Youth Services
      Question 105: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the action she will take to safeguard the future of groups (details supplied) in County Donegal in view of the fact that the building...
    • Local Authority Charges
      Question 107: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will enter into negotiations with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to see if it is possible to...
    • Capitation Grants
      Question 108: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her Department will provide financial aid to the schools in Adamstown that are facing bankruptcy in view of a recent report...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 109: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will reverse the decision directing all Irish medium schools to teach two and a half hours of English every week from no later...
    • State Examinations
      Question 110: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 242 of 3 October 2007, if the Circuit Court has issued a judgment on her Department's appeal...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 111: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the percentage of both primary and secondary school students who require special needs assistance for learning difficulties; and if...
    • School Insurance
      Question 112: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps that need to be taken by her Department, the Department of Finance, and the voluntary secondary school sector to enable that...
  • Department of An Taoiseach
    • Population Statistics
      Question 113: To ask the Taoiseach the approximate population of the islands within the remit of the local authority of Donegal County Council; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 114: To ask the Taoiseach why funding was not provided to the Law Reform Commission to provide legislative drafting expertise; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34414/07]
    • Departmental Committees
      Question 117: To ask the Taoiseach if his Department has a management advisory committee or an equivalent management committee; if it meets regularly; if so, the frequency of same; if he and the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 118: To ask the Taoiseach the number of programme managers, special advisers, policy assistants, personnel on secondment and other personnel who are not part of the existing Civil...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 120: To ask the Taoiseach the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from renewable sources. [33285/07]
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 121: To ask the Taoiseach the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for each year that applies...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 124: To ask the Taoiseach the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise, who are engaged in media...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 125: To ask the Taoiseach the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister of State's office; the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 126: To ask the Taoiseach the number of press officers and press advisers in his Department; the rank and pay of each; the description of work done; the persons to whom the information...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 127: To ask the Taoiseach the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; the nature of...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 129: To ask the Taoiseach the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold these cards and for whom...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 133: To ask the Taoiseach if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this summary is in written, verbal or...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 134: To ask the Taoiseach if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which a press adviser was not...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 135: To ask the Taoiseach the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from 1997 to date in 2007. [33679/07]
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 137: To ask the Taoiseach if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access same; the person who...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 140: To ask the Taoiseach when the value for money review of the National Economic and Social Council, National Economic and Social Forum and the National Economic and Social...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 141: To ask the Taoiseach the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport brought from and to; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34099/07]
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 142: To ask the Taoiseach the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34228/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 145: To ask the Taoiseach the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date, the plans he will put in...
    • Data Protection
      Question 146: To ask the Taoiseach if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe from hackers; and if he will make a...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 147: To ask the Taoiseach the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this saving was made; and if he...
  • Department of Finance
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 149: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he will amend the Electoral Act 1997 to give the Standards in Public Offices Commission the power to appoint an investigation...
    • Salary Agreements
      Question 151: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if, in view of the pay increase that An Taoiseach has awarded himself and other Government Ministers and the projected pay restraints...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 153: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from...
    • Betting Licences
      Question 154: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he or his Department approved of the involvement of the national lottery in discussions with the Sonas consortium relating to a...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 157: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 160: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance when the value for money review of the Information Society was completed; the value of the savings to the Exchequer due to the...
    • Tax Code
      Question 166: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he will assist a person (details supplied) in Dublin 11 with their query. [33492/07]
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 167: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise, who...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 168: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister of...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 170: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 172: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 176: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this summary...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 177: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which a...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 178: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from 1997...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 180: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if any refurbishing or improvements have been made to ministerial offices since 1997; the nature of such improvements; the cost of...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 181: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access...
    • Tax Code
      Question 184: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he will accept the recommendations of the IFA to have EU compensation to former beet growers calculated as capital rather than...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 185: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance when the value for money review of the provision of flood relief schemes will be completed; the anticipated value of the savings to...
    • Tax Collection
      Question 187: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the amount of money that has been collected by the Revenue Commissioners special investigation unit in each of the past five years....
    • Disabled Drivers
      Question 190: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance when a decision will be made on an appeal under the disabled drivers and disabled passengers tax concession scheme by a person...
    • Tax Code
      Question 191: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he will introduce tax incentives in the Finance Bill to encourage families to use biodegradable nappies; and if he will make a...
    • Tax Collection
      Question 193: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number of companies and individuals who have taken advantage of the tax relief available under section 234 of the Taxes...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 195: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he will introduce an amendment to the Valuation Act 2001 to exempt non-profit making voluntary sporting organisations from the...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 196: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the financial cost of the roll out of the management information framework system across all Government Departments since 2000 to date...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 197: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Tax Code
      Question 198: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number of persons registered as availing of tax exile status in the country; if he has plans to provide conditions whereby a...
    • Public Service Contracts
      Question 201: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the advice and assistance available to small start-up businesses offering services and supplies to public bodies; the steps he has...
    • Tax Yield
      Question 202: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the [i]per capita[/i] tax revenue and Government expenditure in the Border Midlands Western region, Dublin region, south-west region...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 203: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34223/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 206: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date, the...
    • Data Protection
      Question 207: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe from...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 211: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the position in regard to the future use of the old Garda station, Carbury, County Kildare; the extent to which plans have been...
  • Department of Health and Children
    • Child Care Services
      Question 212: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a decision will be made on an application for grant assistance for a crèche (details supplied) in County Kilkenny; and if she will...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 213: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the latest NESF report on mental health and social inclusion; the way the senior officials group will...
    • Health Services
      Question 214: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if persons (details supplied) will be assisted. [33415/07]
    • Vaccination Programme
      Question 216: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the date the first child will be vaccinated against pneumococcal disease; the person who is responsible within the Health Service...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 217: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when the parallel benchmarking for retired group VIII rationalisation salary scale will be applied. [33228/07]
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 218: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a decision will be made on an application for nursing home rebate for a person (details supplied) in County Limerick; and if she...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 219: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will supply home support for a child (details supplied) in County Cavan with cerebral palsy and worster drought syndrome; and if...
