Written answers

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

  • Department of Agriculture and Food
    • Sheep Sector
      Question 52: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the action he plans to take to regenerate the ailing sheep industry in view of the continued reduction in sheep numbers; and...
    • Common Agricultural Policy
      Question 53: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if a decision has been made on the allocation of additional funds in 2009 and €29 million in subsequent years from the...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 57: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the reason for the delays in REP scheme four payment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11984/09]
    • Agri-Food Sector
      Question 59: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on the future stability of the agriculture industry in view of the downward trend in the availability of...
    • Aquaculture Development
      Question 60: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on whether the interpretation of EU Directives is posing a threat to the future of mussel fishing; and if he will...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 61: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on reports that retailers are continuing to demand that suppliers pay them for lost profit arising from the pork...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 62: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the progress that has been made with regard to REP scheme four applications; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 63: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if the grant aid agreed during Budget 2009 will be upheld; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11997/09]
    • Dairy Sector
      Question 64: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on whether further supports to assist the dairy sector here are justified; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Fishing Fleet Modernisation
      Question 65: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will provide a progress report on the delivery of the EU Commission fisheries fuel aid package agreed in July 2008; and...
    • Animal Feedstuffs
      Question 66: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if all the pigs and cattle have been removed from those farms that received potentially contaminated feed from the County...
    • World Trade Negotiations
      Question 67: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the discussions he has had in relation to future World Trade Organisation agreements; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 68: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will adopt a system of administrative sanctions for minor fisheries offences instead of the criminal sanctioning...
    • Common Fisheries Policy
      Question 69: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on reports that Iceland may be asked to join the EU and the implications which that might have for the distribution...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 70: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he expects the outstanding farm waste management grant applications to be cleared for payment; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 71: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the cost of financial penalties for farmers under the various schemes operated by his Department; and if he will make a...
    • Emergency Planning
      Question 72: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the action being taken by his Department to thwart emerging biosecurity threats; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Bovine Diseases
      Question 73: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied that his Department's contingency arrangements are adequate to deal with an outbreak of bluetongue; and if...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 74: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has had discussions with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to discuss reports of the...
    • Common Agricultural Policy
      Question 75: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he will make an announcement regarding the details of the allocation of National Reserve funds of €7 million and...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 77: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if his Department will spend the full €180 million provided for in the agreement reached with Irish pork processors,...
    • Farm Inspections
      Question 78: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of farm inspections under all schemes and programmes operated by his Department; the cost of same; and if he will...
    • Common Agricultural Policy
      Question 79: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the expected impact of the EU CAP health checks on Irish agriculture, production and exports and the retention of the maximum...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 83: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if incentives and schemes will stay in place to encourage young farmers to remain in farming; and if he will make a statement...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 85: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will alter traceability systems for pork products in line with other existing European systems; and if he will make a...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 86: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of REP scheme four plans that have been rejected to date; the loss to the farming community; if he will take...
    • Agri-Food Sector
      Question 87: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the efforts he is making to support the export sector particularly the agri-food sector; and if he will make a statement on...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 88: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will reinstate the farm installation and early retirement schemes for farmers. [11735/09]
    • Grant Payments
      Question 89: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on whether schemes or programmes within his Department will be suspended to accommodate the first instalment of the...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 91: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the progress that has been made in relation to the pork dioxin compensation package; the amount of the fund that has been...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 92: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied that the additional payment of up to 3.5% of the deferred farm waste management grants will cover the...
    • Bovine Diseases
      Question 95: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when the last case of brucellosis was confirmed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11872/09]
    • Animal Health Standards
      Question 96: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if his Department is working with the new body charged with improving non-regulatory diseases such as mastitis, IBR and BVD;...
    • Rural Environment Protection Scheme
      Question 97: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if his Department has notified their local offices of changes to REP scheme four specifications in the past two months; and...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 100: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will address the issue of farmers who have applied for the farm improvement scheme between 21 and 29 October 2007 and...
    • Common Fisheries Policy
      Question 102: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on a complete renegotiation of the Common Fisheries Policy as part of any review, in order to address the share of...
    • Bovine Diseases
      Question 105: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the cost and expiry date of the 1 million doses of blue tongue vaccination recently purchased by his Department; and if he...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 106: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will make a statement on the fact that a Sea Fisheries Protection Authority officer spent the week of 11 to 18...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 108: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the way efforts have progressed to restore Irish pork markets, following the pork recall in December 2008; and if he will...
    • Food Labelling
      Question 109: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the mechanisms he is putting in place to improve the traceability of meat consumed here; and if he will make a statement on...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 111: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the average waiting period for the return of receipts to farmers who have built slurry lagoons; and if he will make a...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 113: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will provide a special white fish fishing exemption for the duration of 2009 in area 6A for boats of less than 12...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 114: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will report on the meeting of the EU direct payments management committee on 18 March 2009 at which amendments to the...
    • Bovine Diseases
      Question 115: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of BSE cases that there have been to date in 2009; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11871/09]
    • Departmental Submissions
      Question 116: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has received and studied proposals from a group (details supplied) or other farm organisations; the extent to which he...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 117: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he expects the first instalments of the 17,000 deferred farm waste management grants to be paid; and if he will make a...
  • Department of An Taoiseach
    • Civil Registrations
      Question 118: To ask the Taoiseach the number of births registered in 2006, 2007 and 2008; and the number of those in which no father's name was registered. [12251/09]
    • Departmental Licences
      Question 119: To ask the Taoiseach the licences or permits that are issued by his Department or by a body under the aegis of his Department; the purpose of the licence in each case; the number...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 120: To ask the Taoiseach the number of drivers for each individual Minister of State in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11116/09]
    • Ministerial Travel
      Question 122: To ask the Taoiseach further to Parliamentary Question No. 98 of 11 March 2009, the reason given in each case for the reason he approved such use of helicopters for ministerial...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 123: To ask the Taoiseach the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the cost of same for 2008 and...
    • Business Regulation
      Question 124: To ask the Taoiseach further to previous parliamentary questions (details supplied) the Department which holds responsibility for the matter. [12047/09]
  • Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 125: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her views on a matter in respect of a centre (details supplied) in Dublin 2. [10845/09]
    • Export Credit Insurance
      Question 126: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the proposals she has to assist exporters; if she will introduce a system of export credit insurance; and if...
    • Prompt Payment of Accounts
      Question 127: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she has carried out an analysis on the speed and efficiency of payments made by Government and public...
    • FÁS Training Programmes
      Question 129: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the reason residents in an area (details supplied) in Dublin 20 cannot access the services of the employment...
    • National Training Fund
      Question 130: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her views on a matter in respect of a company (details supplied) in Dublin 17. [11015/09]
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 132: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of drivers for each individual Minister of State in her Department and their remuneration; and if...
    • Live Register
      Question 135: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her plans to deal with unemployment in County Mayo; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11170/09]
    • Job Creation
      Question 137: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of companies which the IDA has brought to County Mayo since the beginning of 2006; the type of...
    • Work Permits
      Question 138: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position in respect of a person (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • FÁS Training Programmes
      Question 139: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the assistance available from her Department or agencies operating under the aegis of her Department...
