Seanad debates
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10:30
- Business of Seanad (1 speech)
I have received notice from Senator David Cullinane that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Education...
- Order of Business (73 speeches)
The Order of Business is No. 1, Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012 - Committee Stage, to be taken at the conclusion of the Order of Business and conclude not later...
- An Bille um an Aonú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Leanaí) 2012: Céim an Choiste (0 speeches)
- Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012: Committee Stage (106 speeches)
The substance of the debate on Committee Stage is the wording of the proposed constitutional amendment which is set out in the Schedule to the Bill. The sections of the Bill are merely...
- Business of Seanad (2 speeches)
I propose an amendment to the Order of Business that we resume Committee Stage at 5.30 p.m. and take Committee and Report Stages from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
- Radical Seanad Reform Through Legislative Change: Statements (65 speeches)
I suggest Senator Quinn, as one of the co-authors with Senator Zappone, lead the debate.
- An Bille um an Aonú Leasú is Tríocha ar an mBunreacht (Leanaí), 2012: Céim an Choiste (Atógáil) agus na Céimeanna a bheidh Fágtha (0 speeches)
- Thirty-First Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012: Committee Stage (Resumed) and Remaining Stages (44 speeches)
Atógadh an díospóireacht ar leasú a 3: I gCuid 1, leathanach 7, líne 16, ?Déanfar? a scriosadh agus ?Go sonrach, déanfar? a chur ina ionad, agus I gCuid 2, leathanach 9, líne 15,...
- Ráiteas faoi Eolas do Vótálaithe: Tairiscint (0 speeches)
- Statement for the Information of Voters: Motion (3 speeches)
Tairgim: GO ndéanfar an ráiteas atá leagtha amach sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Rún seo a fhorordú mar fhaisnéis do vótálaithe de bhun alt 23 d?Acht an Reifrinn, 1994 (Uimh. 12 de...
- Adjournment Matters (0 speeches)
- School Amalgamations (4 speeches)
I welcome the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Deputy Shane McEntee. I understand Senator Cullinane has agreed to allow the matter raised by Senator...
- Institutes of Technology (4 speeches)
I make a direct appeal, on behalf of the people of Waterford and the south east, to the Minister of State and the Government to expedite the placement of a university in the region. We have had...
- Noxious Weeds (4 speeches)
I thank the Minister of State, Deputy McEntee, for attending. I want him to imagine that he is getting severe stomach pains and losing weight fast, and he stops eating and has no energy. The...
- Bus Services (4 speeches)
Cuirim fáilte roimh an Aire Stáit. I thank the Cathaoirleach for selecting this issue because the timing is important. Behind the motion lies a very real concern about the effect on people in...