    • Health Services
      Question 220: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will investigate a situation in relation to a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [33259/07]
    • Energy Resources
      Question 223: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the percentage of energy consumed in her Department and in all agencies for which her Department has responsibility that comes from...
    • Health Services
      Question 224: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Kildare will receive an appointment for further investigation of their health problem in view...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 226: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the time-scale for the implementation of the fair deal scheme. [33302/07]
    • Food Safety
      Question 227: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will take action to protect consumers in view of the advertisements by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland informing the public...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 228: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the response by her Department to the recommendations made to her Department by the Competition Authority in its June 2006 report on...
    • Voluntary Sector Funding
      Question 230: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will provide core funding to the Irish Osteoporosis Society to enable this charity to continue and expand its vital work for...
    • Cigarette Prices
      Question 231: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the process by which the minimum price of various packets of 20 cigarettes is calculated; the legislative provisions that support this...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 232: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by her Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 235: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of positions that remain to be filled by the Health Service Executive in each of its 32 local areas (details supplied); and...
    • Hygiene Standards
      Question 236: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the suite of sanctions available to enforce hygiene standards in hospitals; her views on whether the sanctions are adequate to address...
    • Care of the Elderly
      Question 238: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the proposals in place to fund, staff and resource HIQA to meet its remit under the fair deal, to have in place an inspectorate to...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 239: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views on the proposal to develop a national cancer biobank infrastructure starting off with two hospitals; and if she will work...
    • Cancer Screening Programme
      Question 240: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she has reviewed the evidence in support of her policy of ending the application of free BreastCheck at age 65; her estimate of the...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 241: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will confirm that a patient (details supplied) of Cork University Hospital was informed that their brain scan files had become...
    • Health Services
      Question 242: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of primary care facilities in County Kildare; her plans to roll out further facilities in a growing area like Kildare; and if...
    • Hospital Car Parks
      Question 244: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the contractual arrangements relating to parking at Cork University Hospital and Cork University Maternity Hospital; and if she will...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 245: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in her Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by her or otherwise, who...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 246: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number and name of newspapers purchased by her Department daily and weekly; the number provided to herself and to the Minister of...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 248: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by her Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 249: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of press advisers employed by her Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; and if she...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 250: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of credit cards held by her Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold these...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 254: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to her Department from Government Information Services; if this summary...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 255: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if a press adviser travels with her on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by her in the past year at which a...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 256: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in her Department and staff for each year from 1997...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 258: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access same;...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 259: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of mobile phones used by her and supplied by her Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 261: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when the value for money review of the allocation and utilisation of funds for acute hospitals will be completed; the anticipated value...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 264: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the child care providers in County Kildare that have received capital funding and financial support for running costs since 2004 to date...
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 265: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the proposals she has to extend the nursing home refund scheme to patients who are in private nursing homes in contracted beds; and if...
    • Health Services
      Question 267: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the existence of a project (details supplied) in County Cork; if so, if her attention has further...
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 268: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of persons whose claims have been settled under the nursing home repayments scheme; the proportion of claims settled; the...
    • Health Services
      Question 269: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the full range of services available at the Health Service Executive health centre in Cromcastle, Coolock, Dublin 5. [33828/07]
    • Hospital Staff
      Question 272: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views, in view of the important revelations by various medical professionals (details supplied) on withdrawing the so-called gagging...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 273: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of full medical cards available on a county basis; if she is satisfied that the system is working; and if she will make a...
    • Health Services
      Question 274: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Roscommon will be called for an appointment; the reason for the delay in same; and if she...
    • Infectious Diseases
      Question 276: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of infection control committees and teams that have been put in place in each hospital to date as recommended in the Health...
    • Hospitals Building Programme
      Question 280: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the status of her co-location initiative; the number of contracts that remain at tender stage; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 281: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the length of time she expects the health service employment recruitment ban to continue; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Health Insurance
      Question 282: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views on whether it is wise and fair that the smallest insurer in the market (details supplied) should be the only health insurer...
    • Health Service Investigations
      Question 284: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the investigations into diagnosis in Portlaoise Hospital will include other cancers as well as cancer of the breast; if concerns have...
    • Hospital Staff
      Question 285: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will authorise the appointment of a paediatric phlebotomist for the Mid-West Regional Hospital to replace the service which was...
    • Health Services
      Question 286: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if core funding will be provided for a society (details supplied) to enable it to continue its works. [33991/07]
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 287: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will re-examine the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12 who has been seeking refund of nursing home charges; and if...
    • Health Services
      Question 289: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of additional home help hours funded by her Department in 2007; the cost of this programme; the number of home help hours in...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 292: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of additional child care places under the NCIP and the previous equal opportunities child care programme funded by her...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 293: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of additional residential and respite care places in respect of physical and sensory disability funded by her Department in...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 294: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of additional beds for under 16s in the child and adolescent mental health programme funded by her Department in 2007; the...
    • Health Services
      Question 295: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of additional primary care teams funded by her Department in 2007; the cost of this programme; the number of primary care...
    • Vaccination Programme
      Question 296: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when she expects to receive the final report of the vaccine damage compensation group; the funding provided in budget 2008 to implement...
    • Infectious Diseases
      Question 297: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the plans she has to establish a compensation fund for the victims of hospital acquired infection; and if she will make a statement on...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 298: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if meetings have taken place between herself or her Ministers of State and representatives of the drinks industry, including members of...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 299: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason the HSE does not collate complaints of bullying and harassment of HSE staff but does so in relation to service users; the way...
    • Health Services
      Question 300: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the amount of funding allocated to the HSE to provide home care packages for the Kildare/west Wicklow areas for the year 2007; if this...
    • National Treatment Purchase Fund
      Question 301: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the comparison and difference in cost values of the National Treatment Purchase Fund in relation to costs, time scale of hospital...
    • Health Services
      Question 302: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason her reply to Parliamentary Question No. 452 of 26 September, 2007 was confined to Longford-Westmeath when the question was in...