    • Ministerial Appointments
      Question 140: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she has appointed an aviation expert in relation to the closure of a company (details supplied); the...
    • FÁS Training Programmes
      Question 142: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the ways that people with disabilities are supported in employment; the amount of State funding made...
    • Training Programmes
      Question 146: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her policy in relation to the funding of training for people in employment; if there has been a diversion of...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 147: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting...
    • County Enterprise Boards
      Question 148: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will make a statement regarding a matter (details supplied). [11698/09]
    • Employment Rights
      Question 149: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to Parliamentary Question No. 110 of 10 March 2009, if she will make further inquiries as to whether...
    • Job Protection
      Question 152: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her views on a query (details supplied). [11787/09]
    • Employment Rights
      Question 153: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the legislation regarding double pay for restaurant workers on Sundays, which is forcing a person (details...
    • Community Employment Schemes
      Question 154: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if people who wish to work until 70 years of age on FÁS schemes can do so rather that retiring to draw a...
    • FÁS Training Programmes
      Question 155: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if Longford town will be selected as a temporary training centre in view of the large number of jobs that...
    • Work Permits
      Question 156: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment her views on removing the specified profession (details supplied) from those permitted under the work permit...
    • Job Protection
      Question 157: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when her attention was drawn to the fact that the Dublin Airport Authority intended to buy back the lease on...
    • EU Directives
      Question 158: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment when she will transpose the Insolvency Directive into law here; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Health and Safety Inspections
      Question 159: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment further to Parliamentary Question No. 116 of 25 February 2009 the reason a plant (details supplied) was...
    • Educational Projects
      Question 160: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she will respond to a query in relation to the education system and its role in the development of a...
    • Grocery Industry
      Question 161: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if her attention has been drawn to the system introduced by a leading multiple in which demands are levied on...
    • Redundancy Payments
      Question 162: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the way a period spent on a career break is factored into the calculation of statutory redundancy...
    • Regulatory Burden
      Question 164: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if she will review the company law relating to small business and companies limited by guarantee to remove...
  • Department of Finance
    • Telecommunications Services
      Question 165: To ask the Minister for Finance when the tetra communications roll-out is expected to be finalised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11646/09]
    • Garda Stations
      Question 166: To ask the Minister for Finance the annual allocation to the garda station building programme since 2002; the annual number of garda stations built since 2002; and if he will make...
    • Small Business Sector
      Question 167: To ask the Minister for Finance the amount of funding that was made available by the European Investment Bank to the 27 Member States of the EU, in October 2008, for small and...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 168: To ask the Minister for Finance the proposals he has to discontinue the deduction of the pension levy from retained firemen; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10857/09]
    • Tax Code
      Question 169: To ask the Minister for Finance if he has held meetings with representatives from a group (details supplied) in recent months; the commitments he entered into with the group; when...
    • Financial Institutions Support Scheme
      Question 170: To ask the Minister for Finance his views on requesting the six covered banking institutions to adopt a lenient approach to mortgage customers who signed up to fixed rate mortgages...
    • Earth Hour Initiative
      Question 172: To ask the Minister for Finance if, in view of the successful participation by the Office of Public Works in global initiative Earth Hour in 2008 along with many cities throughout...
    • Financial Institution Support Scheme
      Question 173: To ask the Minister for Finance the actions he is taking to pressurise the covered financial institutions to pass on reductions in the Euribor rate to business; and if he will make...
    • Tax Code
      Question 174: To ask the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 97 of 12 February 2009 the amount that would be raised by an income levy applied at 20% on all income to...
    • Tax Collection
      Question 175: To ask the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 151 of 24 February 2009, when the assessment form will be issued in respect of a person (details supplied) in...
    • Tax Code
      Question 176: To ask the Minister for Finance the consideration given by him to date on introducing a new scrappage scheme to stimulate business in the motor industry; his view on the proposal...
    • Tax Yield
      Question 179: To ask the Minister for Finance the revenue the Exchequer received from excise duties on beer, wines and spirits in each year from 1997 to 2008; his views on whether higher duties...
    • Tax Code
      Question 181: To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the motor industry in Germany is reporting a 21% year on year increase in new car sales in...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 182: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of drivers for each individual Junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 184: To ask the Minister for Finance if he will review the pension levy which applies to retained firemen on the grounds that they only qualify for gratuity on retirement and when the...
    • Consumer Debt
      Question 185: To ask the Minister for Finance if he will provide detailed statistics on consumer debt here; the way it has evolved over the past five years; the way it is broken down by mortgage...
    • Credit Institutions
      Question 186: To ask the Minister for Finance his views on a matter (details supplied). [11152/09]
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 187: To ask the Minister for Finance the position regarding the decentralisation of Government offices to Claremorris, County Mayo; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11173/09]
    • Garda Stations
      Question 188: To ask the Minister for Finance when work will begin on the new garda divisional head quarters in Wexford; when the head quarters will be ready for occupation; the price paid for...
    • Tax Code
      Question 189: To ask the Minister for Finance his views on an alternative to the collection and refund of the 1% levy in cases in which it is obvious from the outset that the individual or the...
    • Tourism Investment Schemes
      Question 194: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of projects which have been received for inclusion under the mid-Shannon tourism investment scheme; if he will extend the 1 June 2009...
    • Tax Yield
      Question 195: To ask the Minister for Finance the tax take in respect of alcohol excise duty, tobacco excise duty and vehicle registration tax for each month since January 2004 to February 2009;...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 196: To ask the Minister for Finance if the maximum pension a person can receive in respect of employment in the public service was capped at €60,000, €75,000 and €100,000 per...
    • Departmental Properties
      Question 197: To ask the Minister for Finance the cost to the Exchequer on a full year basis, and for the 9 months to end 2009, of property rental; if he will provide a breakdown of these costs...
    • Financial Institutions Support Scheme
      Question 199: To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the fact that a number of financial institutions (details supplied) recently increased mortgage interest rates...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 200: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the cost of same for...
    • Tax Yield
      Question 201: To ask the Minister for Finance the excise increases that would arise from a carbon tax set at €20 per tonne of CO2 equivalent emitted and €25 per tonne of CO2 equivalent...
    • Members' Remuneration
      Question 202: To ask the Minister for Finance the position regarding a matter (details supplied). [11695/09]
    • Tax Code
      Question 203: To ask the Minister for Finance if he will provide an estimate of the amount reclaimed in tax relief for medical expenses incurred in another EU state in the past three years for...
    • Disabled Drivers
      Question 206: To ask the Minister for Finance the reason a person (details supplied) in County Galway is not eligible for the disabled drivers and passengers tax concession and vehicle fuel; and...
    • Tax Code
      Question 207: To ask the Minister for Finance the position regarding EU Commission approval for proposed tax reliefs (details supplied). [11839/09]
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 208: To ask the Minister for Finance the reason part-time firemen, who are not in receipt of a State pension, are subject to the pension levy. [11840/09]
    • Tax Yield
      Question 209: To ask the Minister for Finance the shortfall of the health levy to date; the estimated shortfall for the health levy in 2009; the way that this figure is calculated; and if he...
