Seanad debates
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 14.30 p.m.
- Toghchán an UachtaráinElection of President (11 speeches)
Tá scéala faighte agam ó Cheann Comhairimh Toghcháin an Uachtaráin a chur in iúl dom go ndearna sí, an 29 Deireadh Fómhair 2011, a dhearbhú Michael D. Higgins a bheith tofa ina...
- Order of Business (239 speeches)
The Order of Business is No. 1, statements on the reform of the junior certificate, to be taken on the conclusion of the Order of Business and to conclude no later than 5.45 p.m., with the...
- Reform of Junior Certificate: Statements (45 speeches)
I welcome the Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Ruairí Quinn, and invite him to address the House.
- Recent Developments in the Eurozone: Discussion with Minister of State (75 speeches)
I welcome the opportunity to update Members on the ongoing situation in the eurozone, a situation which greatly affects us all. The euro area sovereign debt crisis has been going on for almost...
- Adjournment Matters (0 speeches)
- Alcohol Pricing (4 speeches)
I thank the Cathaoirleach for allowing me the opportunity to raise this issue of the cost of alcohol. I welcome the Minister of State at the Department of Health, Deputy Shortall, and I am glad...
- Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (5 speeches)
I welcome the Minister of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to the House. This is an all Kerry job.
- Forbairt Tionsclaíochta (4 speeches)
Gabhaim buíochas leis an Aire faoi theacht isteach. Tá a fhios agam go bhfuil sé gnóthach go leor. Baineann an ábhar atá á árdú agam le comhlacht, Arramara Teoranta. Ba mhaith liom...
- Departmental Grants (2 speeches)
This matter relates to delayed payments to farmers at this time of year. This issue also arose in previous years. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has issued a charter and...