    • Hospital Waiting Lists
      Question 303: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Kildare will receive a date for their operation or if they are entitled to seek such an...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 304: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will make a statement on the status of the new psychiatric unit in Letterkenny; if planning permission has been applied for; when...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 305: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for her transport and that of her staff for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Medical Services Regulation
      Question 306: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her proposals for regulation and consumer protection in the area of cosmetic surgery and cosmetic procedures; and if she will make a...
    • Health Services
      Question 307: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the number of detoxification beds for recovering drug addicts has been affected by recent Health Service Executive cutbacks; if so,...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 309: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the chief executive of the Health Service Executive has decided that the administrative roll out of PPARS will be suspended; the...
    • Health Services
      Question 310: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason young children cannot avail of the free child development service in places like Ballinasloe, Tuam and Loughrea in County...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 311: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of non-Civil Service staff employed by her Department; the specific roles of these staff; the cost of these staff to the...
    • Hospitals Building Programme
      Question 312: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the cost of co-located private hospitals to the Exchequer with a breakdown of the cost for each of these hospitals; the amount of tax...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 313: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason children in a school (details supplied) in Dublin 20 can not access a speech and language therapist; the measures she will...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 316: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of staff in her Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34225/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 319: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the steps she has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by Ministerial travel in her Department; and if none to date, the...
    • Data Protection
      Question 320: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on her departmental databases is safe from hackers;...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 321: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this saving...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 323: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her proposals to improve funding and resources and to provide additional social workers to address the needs of the 450 people on the...
    • Pharmacy Regulations
      Question 324: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she is available to preside over discussions between the Health Service Executive and the Irish Pharmaceutical Union with a view to...
    • Cancer Screening Programme
      Question 325: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she has received correspondence from a group (details supplied) in Dublin 8; her plans to respond favourably to same; and if she will...
    • Adoption Services
      Question 326: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she or her Department will implement policy to reduce waiting times for intercountry adoptions; her plans to address this issue in...
    • Health Services
      Question 327: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a reply will issue from the Health Service Executive to Parliamentary Question No. 158 of 6 November 2007. [34379/07]
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 328: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason home helps in the Kildare west Wicklow area have to wait until 2008 for the payment of their travel allowance payments and...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 329: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position of the proposed refurbishment of the acute psychiatric unit at Letterkenny General Hospital; when work is scheduled to...
    • Departmental Properties
      Question 330: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the Health Service Executive carried out an audit of the lands attached to the psychiatric hospitals throughout the country as she...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 331: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a chief dental officer will be appointed in her Department; and when her Department will advertise to have that position filled....
    • Health Services
      Question 332: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be called for an appointment to a clinic. [34417/07]
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 333: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the person who carried out the review of recruitment procedures for locum consultants as announced in Dáil Éireann on 13 June 2000;...
  • Department of Transport
    • Departmental Records
      Question 334: To ask the Minister for Transport if his Department has conducted a recent review of the accuracy of the national vehicle and driver file; if he is satisfied with the accuracy of...
    • Road Network
      Question 335: To ask the Minister for Transport when the value for money review of strategic non-national roads be will completed; the anticipated value of the savings to the Exchequer due to...
    • Road Safety
      Question 336: To ask the Minister for Transport his plans to proactively test drivers for the presence of illegal drugs in a similar manner to the successful random alcohol testing campaign...
    • Rail Network
      Question 337: To ask the Minister for Transport the position regarding the western rail corridor; the breakdown of the stages; when he expects the section from Claremorris to start; and if he...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 338: To ask the Minister for Transport the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from renewable...
    • State Airports
      Question 339: To ask the Minister for Transport if he discussed the extension of the US customs and border facility at Shannon Airport at his recent meeting with the US Secretary of Homeland...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 340: To ask the Minister for Transport the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for each year...
    • Road Network
      Question 343: To ask the Minister for Transport if his attention has been drawn to the problems being experienced by local authorities regarding the implementation of a directive from the Health...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 344: To ask the Minister for Transport the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise, who are engaged...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 345: To ask the Minister for Transport the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister of State's...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 347: To ask the Minister for Transport the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007;...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 348: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of press advisers employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 349: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold these cards and...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 353: To ask the Minister for Transport if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this summary is in...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 354: To ask the Minister for Transport if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which a press...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 355: To ask the Minister for Transport the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 357: To ask the Minister for Transport if his Department carries news summaries on their internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access same; the...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 358: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of mobile phones used by him and supplied by his Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; and if...
    • Rail Services
      Question 360: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of commuters, per year for the years 2005 and 2006 and an estimate for 2007, who use the Maynooth line at Maynooth, Leixlip Louisa...
    • Road Network
      Question 362: To ask the Minister for Transport the implications the recent amendment to the Roads Bill 2007 has with regard to funding of local authority non-national roads budgets; and if he...
    • Port Development
      Question 363: To ask the Minister for Transport his views on whether the decision of An Bord Pleanála to allow Dublin Port to apply for land reclamation to facilitate 600,000 TEU capacity per...
    • Road Network
      Question 364: To ask the Minister for Transport the progress to date and the planned improvements to upgrade the R402 in Kildare between Carbury and Johnstownbrige in County Kildare; and if he...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 366: To ask the Minister for Transport when the value for money review of the CIÉ subvention scheme was completed; the value of the saving to the Exchequer generated by the...
    • Search and Rescue Service
      Question 369: To ask the Minister for Transport if a report was carried out by senior coast guard executives in relation to the proposed new coast guard station; if so, the reason this report is...
    • Public Transport
      Question 370: To ask the Minister for Transport if a decision has been made on the granting of a licence to Dublin Bus for the operation of the proposed new number 141 bus route from Swords to...
    • Parking Regulations
      Question 371: To ask the Minister for Transport his plans to change the disabled parking scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34074/07]
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 372: To ask the Minister for Transport the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; the...
    • Departmental Meetings
      Question 373: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of management board meetings within his Department held since 2000 to date in 2007; the number of these meetings that were informal;...
    • Rail Network
      Question 374: To ask the Minister for Transport if the rail line from Glasnevin Junction, Dublin running along the Royal Canal south of Croke Park is in active use; and if he will make a...