    • Tax Code
      Question 210: To ask the Minister for Finance his views on permitting citizens carrying out small refurbishments or extensions on their homes to claim back VAT, or to enable them to register...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 211: To ask the Minister for Finance if his attention has been drawn to the fact that employees of Trinity College Dublin pre-1995 have been informed that the State will not guarantee...
    • Financial Institutions Support Scheme
      Question 212: To ask the Minister for Finance the extent to which the credit institutions covered by the bank guarantee scheme are exposed to loans in eastern Europe, particularly in Romania,...
    • Tax Code
      Question 213: To ask the Minister for Finance if there are proposals to tax a gratuity lump sum earned by people who worked on the ambulance service on their retirement; and if he will make a...
    • Freedom of Information
      Question 215: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of statutory instruments enacted which affect the scope of the Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act, 2003; the purpose of each of the...
    • Social Insurance
      Question 216: To ask the Minister for Finance if the impending shortfall in the social insurance fund has been factored into his calculation for the shortfall between Exchequer revenue and...
    • Tax Code
      Question 217: To ask the Minister for Finance the number of people claiming one-parent family payment tax credit in each of the past three years; the number of those in which a child habitually...
    • Public Procurement Policy
      Question 218: To ask the Minister for Finance the average percentage weighting given to the recruitment of local labour and of unemployed people in respect of the criteria for the selection of...
    • Job Creation
      Question 220: To ask the Minister for Finance if a list is available of the number of direct and indirect jobs that would be created as a result of each capital project under the national...
  • Department of Health and Children
    • Community Development
      Question 221: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will confirm that the funding announced on 23 December 2008 of almost €3.1 million to support 120 small-scale health and...
    • Inter-Country Adoptions
      Question 222: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the application for the renewal of the bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Vietnam; if the...
    • Medicinal Products
      Question 224: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason there is a waiting list of 12 to 18 months for a drug in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Longford which...
    • Health Services
      Question 225: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the provision of new day places (details supplied); if it is the intention of the Health Service Executive to...
    • General Medical Services Scheme
      Question 226: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if plans exist to move locally provided services in respect of the general medical services scheme, particularly, medical cards being...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 227: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if approval will be granted for an application in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Roscommon; and if she will make a...
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 228: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will intercede with the Health Service Executive to ensure that a health repayment scheme application in respect of a person...
    • Ambulance Service
      Question 229: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding ambulances (details supplied); if this is an efficient use of resources and professional manpower; the specific...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 231: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if funding has been provided and allocated to the Health Information and Quality Authority to recruit 48 inspectors to inspect nursing...
    • Health Services
      Question 232: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of day care and day activity centres within the Dublin north area of the Health Service Executive; the number of places that...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 233: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the steps she has taken to introduce the cycle to work scheme for Health Service Executive employees; and if she will make a statement...
    • Health Service Allowances
      Question 234: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if a review can or will be undertaken with regard to a mobility allowance application in respect of a person (details supplied) in...
    • Health Services
      Question 235: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason a person (details supplied) in Dublin 6W has had his or her home help reduced; if this decision will be overturned in view of...
    • Hospitals Building Programme
      Question 237: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the costs involved behind the project to build a new national paediatric hospital at the site of the Mater Hospital, Dublin; the sums of...
    • Commissions of Investigation
      Question 238: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she has received the report on the Leas Cross inquiry; if not, when she expects to receive it; if she will provide a briefing and...
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 239: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be awarded payment under the health repayment scheme. [10961/09]
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 240: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow; if in view of the circumstances they will be allocated speech...
    • Health Services
      Question 241: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow; if they will be seen as a matter of urgency; and if she will make...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 242: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her proposals for a new residential development for blind and visually impaired children in respect of a centre (details supplied) in...
    • Youth Services
      Question 243: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the fact that any reductions in funding from the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth...
    • Inter-Country Adoptions
      Question 245: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when the renewal of the bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Russia will be finalised to allow intercountry adoptions...
    • Health Services
      Question 246: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views in respect of a matter (details supplied). [10993/09]
    • Care of the Elderly
      Question 248: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views on the communication of a diagnosis (details supplied) to a patient's family. [11017/09]
    • Hospitals Building Programme
      Question 250: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the amounts of capital funding granted to a hospital (details supplied) in the past five years; if she will list the projects funded;...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 252: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the funding made available to a hospital (details supplied) in Dublin 24 over the past five years for children's services and cancer...
    • Departmental Investigations
      Question 257: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason the Hynes review of the circumstances surrounding the elapse of time in bringing to completion the Western Health Board...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 258: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if an organisation (details supplied) in County Cork will be notified of its allocation for 2009 under the community child care...
    • Health Services
      Question 259: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the Health Services Executive's attention has been drawn to the fact that a company (details supplied) that has carried out work for...
    • Nursing Homes Repayment Scheme
      Question 260: To ask the Minister for Health and Children further to Parliamentary Question No. 163 of 3 December 2008, the reason there was no follow up as a result of that question in view of...
    • Irish Blood Transfusion Service
      Question 261: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding potential blood donors who have had surgical procedures carried out in Northern Ireland being excluded from...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 262: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of drivers for each individual Minister of State in her Department and their remuneration; and if she will make a statement...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 264: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the percentage of the health budget for 2009 allocated to the mental health services. [11133/09]
    • Nursing Home Subventions
      Question 265: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding an appeal in respect of nursing home subvention in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [11138/09]
    • Health Services
      Question 266: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will confirm that the ongoing primary care infrastructure competition is being conducted by the Health Service Executive in full...
    • Suicide Incidence
      Question 268: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the increase in the number of suicides and attempted suicides in the south west inner city of Dublin...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 269: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of suicide prevention officers covering Dublin city and county with a breakdown of their geographic areas of responsibility....
    • Hospital Staff
      Question 271: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the staffing levels have been reduced in the recent months in a hospital (details supplied) in County Mayo; and if she will make a...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 272: To ask the Minister for Health and Children further to Parliamentary Question No. 120 of 30 October 2008, when a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9 will be called for...
    • Health Services
      Question 273: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the necessity for general practitioner services in an area (details supplied) in Dublin 24; if there...
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 274: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding an application for funding under the dormant accounts fund in respect of an association (details supplied) in...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 275: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if there is a national transfer list established for clerical officers in the Health Service Executive; the number of persons on that...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 276: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when she expects the fair deal scheme to be implemented. [11199/09]
    • Mental Health Services
      Question 277: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the allocation from her Department for the implementation of the recommendations of A Vision for Change, the report of the expert...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 280: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the names of the members of the Office for Disability and Mental Health. [11203/09]
    • Hospital Accommodation
      Question 281: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a bed will be made available in the Mater Hospital, Dublin, in respect of a person (details supplied). [11207/09]
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 282: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the status of the proposed relocation, under the decentralisation programme, of the Health Information and Quality Authority, addressing...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 283: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a decision will be reached in respect of medical card application for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin; and if she will...
