House rules
- Contributions must be civil and tasteful
Please be nice to each other. Please respect TDs and Senators. If you think they have an easy job, you're very, very wrong.
- Please be patient
Users of all ages and abilities may be contributing to KildareStreet. Also, remember this site is entirely run by volunteers, so please bear with us if we’re slow to get back to you.
- No disruptive, offensive or abusive behaviour
Contributions should be constructive and polite, not mean-spirited or contributed with the intention of causing trouble.
- No unlawful or objectionable content
Unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.
- No spamming or off-topic material
We don't allow the submission of the same or very similar contributions many times. Please don't re-submit your comment to more than one discussion.
- No advertising
At all. Ever. Even subtle stuff.
- Please use your own name if you can
We'd prefer you to use your real name, but understand that for some people this won't be an option – the name you choose will be displayed on the site.
- Don't impersonate others
They tend to get cross. As do we.
- Please don't link to websites you wouldn't want your granny to visit
No porn, no shock sites, no filez etc.
- Deliberate misuse of the "report this comment" complaints system is not permitted
If you persist in doing this action may be taken against your account. It's bad form.
- Break these House Rules once, and we'll let you off with a warning.
After that, we reserve the right to get medieval.