    • Light Rail Project
      Question 376: To ask the Minister for Transport if he will ensure that the extension of the Luas service to west Dublin is accompanied by the provision of park and ride facilities to maximise...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 377: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34229/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 380: To ask the Minister for Transport the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by Ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date, the plans he...
    • Data Protection
      Question 381: To ask the Minister for Transport if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his Departmental databases is safe from hackers; and if he...
    • Transport Policy
      Question 382: To ask the Minister for Transport if he will report on Government policy towards County Mayo and the western region; and when he will sanction the delivery of vital infrastructural...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 383: To ask the Minister for Transport the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this saving was made;...
    • Driving Licences
      Question 385: To ask the Minister for Transport if prior to his recent decision in respect of provisional licence holders, he sought or received information from any source regarding the degree...
    • Taxi Regulations
      Question 386: To ask the Minister for Transport when the taxi regulator will provide funding for the provision of taxi ranks throughout the country; if his Department will provide extra funding...
    • Public Transport
      Question 387: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of buses currently in service in the Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann fleets that run on alternative fuels; the percentage of the total fuel...
    • Air Services
      Question 388: To ask the Minister for Transport the measures he will take to counteract the discontinuance of flights (details supplied) in and out of Gatwick Airport from Knock Airport which...
  • Department of Foreign Affairs
    • Human Rights Issues
      Question 389: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the action he is taking in response to worldwide concerns regarding human rights abuses in Zimbabwe; his contacts in the matter; and if he...
    • Middle East Peace Process
      Question 390: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will report on contacts in the Middle East in respect of the ongoing quest for peace; the recent contacts in the matter; and if he...
    • Emigrant Support Services
      Question 391: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the position regarding his Department's Irish abroad initiative; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33222/07]
    • Energy Resources
      Question 392: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 393: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for each...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 396: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise, who are...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 397: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister of...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 399: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 401: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold these...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 405: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this summary is in...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 406: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which a press...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 407: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from 1997 to...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 409: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his Department carries news summaries on their internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access same;...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 411: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if any of the advisers or staff appointed by him directly have mobile phones and other equipment supplied by his Department; the annual cost...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 412: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs when the value for money review of the support for Irish emigrant groups was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer generated by...
    • Human Rights Issues
      Question 417: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the reports emanating from, and a recent BBC documentary on, a State run children's social care home in...
    • International Agreements
      Question 418: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will use his influence in Europe to ensure that there are no mandatory negotiations on services, intellectual property, investment or...
    • Foreign Conflicts
      Question 419: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the position in relation to Kosovo following the failure to reach agreement by the 10 December 2007 deadline; and the view of the Government...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 420: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date in 2007;...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 421: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a Blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34224/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 424: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date, the plans...
    • Data Protection
      Question 425: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe from hackers; and...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 426: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this saving was...
  • Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
    • Energy Resources
      Question 428: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that...
    • Economic Competitiveness
      Question 429: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment his views on the recommendation made by the National Competitiveness Council in its latest annual report for co-ordinated...
    • Community Employment Schemes
      Question 430: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of people on community employment schemes on 31 October 2007; the maximum duration of these schemes; the budget...
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 432: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the proportion of the FÁS budget that is spent on upskilling, apprenticeships and community employment schemes; and if he...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 433: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 436: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when the value for money review of science and technology spending was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer due...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 439: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 440: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 442: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 443: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of press advisers employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007;...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 444: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 448: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 449: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 450: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 452: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 453: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of mobile phones used by him and supplied by his Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 455: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 456: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the amount of grant aid and assistance made available to a company (details supplied) in County Galway since it began...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 457: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if the NSAI is moving to Arklow as intended; the number of staff who have applied to move to Arklow; and when the NSAI move...
    • Work Permits
      Question 458: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position in relation to an application by a person (details supplied) in County Cork for a work permit. [34207/07]
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 459: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34221/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 462: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none...
    • Data Protection
      Question 463: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe...
    • Industrial Development
      Question 464: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the steps he is taking to support enterprise development in County Mayo and the western region; and if he will make a...
    • Job Creation
      Question 465: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the IDA plans for job creation in Castlebar, County Mayo; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34293/07]
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 467: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way...
    • Work Permits
      Question 469: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when work permits will issue on behalf of persons (details supplied) in view of the need to employ persons with such...
    • Industrial Development
      Question 470: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position regarding investment in research and development which is central to improving management and industry for the...
    • Work Permits
      Question 471: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the outcome of the application for a two year green card for a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath. [34439/07]
  • Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism
    • Sport and Recreational Development
      Question 472: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the available grants for people who are interested in building leisure facilities; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Energy Resources
      Question 473: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 474: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 477: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism when the value for money review on the swimming pools programme was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer generated by...
    • Departmental Estimates
      Question 483: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the budgets of the bodies, boards, authorities, committees, commissions, agencies and quangos under his remit between the years of...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 484: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise,...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 485: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 487: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 489: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 493: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 494: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which...
    • Departmental Travel
      Question 495: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 497: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his Department carries news summaries on their internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access...
    • Sports Capital Programme
      Question 500: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism when he will seek applications for the 2008 sports capital programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34051/07]
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 501: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date...
    • Sports Capital Programme
      Question 502: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the reason for the anomaly where a sports club that has qualified for a sports grant under the lottery funds for sports facilities...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 503: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34216/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 506: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date,...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 508: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this...
    • Sports Capital Programme
      Question 510: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if his attention has been drawn to the fact that serious delays have occurred in the payment of national lottery grants under the...
  • Department of Social and Family Affairs
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 511: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if, in view of the fact that one in five pensioners are at risk of poverty, under the programme for Government undertaking to...
    • Social Insurance
      Question 513: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if social insurance credits will be provided to those who have had breaks in their working lives, particularly those who have been...
    • Social Welfare Code
      Question 515: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he will increase the aged 80 allowance by €6 to €16 per week; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33246/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 518: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 519: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the response by his Department to the recommendations made to his Department by the Competition Authority in its October 2007...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 520: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 523: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and Ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise,...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 528: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 534: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 537: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number of mobile phones used by him and supplied by his Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to date...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 539: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the improvements since 2005 in the contributory and non-contributory pensions; the number of pensioners in County Kildare who...