    • Public Procurement Policy
      Question 285: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she is satisfied that policies and procedures of her Department and of the Health Service Executive in relation to public procurement...
    • Industrial Relations
      Question 287: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if the meeting to be held in March 2009 with nursing unions has taken place with regard to the opening of a paediatric high dependency...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 288: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) will be given an operation at St Vincent's Hospital for osteoarthritis. [11284/09]
    • Voluntary Bodies
      Question 289: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the amount of funding made available by the Health Service Executive and by her Department to respective voluntary bodies in 2005, 2006,...
    • Community Development
      Question 346: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will confirm the grant announced on 23 December 2008 (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11521/09]
    • Medical Cards
      Question 443: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the system in place to deal with the assessments for medical cards in respect of persons over 70 years old; if the details of card...
    • Health Services
      Question 445: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she has received representations from a group (details supplied) seeking statutory professional recognition for creative arts...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 446: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will ensure that Pobal funding is granted to a group (details supplied) as a matter of urgency in view of the fact that the group...
    • Health Services
      Question 447: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will ensure that adequate funding is allocated to enable day placement to commence for a person (details supplied) in County...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 448: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into her Department; the cost...
    • Traveller Community
      Question 449: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the funding allocated by her Department for Traveller health development in 2007 and 2008; and the expenditure on Traveller health...
    • Diabetes Services
      Question 450: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if a local diabetes service implementation group recommended by the Health Service Executive diabetes expert advisory group in its first...
    • Health Services
      Question 456: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if a new health centre (details supplied) in County Donegal has been approved; when the project was approved; the stage of planning it...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 457: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will confirm that medical card services will continue to be delivered from the Mary Mercer Health Centre, Kiltalown Village,...
    • Hospital Staff
      Question 458: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the bill for the NCHD pay in the health service, broken down to basic pay, overtime, training grants and lunch payment bearing in mind...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 459: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will ensure that front-line services are protected in planned cutbacks in health in the forthcoming Budget; and if she will make...
    • Health Services
      Question 461: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a child (details supplied) in Cork city will be assessed for developmental co-ordination disorder; and when appropriate services...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 462: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a medical card will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11802/09]
    • Health Services
      Question 464: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason for the delay in providing speech therapy for a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if she will make a statement...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 467: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the way in which she and the Health Service Executive plan to address the funding shortfall of €1billion, which includes the funding...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 469: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of persons granted a medical card per month from January 2008 to date; the number who will apply for the medical card in...
    • Health Services
      Question 470: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Kildare will be assessed for occupational therapy; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Health Service Procurement
      Question 472: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will give a break down and report on the monetary amount of both Irish origin and non-Irish origin pork, ham and bacon products...
    • EU Directives
      Question 474: To ask the Minister for Health and Children her views on the proposed harmonisation across the EU of products (details supplied). [12059/09]
    • Departmental Investigations
      Question 476: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will carry out an investigation into the changes in the Health Service Executive report which were made at the behest of the HSE...
    • Departmental Correspondence
      Question 477: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason Health Service Executive staff on duty in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, with regard to persons (details supplied)...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 478: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if she will make a statement on the situation in relation to admissions to Stewards Hospital, Dublin; if they are allowing no further...
    • Hospitals Building Programme
      Question 480: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the discussions she or her Department officials have had in the past five years with the board or the master of the Coombe Women's...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 483: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the renewal of a medical card in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 5. [12083/09]
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 484: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the number of qualified personnel in advanced paramedic training attached to the ambulance service nationwide; the number attached to...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 485: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if a person (details supplied) in County Kildare is entitled to a medical card in view of her long-term illness; and if she will make a...
    • Services for People with Disabilities
      Question 486: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the level of funding that will be provided to service providers in Cork in 2009 for adult day care services in respect of persons with...
    • Hospital Staff
      Question 487: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the plans she has to change the rules whereby staff in voluntary hospitals cannot transfer into posts within the Health Service...
    • Health Services
      Question 488: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the case in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 10; the reason for the delay in the...
    • Drugs Payment Scheme
      Question 490: To ask the Minister for Health and Children if restrictions have been placed on fertility drugs made available under the drugs payment scheme; the fertility drugs available under...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 491: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason a person (details supplied) in County Cork has yet to meet a consultant; the further reason they have not been referred to...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 492: To ask the Minister for Health and Children the reason the medical card in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Meath has been removed. [12277/09]
    • Health Services
      Question 493: To ask the Minister for Health and Children when occupational therapy will be provided in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare. [12285/09]
  • Department of Transport
    • Parking Regulations
      Question 494: To ask the Minister for Transport the position in relation to a person (details supplied) in County Wicklow; if in view of the circumstances this decision will be re-examined; and...
    • Rail Network
      Question 495: To ask the Minister for Transport if the re-opening of the railway line to Loughrea, County Galway has been considered; if there have been costings done on same; and if he will...
    • Light Rail Project
      Question 496: To ask the Minister for Transport the amount, in so far as projections are available, anticipated to be spent in 2010 on all light rail projects including Metro; and if he will...
    • Local Authority Funding
      Question 497: To ask the Minister for Transport if his Department or other Government Departments propose to offer or have offered capital funding to Kildare County Council or other local...
    • Air Services
      Question 498: To ask the Minister for Transport the amount that was paid by the Dublin Airport Authority to a company (details supplied) to buy back the lease on the hangars at Dublin Airport;...
    • Taxi Regulations
      Question 499: To ask the Minister for Transport the proposals he has to respond to the concerns of the taxi industry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11057/09]
    • Travel Industry
      Question 500: To ask the Minister for Transport his views in respect of a matter (details supplied). [11077/09]
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 501: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of drivers for each individual junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Rail Network
      Question 503: To ask the Minister for Transport the position regarding the western rail corridor project; if it is proceeding on time as planned; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 509: To ask the Minister for Transport the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the cost of same...
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 510: To ask the Minister for Transport further to Parliamentary Question No. 115 of 26 February 2009, the details of each Coast Guard location (details supplied); and if he will make a...
    • Airport Development Projects
      Question 512: To ask the Minister for Transport further to Parliamentary Question No. 191 of 28 January 2009, the way in which the information requested under five headings may be obtained in...
    • Rail Network
      Question 513: To ask the Minister for Transport further to Parliamentary Question No. 296 of 25 November 2008, the service level improvements to the Maynooth rail line during 2008; the...
  • Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
    • Northern Ireland Issues
      Question 515: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number involved in the Real IRA or other such organisations in counties Cavan, Monaghan and Louth; his views on the...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 516: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when he will introduce legislation to regulate management companies; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12100/09]
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 517: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding persons (details supplied) in County Tipperary who have applied for subsidiary protection. [10840/09]
    • Visa Applications
      Question 518: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a decision will be made on a visa application appeal in respect of a person (details supplied); and if he will make a...
