Seanad debates
Thursday, 1 December 2016
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Leas-Chathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10:30:00
- Business of Seanad (1 speech)
I have received notice from Senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh that, on the motion for the Commencement of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter:Go dtabharfaidh an tAire...
- Commencement Matters (0 speeches)
- School Transport (5 speeches)
Cuirim céad fáilte roimh an Aire. Ní bhfuair mé deis é seo a dhéanamh go poiblí ach déanaim comhghairdeachas leis as ucht an pholasaí oideachais...
- Local Authority Members (12 speeches)
I thank the Cathaoirleach for selecting this Fianna Fáil Commencement Matter. We had asked for the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Deputy Coveney, to come to...
- Hospital Services (11 speeches)
I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Catherine Byrne, the House.
- Medicinal Products Availability (4 speeches)
I thank the Minister of State for coming to the House. I do a lot of work with nutritionists and dieticians. Recently some people contacted me about low-protein foods, a very specific issue...
- Order of Business (31 speeches)
The Order of Business is No. 1, Finance Bill 2016 - Second Stage, to be taken at 1.30 p.m., with the contribution of group spokespersons not to exceed eight minutes and that of all other Senators...
- Public Bodies Review Agency Bill 2016: First Stage (5 speeches)
I move:That leave be granted to introduce a Bill entitled an Act to establish a body to be known as Athbhreithnithe ar Gníomhaireachtaí Comhlachtaí Poiblí or, in the English...
- Finance Bill 2016: Second Stage (24 speeches)
Question proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."