    • Social Welfare Code
      Question 540: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the improvements since 2004 and proposed improvements in the conditions for carers both in terms of allowances and benefits; the...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 541: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if child benefit will be awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 542: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs when the value for money review of the supplementary welfare allowance phase two was completed; the value of the saving to the...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 548: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath did not receive supplementary welfare allowance; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 549: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 550: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason a person (details supplied) in County Kildare has only been sanctioned for a reduced supplementary welfare allowance...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 551: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the progress that has been made by his Department following the recommendations by the Irish Human Rights Commission in relation...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 552: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34227/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 555: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date,...
    • Data Protection
      Question 556: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe from...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 557: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this...
    • Social Welfare Code
      Question 559: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he will examine the means test applicable to non-contributory social welfare payments which shows a much higher rate of return...
  • Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 560: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has made progress and the steps he has taken in relation to the recommendation contained in a report (details...
    • Aquaculture Development
      Question 562: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the progress Údarás na Gaeltachta has made, in view of the fact that the Cawley report has recommended that...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 563: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility...
    • Departmental Programmes
      Question 564: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will make an application for CLÁR funding available to a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [33305/07]
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 565: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 568: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when the value for money review on the Scéimeanna Feabhsúcháin sa Gaeltacht was completed; the value of the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 574: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 575: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 576: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of press officers and press advisers in his Department; the rank and pay of each; the description of work...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 577: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 578: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of press advisers employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 579: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 583: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 584: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 587: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his Department carries news summaries on their internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the...
    • Voluntary Sector Funding
      Question 590: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide core funding to a society (details supplied) under the scheme to support national organisations in...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 591: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since...
    • Departmental Programmes
      Question 592: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if a town land (details supplied) in County Kilkenny is included in the CLÁR programme; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 593: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a Blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment....
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 596: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if...
    • Data Protection
      Question 597: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is...
    • Ferry Services
      Question 598: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason his Department does not pay cargo subsidies for the transporting of cargo to and from Sherkin Island, Heir...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 602: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the breakdown of the funding provided by his Department to the islands within the remit of the local authority of...
  • Department of Agriculture and Food
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 605: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when the value for money review on the aquaculture programme was completed; the value of the savings to the Exchequer...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 608: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the reason it is necessary for farmers to have all their payments paid directly into their bank accounts in view of the fact...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 615: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the percentage of energy consumed in her Department and in all agencies for which her Department has responsibility that...
    • Rural Environment Protection Scheme
      Question 616: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when the issue with the computerised mapping system in her Department will be resolved to enable REP scheme four...
    • EU Directives
      Question 617: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if her attention has been drawn to the fact that the European Commission has adopted proposals that aim to streamline and...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 618: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by her Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 621: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when the value for money review on installation aid was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer generated by the...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 629: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will ensure that forestry premium payments are made to a person (details supplied) in County Sligo as soon as...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 631: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in her Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by her or...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 632: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number and name of newspapers purchased by her Department daily and weekly; the number provided to herself and to the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 633: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of press officers and press advisers in her Department; the rank and pay of each; the description of work done;...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 634: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by her Department; the cost of such advice for each year since...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 635: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of press advisers employed by her Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007;...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 636: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of credit cards held by her Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 640: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if her Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to her Department from Government Information Services; if...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 641: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if a press adviser travels with her on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by her in the past year...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 642: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in her Department and staff for each year...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 644: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if her Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 645: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of mobile phones used by her and supplied by her Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 647: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, in view of the fact that a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has submitted the further information which was...
    • Industrial Relations
      Question 648: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of disputes that are on the records of her Department that involve staff members of her Department or agencies as...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 649: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for her transport and that of her staff for each year since 1997...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 650: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if a decision has been made on an application under the farmyard improvement scheme for a person (details supplied) in...
    • Agriculture Policy
      Question 651: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if there are plans to introduce a structure of share farming or leasing schemes which provide tax incentives to encourage...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 652: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the situation regarding a person (details supplied) in County Cork and their single payment entitlements arising from recent...
    • Rural Environment Protection Scheme
      Question 653: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the regions where her Department has requested reduced stocking densities on commonages; the reason for her Department's...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 654: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of staff in her Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34215/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 657: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the steps she has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in her Department; and if none...
    • Data Protection
      Question 658: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on her departmental databases is safe...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 659: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 661: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the means whereby a resolution can be achieved in the matter of recoupment of moneys in the case of the representatives of...
    • Beef Imports
      Question 662: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the status and progress towards the implementation of the 25 recommendations contained in the EU Food and Veterinary Office...
    • Registration of Title
      Question 663: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a vesting order will be completed for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [34440/07]
    • Disadvantaged Areas Scheme
      Question 664: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if a person in (details supplied) in County Mayo will be approved and granted the disadvantaged area scheme in view of the...
    • Harbours and Piers
      Question 665: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food her plans to make funding available to further develop Ballycotton harbour in County Cork under the fishery harbour...
  • Department of Education and Science
    • School Transport
      Question 666: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the policy regarding fuel subvention for school buses; if a review is being carried out on the use of biofuels for schools buses; her...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 667: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if an architectural team has been appointed for the building works at a school (details supplied) in County Kerry; and if she will...
    • School Transport
      Question 670: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 444 of 16 October 2007, if progress has been made in relation to the school transport inquiry...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 671: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will report on a query (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [33263/07]
    • Energy Resources
      Question 672: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the percentage of energy consumed in her Department and in all agencies for which her Department has responsibility that comes from...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 673: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when the necessary funding will be made available for the commencement of works on the new buildings for a school (details supplied)...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 674: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on her Department's refusal to grant a Gaeltacht third level scholarship to a student (details supplied) who otherwise...
    • School Transport
      Question 675: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will review, resource and fund extra transport services for a school (details supplied) in County Dublin which is under...
    • Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme
      Question 676: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the proposals she has to increase the meal allowance for VTOS learners by €4 to €20 per week and to at least double the travel...