    • Registration of Title
      Question 519: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will expedite a land registry dealing in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny. [10842/09]
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 520: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views regarding a matter in respect of a person (details supplied). [10847/09]
    • Crime Levels
      Question 521: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views regarding a matter in respect of an area (details supplied) in Dublin 5. [10848/09]
    • Visa Applications
      Question 522: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views in respect of a matter (details supplied). [10850/09]
    • Crime Levels
      Question 524: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the other means of compensation available to persons (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Correspondence
      Question 525: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on recent correspondence arising from complaints made on 29 June 2000 in respect of persons (details supplied) in...
    • Public Transport
      Question 526: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of public service vehicle drivers' licences on issue in counties Galway, Cork, Limerick and Dublin for the years...
    • Sexual Offences
      Question 527: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a report will be ready on an inquiry (details supplied). [10994/09]
    • Prison Accommodation
      Question 528: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the bed capacity of each prison and the prisoner numbers in each prison as of 10 March 2009, or the latest date for which...
    • Drugs in Prisons
      Question 529: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the steps he is taking to prevent drugs from being thrown into the exercise yard at Mountjoy Prison, Dublin; and if he will...
    • Prison Staff
      Question 530: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the staffing levels during daytime hours and at night in the training unit at Mountjoy Prison, Dublin; and his views on the...
    • Public Order Offences
      Question 531: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the outcome of the issues referred to in a newspaper report (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Ministerial Appointments
      Question 532: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when he will appoint the Legal Services Ombudsman; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11038/09]
    • Residency Permits
      Question 533: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the status of an application for long-term residency in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; and if...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 534: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will review the case in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath who has applied for...
    • Crime Levels
      Question 535: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding a previous parliamentary question (details supplied). [11088/09]
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 536: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of drivers for each individual Junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 538: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he is satisfied with conditions for gardaí employed at Wexford Garda Station; when the new Wexford Garda Station will...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 539: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if his attention has been drawn to the recent statement to the effect that the decentralisation of the Equality Authority...
    • Human Rights Issues
      Question 540: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will introduce new legislation amending the various Equality Acts to include socio-economic status as grounds against...
    • Inter-Country Adoptions
      Question 541: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the steps necessary to adopt a non-Irish child from a country (details supplied) under the Adoption Act 1990; if a visa is...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 542: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position in relation to an application for residency in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and...
    • Crime Statistics
      Question 544: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, further to Parliamentary Question No. 110 of 5 March 2009, the way this Deputy may obtain the information that the Central...
    • Garda Operations
      Question 545: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the Garda Síochána policing plan for East Wall, Dublin 3; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11628/09]
    • Garda Recruitment
      Question 546: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when the next recruitment drives will take place for gardaí and prison officers; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 547: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he has received the file in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Dublin, as indicated in his reply of 11...
    • Court Staff
      Question 550: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the costs associated with judges; the financial cost of salaries to judges; the specific value of the cost of staff...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 551: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his...
    • Court Procedures
      Question 552: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views in respect of a person (details supplied). [11694/09]
    • Private Security Services
      Question 553: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason the Private Security Authority has failed to respond to a matter in respect of a person (details supplied) in...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 554: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on bringing forward legislation similar to that which is in place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and...
    • Road Traffic Offences
      Question 555: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of learner drivers who have been found driving without L plates on their vehicle or unaccompanied by a qualified...
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 556: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views on the contents of a letter (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11751/09]
    • Visa Applications
      Question 557: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding an appeal of an application for a visitor visa by a person (details supplied). [11789/09]
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 558: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding a decentralisation project (details supplied) in County Tipperary; when the project will proceed to...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 559: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding an application for residency and citizenship in the case of a person (details supplied) in County...
    • Asylum Applications
      Question 560: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the residency position and leave to remain status in the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 22; and if he will...
    • Court Procedures
      Question 562: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views regarding a submission (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11812/09]
    • Asylum Support Services
      Question 563: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of asylum accommodation centres in each year 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008; the annual expenditure on such...
    • Garda Strength
      Question 566: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the Garda strength and the number in training; the number of student and probationer gardaí as a percentage of the total...
    • Garda Training
      Question 567: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the approximate cost per person for training to become a member of An Garda Síochána until graduation in each year 2002,...
    • Garda Strength
      Question 568: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of persons (details supplied) in tabular form, for year ended 2008 and the projections for 2009 in each of the...
    • Garda Remuneration
      Question 569: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in relation to the overtime budget for An Garda Síochána in 2008, the number of gardaí in each rank and unit who...
    • Garda Reserve
      Question 570: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will give details of the Review of the Garda Reserve carried out by the Garda Commissioner in 2008; its...
    • Garda Deployment
      Question 571: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of members of An Garda Síochána who regularly carry out non-frontline duties which could be carried out by...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 573: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will give details on An Garda Síochána, Vote 20, of the Budget 2009 document relating specifically to station...
    • Residency Permits
      Question 574: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if favourable consideration is being given to abolition or amendment of the rule under which overseas voluntary workers,...
    • Prison Building Programme
      Question 575: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will give details of the negotiations process on the Thornton Hall project; the reason for the ongoing delay; when...
    • Garda Operations
      Question 576: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if there has been a reduction of the activities of Operation Anvil in an area (details supplied); and if he will make a...
    • Mutual Police Assistance
      Question 577: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of the requests for assistance from foreign police forces in 2008 that resulted in arrests and convictions here;...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 578: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a decision will be made in respect of an application for Irish citizenship by a person (details supplied) in County...
    • Court Procedures
      Question 579: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will support a matter (details supplied). [11861/09]
    • Residency Permits
      Question 580: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if a person (details supplied) in County Galway will qualify for a residency permit under stamp four; if his attention has...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 581: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the annual allocation to the maintenance of Garda premises since 2002; the number of garda stations that have received such...
    • Prison Accommodation
      Question 583: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number, location and date of introduction of BOSS chairs in the prison system; the approximate cost of such a chair;...
    • Closed Circuit Television Systems
      Question 584: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform when a closed circuit television system will be fully operational in Clonmel, County Tipperary; and if he will make a...
    • Deportation Orders
      Question 585: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the status of an application for leave to remain here in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 6W; when a...
    • Prisoner Releases
      Question 586: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform his views in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 7; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12101/09]
    • Court Procedures
      Question 587: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if the Attorney General has the discretion to discontinue extradition proceedings in respect of a person (details...
    • Prisoner Releases
      Question 589: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of prisoners released on early release from Cork Prison since 1 January 2009 specifying in each case the term of...
    • Criminal Assets Bureau
      Question 590: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the amount being held by the Criminal Assets Bureau under the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996; if he will provide an annual...
    • Juvenile Offenders
      Question 591: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the breakdown of the annual funding allocated specifically to tackling anti-social behaviour including the juvenile...
  • Department of Foreign Affairs
    • Diplomatic Representation
      Question 592: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the position regarding services (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10835/09]
    • Human Rights Issues
      Question 593: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of cases which have been taken to the European Court on Human Rights since the European Convention of Human Rights was transposed...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 594: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of drivers for each individual junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 596: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of ambassador, assistant secretary and secretary general level posts that exist within his Department; the number of these...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 597: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the cost of...
    • International Agreements
      Question 598: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will support a matter (details supplied). [11862/09]
    • Foreign Conflicts
      Question 599: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the steps he is taking to bring about a ceasefire in the north-east of Sri Lanka to alleviate the threat to innocent civilians who are...
