Seanad debates
Thursday, 27 November 2003
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m.
- Business of Seanad. (1 speech)
I have received notice from Senator Wilson that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Finance to extend...
- Order of Business. (51 speeches)
The Order of Business is No. 1, a procedural motion agreed by the Committee on Procedure and Privileges on the attendance of Dana Rosemary Scallon, MEP, in the House this afternoon, with the...
- Addresses by Members of the European Parliament: Motions. (2 speeches)
I move: That, in accordance with Standing Order 52A and the decision of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges, Seanad Éireann agrees that Dana Rosemary Scallon, MEP shall attend and be heard...
- Proposal on the Treaty of Amsterdam: Referral to Joint Committee. (1 speech)
I move: That the proposal that Seanad Éireann approve the exercise by the State of the option or discretion provided by Article 1.11 of the Treaty of Amsterdam to take part in the adoption of...
- Address by President of the European Parliament. (24 speeches)
It gives me great pleasure to welcome Mr. Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament, to Seanad Éireann. His attendance is particularly timely in view of Ireland's forthcoming EU Presidency....
- Address by Ms Dana Rosemary Scallon, MEP. (48 speeches)
An Leas-Chathaoirleach: I wish on my own behalf and on behalf of all members of Seanad Éireann to welcome Ms Dana Rosemary Scallon, Member of the European Parliament, to the Seanad today and...
- Address by Ms Nuala Ahern, MEP. (26 speeches)
An Leas-Chathaoirleach: On my own behalf and that of Seanad Éireann I welcome Nuala Ahern, Member of the European Parliament, and members of her family here today. Nuala was elected to the...
- Road Traffic Bill 2003: Second and Subsequent Stages. (37 speeches)
Question proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
- Adjournment Matters. - Rural Renewal Scheme. (2 speeches)
I thank the Minister of State, Deputy Parlon, for attending the House to respond to the need to extend the rural renewal scheme beyond December 2004. The rural renewal scheme was introduced in...
- Adjournment Matters. - Schools Building Programme. (2 speeches)
I welcome the Minister of State to the House. My request is simple. Presentation College secondary school in Carlow is awaiting word on a proposed extension. There are 650 pupils in this...