    • Third Level Courses
      Question 677: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views and the steps she plans to take to act upon the recommendation by the National Competitiveness Council in its 2007 annual...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 678: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by her Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 681: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when she will sanction the development for a school (details supplied) in County Wicklow in view of the demands on the school; and if...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 682: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when the value for money review on the supply panel for primary teaching was completed; the value of the savings to the Exchequer due...
    • Registration of Title
      Question 694: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason for the delay in the transfer of title for a former school (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if she will make a...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 695: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason the construction of a school (details supplied) in County Donegal has yet to begin; if there is a problem, the reason the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 696: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in her Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by her or otherwise, who...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 697: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number and name of newspapers purchased by her Department daily and weekly; the number provided to herself and to the Minister of...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 699: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by her Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 701: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of credit cards held by her Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 705: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to her Department from Government Information Services; if this summary...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 706: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a press adviser travels with her on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by her in the past year at which a...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 707: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in her Department and staff for each year from 1997...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 709: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her Department carries news summaries on their internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 710: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of mobile phones used by her and supplied by her Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 711: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if any of the advisers or staff appointed by her directly have mobile phones and other equipment supplied by her Department; the...
    • Departmental Funding
      Question 712: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the schools in County Kildare that received funding, either for extensions or new schools for the years 2005, 2006 and allocated for...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 713: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the anticipated completion date for the new national school in Laytown, County Meath; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • State Examinations
      Question 714: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will reconsider the decision to timetable chemistry after English paper two due to the extra pressure it will place on students...
    • School Enrolments
      Question 715: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the pupil capacity of a school (details supplied) in County Dublin; and the number of students currently in attendance. [33840/07]
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 716: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will ask the special educational needs organisers to meet with the parents and teacher of a pupil (details supplied) in County...
    • Psychological Service
      Question 717: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of people currently waiting for assessments by the school psychological services in County Mayo; and if she will make a...
    • Third Level Courses
      Question 718: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason a course (details supplied) has not received formal recognition from the Irish Teaching Council; and if she will make a...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 719: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the fact that a VEC have refused to pay fees for a person (details supplied) in County Donegal who...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 720: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the expenditure by her Department in the provision of or renting of portacabins at secondary level in County Mayo for 2005-06 and...
    • School Transport
      Question 722: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of parents who sought transport for their children from the Gort catchment area to a school (details supplied) in County...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 723: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the applications processed by her Department; the average waiting time to process each application; the steps she is taking to speed...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 725: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her attention has been drawn to the details of a particular circumstance applying at a national school (details supplied) in County...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 727: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of specialist staff due to decentralise to each identified decentralisation location for her Department and its agencies;...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 729: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for her transport and that of her staff for each year since 1997 to date in...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 730: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the status of the decentralisation programme for her Department to date; the number of staff due to decentralise to each identified...
    • Adult Education
      Question 731: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason the National Adult Education Learning Council was disbanded in 2003 only a year after it was established without an...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 732: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the provision for education she has made with regard to a child (details supplied) in County Mayo. [34105/07]
    • State Examinations
      Question 733: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when she will allow senior trade examinations as there are many people who sat senior trade examinations in the past but need to...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 734: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she will extend a comprehensive drug and alcohol awareness programme within the confines of the present SPHE programme to...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 735: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding the provision of a new national school at Ballyea, Darragh, Ennis, County Clare; and if she will make a...
    • Capitation Grants
      Question 736: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on the situation whereby local authorities are levying water charges at different rates throughout the country on schools...
    • Site Acquisitions
      Question 737: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if it is possible for her Department to acquire a site for educational purposes by compulsory purchase order; and if she will make a...
    • School Transport
      Question 738: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on declaring the village of Clonberne, Ballinasloe, County Galway a common catchment area for buses taking children to...
    • Arts in Education
      Question 739: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she has received the Arts Council report on the arts in education; when she will make it available to the public; her views on its...
    • Student Support Services
      Question 740: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reasons for the diminution of the millennium fund, a source of funding for third level education for those from impoverished...
    • School Enrolments
      Question 741: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her views on the ongoing difficulties being experienced by those persons living here on student visas with regard to enrolling their...
    • Adult Education
      Question 742: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason a course in the adult education centre of a university (details supplied) in County Dublin was cancelled; and if she will...
    • Psychological Service
      Question 743: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason there are no national educational psychologists assigned to schools in an area (details supplied) in County Dublin; the...
    • Site Acquisitions
      Question 745: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a decision has been made regarding the funding for a new site for a school (details supplied) in Dublin 2 and two other all-Irish...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 746: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the provisions of the higher education grant scheme in relation to the assessment of means for applicants who are over 18 years of age...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 747: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of staff in her Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34220/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 750: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps she has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in her Department; and if none to date,...
    • Data Protection
      Question 751: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if she is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on her departmental databases is safe from...
    • Schools Recognition
      Question 752: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the way a proposal to develop a new gael coláiste in a particular area should be submitted to her Department; and the way such an...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 753: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way this...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 755: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her proposals to meet the site or classroom accommodation requirements in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Kildare;...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 767: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position in regard to the provision of classroom facilities and accommodation at a school (details supplied) in County Kildare;...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 778: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the funding provided by her Department towards the school building programme in each of the past three years to date in 2007; her...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 779: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the further projected requirements in respect of special needs teachers throughout the country; the full extent to which the shortfall...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 781: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her proposals to ensure sufficient advance planning and discussions with existing school authorities with a view to ensuring...
    • Psychological Service
      Question 785: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when she expects the availability of psychological services to be increased in line with the best practice internationally; and if she...
    • Pupil-Teacher Ratio
      Question 786: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when she expects to achieve the reductions in class sizes proposed in the course of the general election; the number of extra teachers...
    • Departmental Properties
      Question 787: To ask the Minister for Education and Science her plans for the future use of the Old Monastery, Kilcock, County Kildare; the extent to which plans have been formulated or...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 788: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if, in view of the increased allocation in budget 2008 for the school building programme, she will take steps to ensure that the...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 795: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of legal cases her Department is involved in with parents of children with special needs who have initiated legal...
    • School Planning
      Question 797: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if her Department's school planning and building unit has established a specific task force to address primary school capacity issues...