    • Departmental Expenditure (1 comment)
      Question 600: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the amount of money which was allocated from the Voter Education Fund to Rock the Vote Ireland and My Candidate campaigns to target young...
    • Diplomatic Representation
      Question 601: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the fact that sectarian and racist chanting by Glasgow Rangers supporters again occurred during the...
  • Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism
    • Sports Funding
      Question 602: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the amount of grant aid that was given to sports organisations (details supplied) in each of the past three years; the expected...
    • Film Industry Development
      Question 603: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the function he or his Department has in respect of the Irish Film Board or the development of policy in respect of the film...
    • Tourism Promotion
      Question 604: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the funding available to support the Cultural Tourism Initiative in 2009; the way this funding will be distributed; and if he will...
    • Sports Funding
      Question 606: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if an application for assistance was made in the last number of years by a sports club (details supplied) in County Offaly; if the...
    • Sports Capital Programme
      Question 607: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he will reverse his decision not to invite applications for the 2009 sports capital programme in order to allow applications from...
    • Arts Funding
      Question 608: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism his plans to support a group (details supplied) in 2009. [11102/09]
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 609: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number of drivers he has working for him and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11119/09]
    • Sports Funding
      Question 610: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if the Government intends paying grant-in-aid to inter-county GAA players; the specific financial assistance that is provided to...
    • Swimming Pool Projects
      Question 614: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism when the funding scheme for swimming pools will re-open; the status of all funds allocated under the scheme; and if he will make a...
    • Public Procurement Policy
      Question 615: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the steps he has taken to ensure that the agencies to which he provides funding put large contracts out to public tender; and if he...
    • Tourism Policy
      Question 616: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the aspects of tourism for which he has official responsibility to Dáil Éireann; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 617: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the...
  • Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
    • Rural Social Scheme
      Question 621: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason payment has been reduced in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a...
    • Community Development
      Question 622: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason the newly constituted Roscommon Integrated Development Board would not make funding available to...
    • Traveller Projects
      Question 623: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his views on a proposal (details supplied); and on funding such a programme in view of its importance to the local...
    • Security of the Elderly
      Question 624: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the amount of funding that has been allocated in respect of an organisation (details supplied) in Dublin 10 under the...
    • Housing Grants
      Question 626: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the status of an application for a Gaeltacht grant in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Meath. [10939/09]
    • Harbours and Piers
      Question 627: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his Department is in a position to provide funding for the extension of the pier at Brandon, County Kerry; and if...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 628: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the delay in County Donegal regarding bóthair áise scheme applicants who have received confirmation letters...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 629: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of drivers for each individual Junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will...
    • Community Development
      Question 631: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will confirm that the funding announced on 23 December 2008 of almost €3.1 million to support 120 small scale...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 784: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting to his...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 785: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the status of an application in respect of a company (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 786: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will confirm receipt of an application in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Offaly under the...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 788: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason funding has not been made available to the Liskelly-Kilnahown group water scheme at Kiltormer,...
    • Community Development
      Question 789: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the position regarding the application by a council (details supplied) for a grant in relation to the renovation of...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 790: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the budget cuts for an organisation (details supplied); his views on the work...
  • Department of Social and Family Affairs
    • Social Welfare Code
      Question 791: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the amount of additional revenue which would arise in a full year if the PRSI ceiling of €52,000 was abolished completely....
    • Civil Registration
      Question 792: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the way a person can change their name on their birth certificate when their Christian name has been mistakenly entered. [11001/09]
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 793: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if she has proposals for addressing the shortfall in the pension fund of employees of a company (details supplied); and if she...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 796: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the number of drivers for each individual junior Minister in her Department and their remuneration; and if she will make a...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 798: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if a jobseeker's payment will be put in place in respect of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 11; and if she will make a...
    • Social Welfare Code
      Question 799: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the average weekly cost per employee to employers in terms of employer's PRSI; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 800: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if an increase in rent support will be given in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if she will make a...
    • Citizens' Information Centres
      Question 804: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if she will set up a dedicated inquiry line, similar to the one available to TDs, for the sole use of citizens' information...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 805: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs his views on whether it is equitable that a person designated a full-time student who has nevertheless been in employment for...
    • Social Welfare Appeals
      Question 809: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs when an appeal will be heard in relation to disability allowance in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [11782/09]
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 810: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if her attention has been drawn to the strain being placed on community welfare officers in Kildare in view of the fact that their...
    • Social Welfare Appeals
      Question 811: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs when a carer's allowance appeal will be determined in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [11834/09]
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 812: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason she is not allowing jobseeker's benefit claims for persons undertaking casual labour who do not sign on within a...
    • Social Welfare Appeals
      Question 813: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the outcome of an appeal in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [12078/09]
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 815: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the cost of paying the early child care supplement to non-Irish nationals who are resident here but whose children live abroad for...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 816: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the statutory basis, with details of the section, subsection, regulation or article, for the rule under the mortgage interest...
    • Money Advice and Budgeting Service
      Question 818: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the extent to which the Money Advice and Budgeting Service directly intervenes and negotiates with a lending institution on behalf...
  • Department of Defence
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 820: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of official drivers he has; the salaries of these drivers and their total remuneration; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Military Funerals
      Question 821: To ask the Minister for Defence the position regarding a person (details supplied) in Dublin 5. [11076/09]
    • Personal Injury Claims
      Question 824: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of injury claims, apart from army deafness claims, under all headings, made against his Department by residents in Counties Galway, Clare...
    • Ministerial Travel
      Question 825: To ask the Minister for Defence if private helicopters or private planes have been used for ministerial travel since 2005; the reason such transport was used; the cost of same; the...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 826: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the cost of same for...
    • Anti-Social Behaviour
      Question 827: To ask the Minister for Defence his views in relation to a submission (details supplied); if permission has been sought or granted in relation to any of the stated tracks; if not,...
    • Defence Forces Reserve
      Question 828: To ask the Minister for Defence the reason he has refused statutory employment protection in respect of reservists who volunteer for overseas service; the further reason he has...
  • Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 829: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to the fact that part-time fire-fighters employed by local authorities are...
    • Water Quality
      Question 830: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on the decline in river water quality due to eutrophication and pollution from chemical and raw...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 832: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the annual and total allocations for investment in water infrastructure under the National Development Plan...
    • Social and Affordable Housing
      Question 833: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the annual and total allocations for investment in social and affordable housing for each year 2009 to 2013....
    • Underground Power Cables
      Question 834: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his Department has established guidelines regarding safe exposure limits for humans regarding underground...
    • Heritage Council
      Question 837: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will provide funding for a heritage officer in County Westmeath in view of the fact that it is one of...
    • Traveller Accommodation
      Question 838: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on a proposal (details supplied) and whether such a proposal could be adopted nationally; if he...
    • Ministerial Transport
      Question 839: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he or his advisors has used the Government jet between June 2007 and March 2009; if so, the dates and...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 841: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the status of the Burncourt and Fethard regional water supply scheme, County Tipperary. [10910/09]
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 842: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the amount spent in 2008 on climate change awareness by his Department with a breakdown of the specific items...
