Dáil debates
Tuesday, 24 May 2005
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 2.30 p.m.
- Ceisteanna — Questions. (0 speeches)
Standards in Public Office.
- Standards in Public Office. (56 speeches)
Question 1: To ask the Taoiseach if he plans to make amendments to the code of conduct for office holders; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12847/05]
- Northern Ireland Issues. (43 speeches)
Question 2: To ask the Taoiseach if he will report on recent developments in the Northern Ireland peace process; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14071/05]
- Priority Questions. (0 speeches)
Social Welfare Code.
- Social Welfare Code. (8 speeches)
Question 48: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the supports provided by the State for carers; his views on whether they are adequate and equitable; his plans to enhance these...
- Anti-Poverty Strategy. (10 speeches)
Question 49: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the recent report by the One Parent Exchange Network showing that the average debt for lone...
- Social Welfare Code. (22 speeches)
Question 51: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if he will report on the guidelines issued to social welfare offices regarding the habitual residency condition; and if he will...
- Social Insurance. (5 speeches)
Question 52: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason the Turkish construction firm Gama received a Government exemption from paying millions of euro in PRSI contributions...
- Other Questions. (0 speeches)
Anti-Poverty Strategy.
- Anti-Poverty Strategy. (11 speeches)
Question 53: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the recent report produced by Community Platform which found that national partnership is not...
- Adjournment Debate Matters. (1 speech)
I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Burton — the current...
- Leaders' Questions. (30 speeches)
Obviously there are many questions we could ask about yesterday's tragedy but as there are expressions of sympathy on the Order of Business I do not wish to also raise it under Leaders'...
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (5 speeches)
Before coming to the Order of Business I propose to deal with a number of notices under Standing Order 31. I call Deputy O'Sullivan.
- Order of Business. (2 speeches)
It is proposed to take No. 18, Disability Bill 2004 — Report Stage (resumed) and Final Stage and Private Members' business shall be No. 46, motion re Aer Lingus.
- Death of Students: Expressions of Sympathy. (6 speeches)
With the permission of the House and in agreement with the party leaders, I want to say a few words about the terrible bus crash yesterday and express sympathy for the victims. Yesterday five...
- Order of Business (Resumed). (73 speeches)
The hospital consultants have withdrawn from an arrangement they had with health insurers because they have legal advice that the arrangements they have operated for approximately ten years are...
- Private Notice Questions. (0 speeches)
School Transport.
- School Transport. (25 speeches)
I will call on the Deputies who tabled questions on the tragic bus crash in County Meath to the Minister for Education and Science in the order in which they submitted their questions to my office.
- Disability Bill 2004: Report Stage (Resumed). (41 speeches)
Deputy Ó Snodaigh is not present to move amendment No. 20 and it therefore falls, amendments Nos. 21 and 22 cannot be moved, Deputy Ó Snodaigh is not present to move amendment No. 23 either so...
- Private Members' Business. (0 speeches)
Aer Lingus: Motion.
- Aer Lingus: Motion. (21 speeches)
I move: That Dáil Éireann: —recognising the enormous contribution to the Irish economy made by the national airline, Aer Lingus, since its establishment; —commending the workforce in Aer...
- Estimates for Public Services 2005: Messages from Select Committees. (1 speech)
The Select Committee on Agriculture and Food has completed its consideration of the following Revised Estimates for the public services for the service of the year ending 31 December 2005: Vote...
- Adjournment Debate. (0 speeches)
Services for People with Disabilities.
- Services for People with Disabilities. (4 speeches)
In January 2004, a state-of-the-art six-unit residential complex, custom-built to cater for young Limerick people with moderate to severe mental handicaps, was completed at St. Vincent's,...
- Crime Levels. (2 speeches)
I thank the Leas-Cheann Comhairle for the opportunity to raise this important issue. Life is cheap in Dublin West where gun crime has reached epidemic proportions. I draw the attention of the...
- School Accommodation. (14 speeches)
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to raise this important matter on the Adjournment and I thank the Ceann Comhairle and the Leas-Cheann Comhairle for that. People in Westport are taking...