    • Schools Recognition
      Question 798: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a formal application for a new primary school (details supplied) in County Cork has been received by her Department from an...
    • School Staffing
      Question 799: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a school (details supplied) will open; the supports that have been put in place for the children who should have been in...
  • Department of Defence
    • Energy Resources
      Question 800: To ask the Minister for Defence the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that comes from renewable...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 801: To ask the Minister for Defence the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount of this for each year...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 804: To ask the Minister for Defence when the value for money review on maintenance of aircraft was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer generated by the implementation of...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 808: To ask the Minister for Defence the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or otherwise, who are engaged in...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 809: To ask the Minister for Defence the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the Minister of State's...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 811: To ask the Minister for Defence the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; the...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 813: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007; the persons who hold these cards and...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 817: To ask the Minister for Defence if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if this summary is in...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 818: To ask the Minister for Defence if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year at which a press adviser...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 819: To ask the Minister for Defence the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff for each year from 1997 to date in...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 821: To ask the Minister for Defence if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they access same; the person...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 822: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of mobile phones used by him and supplied by his Department; the annual cost of same for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; and if he...
    • Departmental Travel
      Question 824: To ask the Minister for Defence the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; the...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 825: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of staff in his Department who are provided with a Blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail equipment. [34219/07]
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 828: To ask the Minister for Defence the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none to date, the plans he will...
    • Data Protection
      Question 829: To ask the Minister for Defence if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his departmental databases is safe from hackers; and if he...
    • Hearing Impairment Claims
      Question 830: To ask the Minister for Defence the amount of compensation paid to claimants in County Donegal under the victims of Army deafness compensation scheme; the amount of money paid in...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 831: To ask the Minister for Defence if the management information framework system has been fully rolled out in his Department; the use being made of performance indicators, the...
  • Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
    • European Arrest Warrants
      Question 833: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will establish with the office of the Attorney General whether a European arrest warrant has been received from the...
    • Equal Opportunities Employment
      Question 834: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the definition of disability used in the public service in relation to the 3% employment quota as introduced by the...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 835: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason the visa applications for persons (details supplied) were refused when they have already been granted work...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 836: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a decision will be made on the application for citizenship for persons (details supplied); and if he will make a...
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 837: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the circumstance surrounding the arrest and detention in Mountjoy of a person (details supplied) in County Laois; the...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 838: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a decision will issue in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary. [33255/07]
    • Visa Applications
      Question 839: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will reconsider the application for a visa by a person (details supplied) in view of the content of their appeal; and...
    • Energy Resources
      Question 841: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has responsibility that...
    • Garda Recruitment
      Question 842: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath can defer their entry to the Garda centre, Templemore until they have...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 843: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will reconsider an application by a person (details supplied) for a 12 week holiday visa; and if he will make a...
    • Garda Investigations
      Question 844: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will request a report from Garda authorities on progress in the case of a murder (details supplied); if closed...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 845: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the response by his Department to the recommendations made to his Department by the Competition Authority in its December...
    • Road Traffic Offences
      Question 846: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of successful prosecutions made in each of the past five years with regard to failure to comply with the vehicle...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 847: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the percentage or amount...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 850: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will ensure that a residency application for a person (details supplied) in County Sligo is processed; and if he will...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 852: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when an application for a certificate of naturalisation will be finalised for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo....
    • Departmental Bodies
      Question 854: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the budgets of all the boards, bodies, authorities, agencies, committees, commissions and quangos within his remit for the...
    • Garda Deployment
      Question 855: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of community gardaí in Ireland; and the number of same in Tipperary south. [33451/07]
    • Liquor Licensing Laws
      Question 856: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the plans in place to prevent below cost selling of drinks in night clubs; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 857: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when an application for naturalisation will be finalised for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [33496/07]
    • Residency Permits
      Question 858: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when an application for residency will be completed for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo; and when the passport...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 859: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed by him or...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 860: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself and to the...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 868: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information Services; if...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 869: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in the past year...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 870: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the cost of using departmental transport including ministerial cars for each year since 1997 to date in 2007; and the cost...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 872: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information; the way they...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 875: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position of the application for long term residency by a person (details supplied). [33757/07]
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 876: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when the value for money review of the maintenance of Garda premises was completed; the value of savings to the Exchequer...
    • Compensation Payments
      Question 880: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the amount An Garda Síochána has paid out in claims for injured officers between 2000 and 2007 broken down by year and by...
    • Forensic Drugs Analysis
      Question 883: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the substances detected by the Forensic State Laboratory to cut down cocaine and heroin since 2000 to date in 2007. [33801/07]
    • Prison Drug Treatment Services
      Question 884: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of inmates treated for drug overdoses in jail between 2000 and 2006 broken down by year and by prison. [33802/07]
    • Prisoner Releases
      Question 885: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of convicted rapists released from jails here on licence since 2000 broken down by year. [33803/07]
    • Prison Staff
      Question 886: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason or if he will investigate the reason members of the Irish Prison Service who were supposed to be paid moneys...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 888: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in relation to a person (details supplied) in County Cork who has been residing here for eight years and is the parent...
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 889: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the status of an application for asylum for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 8; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Garda Deployment
      Question 890: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaí in Raheny, Coolock, Howth and Malahide Garda stations; the shifts that they work; the number that...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 891: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if an application for naturalisation by a person (details supplied) in County Mayo is being dealt with. [33850/07]
    • Deportation Orders
      Question 892: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will reconsider a decision to deport a person (details supplied) in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 893: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a decision will be made regarding an application for long-term residency made by a person (details supplied) in Dublin...
    • Garda Vetting Services
      Question 894: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will address the issues described in correspondence (details supplied) in relation to a Garda vetting request; and if...
    • Road Safety
      Question 895: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when the preferred tenderer for the speed safety cameras will be announced; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 896: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the status of an application for naturalisation made by a person (details supplied) in Dublin 2; and if he will make a...
    • Criminal Prosecutions
      Question 897: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of cases brought to court in relation to the operation of unlicensed bus operators for each year since 2000; the...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 898: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position in relation to a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow; if this will be re-examined with a view to...