    • Land Purchases
      Question 843: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the status of the case to purchase a bog from a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; the future...
    • Housing Grants
      Question 844: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if application for a thatching grant in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Limerick will be...
    • Wildlife Act
      Question 845: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will grant a licence to an industry (details supplied) to permit, under certain restrictions, the use...
    • Local Authority Funding
      Question 846: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if an organisation (details supplied) in County Tipperary can apply for funds under the local social and...
    • Housing Grants
      Question 847: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position regarding a project (details supplied) in County Laois. [11042/09]
    • World Heritage Sites
      Question 848: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will include Lough Gur, County Limerick, which is one of Europe's most important archeological sites,...
    • Recycling Policy
      Question 849: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on the establishment of waste paper and waste cardboard recycling operations with a view to energy...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 850: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of drivers for each individual junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 852: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his Department has taken action, either by way of circular or letter, to request county managers or their...
    • Recycling Policy
      Question 854: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on introducing legislation to incentivise the public to return glass bottles to local shops; and if...
    • Road Network
      Question 855: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if in view of the need to revisit budgetary matter and the need to reconfigure some aspects of central...
    • Housing Aid for the Elderly
      Question 856: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when the Health Service Executive west will be allocated the necessary additional funding in order to pay the...
    • Climate Change Strategy
      Question 857: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his views on the merits of implementing a climate change Bill; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 859: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when his Department will approve the design review of the treatment plant at Athenry, County Galway which is...
    • Housing Grants
      Question 861: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if his attention has been drawn to an anomaly in the new scheme of grants for housing adaptation for people...
    • Local Authority Staff
      Question 862: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of staff in local authorities and his Department who work in the area of motor taxation. [11279/09]
    • Rural Housing
      Question 863: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government further to Parliamentary Question No. 400 of 16 December 2008, the position regarding the rural houses; and...
    • Register of Electors
      Question 864: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of people in direct provision and self catering accommodation who are registered to vote; the...
    • Local Authority Housing
      Question 865: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of new local authority houses acquired both built and bought since the Bacon III report in 2000;...
    • Social and Affordable Housing
      Question 867: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of people who have taken up the shared ownership scheme nationally since 2000; the number who have...
    • Local Authority Housing
      Question 869: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the national output of local authority housing per year since 2000; the output of local authority housing in...
    • Architectural Heritage
      Question 870: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position regarding the nomination for the inscription of Clonmacnoise as a World Heritage Site and the...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 871: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances in any semi-State body reporting into...
    • Local Authority Housing
      Question 872: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when his Department will allocate funding to Drogheda Borough Council to allow it commence work on the...
    • Environmental Policy
      Question 873: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if a survey has been carried out on the incidence and spread of Japanese Knotweed; if his attention has been...
    • Motor Taxation
      Question 874: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the proposals he has to assist the motor vehicle industry to deal with the large stock of second-hand cars;...
    • Planning Issues
      Question 877: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he has plans to amend the planning legislation to cease the splitting of planning decisions, for example...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 878: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position of the sewerage extension at Mountmellick, County Laois, with particular reference to the town...
    • Local Authority Funding
      Question 879: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will make funding available in 2009 to local authorities (details supplied) for particular grant...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 880: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position regarding an application (details supplied) for funding under the serviced land initiative...
    • Rate Waiver Schemes
      Question 881: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the number of applications made by local authorities to him in each of the past five years for his consent to...
    • Housing Aid for the Elderly
      Question 882: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the amount of funding sought in 2008 by each local authority under the mobility, housing adaption and housing...
    • National Parks
      Question 883: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will ascertain from the Office of Public Works the nature of the vacant positions which will be...
    • Waste Disposal
      Question 884: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if he will set up depots for the collection of asbestos; and the means available for the disposal of this...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 887: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position regarding the Clifden sewage treatment plant County Galway in view of the fact that the plant is...
    • Turbary Rights
      Question 889: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when payment will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Galway for the sale of a bog to...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 892: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government when he will introduce regulations to implement the recommendations of the working group to review the...
    • Local Authority Housing
      Question 893: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if the European Central Bank interest rate cut of 0.5%, announced on 5 March 2009, will be passed on in full...
  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
    • Energy Conservation
      Question 894: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources when the home energy savings programme will be finalised and grant aid available to the public. [10943/09]
    • Alternative Energy Projects
      Question 895: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the geothermal energy initiatives available here; his views on such technologies; and if he will make a...
    • National Development Plan
      Question 896: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the capital expenditure to date, and the capital resources budgeted for 2009, under the national development...
    • Telecommunications Services
      Question 899: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the reason broadband is not available in an area (details supplied) in County Tipperary; when it will be made...
    • Ministerial Travel
      Question 903: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he or his advisers has used the Government jet between June 2007 and March 2009; if so, the dates and...
    • Alternative Energy Projects
      Question 905: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, further to Parliamentary Question No. 383 of 3 March 2009, the part of the information sought that is not...
    • National Electricity Grid
      Question 906: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the length, capacity and most recent expected capital cost of the east-west electricity interconnector to the...
    • Departmental Staff
      Question 908: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if the previous employment history in specific relation to former employees of the ESB group working in his...
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 909: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if the previous employment history in specific relation to former employees of the ESB group working for the...
    • Electricity Generation
      Question 911: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the income the State has received from each of the State owned companies involved in the generation, sale or...
    • Telecommunications Services
      Question 912: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the status of the MAN broadband infrastructure in Thurles town, County Tipperary; his future plans for this...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 914: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of drivers for each individual Minister of State in his Department and their remuneration; and if he...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 916: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources when new applications will be invited for a grant scheme (details supplied). [11153/09]
    • Offshore Exploration
      Question 917: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if there are plans for an oral hearing on safety concerns, including danger of the valve station at Glengad, in...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 918: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the status of the decentralisation of his Department's offices to Cavan; if he will confirm the details of the...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 919: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will reconsider a total ban on eel fishing; if he will issue a comprehensive survey of eel stock here;...
    • Alternative Energy Projects
      Question 920: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the steps he is taking to promote the use of domestic renewable energy; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Telecommunications Services
      Question 921: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the reason broadband is not available in an area (details supplied) in County Clare; when it will be made...
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 922: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting to...
    • Electricity Generation
      Question 923: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the generating capacity of the State owned electricity generators; the market share of the State owned...
    • Inland Fisheries
      Question 924: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he will allocate funding to a town council (details supplied) in County Cork in order to carry out a...
    • Television Licence Fee
      Question 927: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the details of his proposal to prevent the imprisonment of persons who are fined for failure to pay television...
    • Energy Consumption
      Question 929: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources if he has an estimate of the savings in the economy that could be made in terms of gas and electricity...
  • Department of Agriculture and Food
    • Grant Payments
      Question 930: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when an application will be processed in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 932: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his views on a proposal (details supplied); if he will provide funding for such a project; and if he will make a statement...