    • Prison Discipline
      Question 899: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the amount of prisoners in the prison system here who have been caught in the possession of mobile phones in the past five...
    • Garda Deployment
      Question 901: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaí who have retired or transferred from the Limerick city area since April 2007; if they have all been...
    • Court Procedures
      Question 904: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of bench warrants over three months old that have not been executed and are being actively pursued by the Garda....
    • Visa Applications
      Question 907: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason a person (details supplied) was refused a visa; if he will reconsider the refusal; and if he will make a...
    • Registration of Title
      Question 909: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention has been drawn to the drafting error contained in section 55 of the Registration of Deeds and Title Act...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 910: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a holiday visa will be issued to persons (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34138/07]
    • Prisoner Releases
      Question 912: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of prisoners released from prisons in the past five years who did not benefit from remission or early release...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 913: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a person (details supplied) in Dublin 7 can expect a decision on their application for long-term residency which they...
    • Crime Prevention
      Question 915: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding the provision of anti-social behaviour teams as outlined in the programme for Government; the areas...
    • Garda Transport
      Question 916: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when he will provide a Garda patrol car for Palmerstown, Dublin 20 in order to enhance policing in the area; and if he will...
    • Garda Deployment
      Question 917: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of gardaí stationed in Garda stations (details supplied) in 2007 and in every year between 2002 and 2006; and...
    • Visa Applications
      Question 918: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, further to Parliamentary Question No. 510 of 20 November 2007, if it is possible for a non-visa required national to...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 920: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of databases used by his Department; and the number of these that are wholly and partly operated by external...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 922: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department; and if none...
    • Data Protection
      Question 923: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his Departmental databases is safe...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 924: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework system; the way...
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 926: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on whether a zero tolerance testing regime using drug testing systems already available and used here in places...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 927: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a new Garda station will be provided at Clonmel, County Tipperary. [34385/07]
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 929: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the plans he has to update legislation and provision for long-term asylum seekers to allow them to work or continue in...
  • Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
    • Planning Issues
      Question 930: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that under section 160 of the Planning and Development Act 2000...
    • Local Authority Staff
      Question 931: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the ethics officers for each local authority; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [33235/07]
    • Energy Resources
      Question 932: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the percentage of energy consumed in his Department and in all agencies for which his Department has...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 933: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the response by his Department to the recommendations made to his Department by the Competition Authority in...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 934: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the...
    • Local Authority Regulations
      Question 937: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will give local authorities the power to introduce regulations and control of graveyards (details...
    • Tax Clearance Certificates
      Question 938: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when an application will be completed for a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 939: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when the value for money review of the motor tax on-line initiative was completed; the value of savings to...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 944: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and ministerial staff, personally appointed...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 945: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 947: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 949: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007;...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 955: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 958: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of mobile phones used by him and supplied by his Department; the annual cost of same for each year...
    • Planning Issues
      Question 960: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on whether the decision of An Bord Pleanála to allow Dublin Port to apply for land reclamation to...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 963: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when the Athlone, County Westmeath water treatment plant upgrade will be completed, in the interest of public...
    • Library Projects
      Question 982: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will arrange for his Department to liaise with South Dublin County Council to provide a library for...
    • Local Authority Housing
      Question 983: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will reverse the decision of South Dublin County Council to build houses on land at two locations on...
    • Animal Welfare
      Question 985: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the data regarding the dog pounds which are normally released in September for the previous year; and the...
    • Planning Issues
      Question 986: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on the right of a group (details supplied) to have at least one member on the board of An Bord...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 987: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of staff in his Department that are provided with a blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 990: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department;...
    • Data Protection
      Question 991: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his Departmental...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 992: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework...
    • Housing Management Companies
      Question 994: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position in the matter of the status of estate management companies at an estate (details supplied) in...
    • Planning Issues
      Question 996: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his plans for the future use of the Old Monastery, Kilcock, County Kildare; the extent to which plans have...
    • Departmental Correspondence
      Question 997: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his letter of 5 November 2007 to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo refers to a particular quarry...
  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 998: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will extend the deadline for the draft net hardship scheme beyond 31 December 2007; the tax implications...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 1000: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the amount of mobile telephone bills paid directly by his Department in 2006 and to date in 2007; the...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 1003: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources when the value for money review on energy, conservation and alternative was completed; the value of the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 1006: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number, rank and pay of all civil servants in his Department and Ministerial staff, personally appointed...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 1007: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number and name of newspapers purchased by his Department daily and weekly; the number provided to himself...
    • Consultancy Contracts
      Question 1009: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number, cost and name of any media consultants employed by his Department; the cost of such advice for...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 1011: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of credit cards held by his Department; the cost of same for each year since 2000 to date in 2007;...
    • Government Information Services
      Question 1015: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if his Department receives a daily summary of stories relevant to his Department from Government Information...
    • Official Engagements
      Question 1016: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if a press adviser travels with him on official visits; and if there were official visits attended by him in...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 1017: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the cost of providing transport including their official car to Ministers of State in his Department and staff...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 1019: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if his Department carries news summaries on its internal web; the persons who have access to such information;...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 1021: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if any of the advisers or staff appointed by him directly have mobile phones and other equipment supplied by...
    • Departmental Transport
      Question 1022: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the cost on a yearly basis for transport hire of any kind for his transport and that of his staff for each...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 1023: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources further to Parliamentary Question No. 605 of 4 December 2007, when details of the hardship scheme were sent to...
    • Telecommunications Services
      Question 1024: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the reason a person (details supplied) in County Galway is not able to avail of broadband from the Shrule...
    • Departmental Communications
      Question 1025: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of staff in his Department who are provided with a Blackberry device or similar mobile e-mail...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 1028: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the steps he has taken to offset the carbon dioxide emissions caused by ministerial travel in his Department;...
    • Data Protection
      Question 1029: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he is satisfied that personal information relating to members of the public held on his Departmental...
    • Management Information Framework System
      Question 1030: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the estimate of the money saved to the Exchequer in 2007 by the use of the management information framework...