    • Fisheries Protection
      Question 934: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if Irish fisheries protection officers operate from British naval vessels. [10944/09]
    • Departmental Agencies
      Question 935: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of people employed by the Central Fisheries Board, the Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority, the regional boards,...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 936: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the reason for the delay in the rural environment protection scheme payments in respect of a person (details supplied) in...
    • Alternative Farm Enterprises
      Question 950: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he will make a decision on the question of re-allocating unused funding from the allocation for willow planting under...
    • Farm Retirement Scheme
      Question 951: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when farm retirement payments will be issued in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary; and if he will...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 952: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of drivers for each individual junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 954: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a forestry grant will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Galway; and if he will make a statement...
    • Farm Waste Management
      Question 956: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of farmers in County Mayo who have been approved and have received their payment under the farm waste management...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 958: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) In County Cork will receive payment of their REP scheme four grant; the amount they will...
    • Farm Waste Management
      Question 962: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the progress to date in meeting in full the payments to farmers arising from measures adopted to alleviate farm waste...
    • Animal Feedstuffs
      Question 963: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied that all the laboratory testing requirements and facilities previously identified in the food and animal...
    • Common Agricultural Policy
      Question 964: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the action he has taken at EU level to ensure that steps taken in the course of the CAP health test to address the issues...
    • Agriculture Sector
      Question 965: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the countries within the EU with which he has established common cause in the matter of ensuring the viability of the...
    • Pigmeat Sector
      Question 966: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied regarding the future of the pig meat industry; if the lessons learned in the past year have been put to...
    • Beef Exports
      Question 968: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his plans for the future development and expansion of the beef industry; the degree to which it is expected exports are...
    • Sheep Sector
      Question 969: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food his plans for the future growth and development of the lamb industry with particular reference to home and export markets;...
    • Food Labelling
      Question 970: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is satisfied that food labelling here and throughout the European Union adequately and accurately reflects the...
    • Poultry Industry
      Question 971: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if all poultry imports here are compliant with national and EU legislation in terms of husbandry, production, hygiene and...
    • Food Labelling
      Question 972: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if all meat and meat products imported and on sale here at all outlets are compliant with national and EU traceability...
    • Animal Feedstuffs
      Question 973: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the action he has taken at national or EU level to ensure the availability of adequate home-grown animal feed supplies here...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 974: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied ) in County Cork will receive their REP scheme four payments; the amount of payments due;...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 976: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting to his Department;...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 977: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when REP scheme four payment will issue in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Donegal. [11689/09]
    • Aquaculture Licences
      Question 979: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to Parliamentary Question No. 1307 of 27 January 2009, the status of the licence application (details supplied);...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 980: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the reason a person (details supplied) has not received their full payment for the REP scheme; and if he will make a...
    • Forestry Sector
      Question 1000: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the status of the forestry reconstitution grant; the consequences for individual forestry owners of failure to replant...
    • Common Agricultural Policy
      Question 1001: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the way he proposes to spend unspent CAP funds; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12040/09]
    • Grant Payments
      Question 1002: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a person (details supplied) will receive their insulation aid scheme grant; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Rural Environment Protection Scheme
      Question 1003: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if a person can transfer entitlements on the release of land when they are going to apply for the REP scheme; and if he...
    • Animal Welfare
      Question 1004: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, in the context of his responsibility for animal welfare and the legal protection of animals from cruelty, he will...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 1005: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if payment to farmers is being paid in staged payments (details suppled). [12074/09]
    • Dairy Sector
      Question 1009: To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the meetings he has had with the European Agriculture Commission or the Commission officials regarding the crisis for dairy...
  • Department of Education and Science
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 1010: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if the pension levy will apply to a group of workers (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [10894/09]
    • School Transport
      Question 1011: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a group (details supplied) can obtain assistance to provide for their members; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
    • Millennium Partnership Fund
      Question 1013: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the details of and the rationale for the decision to re-orientate the Millennium Fund at third level; the plans he has to replace...
    • Third Level Fees
      Question 1014: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will make provision for the exemption of single parents, widows and widowers from paying third level fees, as this group is...
    • Higher Education Sector
      Question 1015: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the terms of reference and membership of the Review of Higher Education recently announced; the reason this review is necessary in...
    • Home-School Liaison Scheme
      Question 1017: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the schools to be affected by the loss of 62 home-school community liaison posts from September 2009 under the home-school community...
    • Disadvantaged Status
      Question 1019: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Galway. [10844/09]
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1020: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position in relation to the building project in respect of a school (details supplied) County Kildare. [10856/09]
    • Higher Education Sector
      Question 1023: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views of removing the cap on student numbers in the PLC sector which will allow students and people who are on the live register...
    • Adult Education
      Question 1024: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views on a proposal (details supplied); if he will provide educational assistance to such a project; if there are vocational...
    • State Claims Agency
      Question 1025: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if, in connection with the recent action (details supplied) in the context of the importance of this case and for education policy in...
    • School Transport
      Question 1026: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position in relation to a review of the post-primary school transport system; if a review has taken place; and if he will make a...
    • Departmental Correspondence
      Question 1027: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to a letter dated 2 February 2009 from a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12; when he will reply...
    • School Funding
      Question 1028: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if funding will be released to rectify a safety hazard in respect of a school (details supplied) in Dublin 12; and if he will make a...
    • Denominational Education
      Question 1030: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position of the Protestant voluntary secondary schools within the free education system; if his attention has been drawn to the...
    • Site Acquisitions
      Question 1031: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a request was received by the site acquisition and property management section of his Department to allow the trustees of an...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1032: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will give an assurance that no child with special needs will be inappropriately forced into a mainstream class with inadequate...
    • Ministerial Staff
      Question 1035: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of drivers for each individual Junior Minister in his Department and their remuneration; and if he will make a statement...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1037: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a school (details supplied) in County Wicklow will have a new building to operate in, in view of the fact that it has been five...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1038: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to a previous parliamentary question (details supplied) and in view of the fact that the relevant information has become...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1039: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he has received the report on the review of the role and operation of special schools and special classes (details supplied); when...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1041: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of applications for new school buildings or extensions in County Mayo in respect of post primary schools; the names of...
    • Early School Leavers
      Question 1043: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the steps being taken to counter the drop out rate, either in terms of those who do not transfer from primary to second level, or...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1045: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the spend on primary school buildings in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11168/09]
    • School Accommodation
      Question 1047: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No.165 of 4 March 2009, if he will provide more accurate, up-to-date figures on the number of...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1048: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when a new secondary school will be built in Luttrellstown, Dublin 15; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11185/09]
    • School Enrolments
      Question 1049: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will provide further detail on a matter first raised on 18 December 2007 regarding the constitutionality of forcing some...
    • Home-School Liaison Scheme
      Question 1050: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position on the threatened withdrawal of home-school community liaison services; and if in view of the reassessment of national...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1052: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the cost to date of inviting tenders for a school (details supplied) in County Donegal including architectural fees, consultants...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1053: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding a school (details supplied) in County Limerick. [11197/09]
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1054: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath has been denied special needs assistance because their diagnosis is PDD-NOS rather...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1055: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will provide a county breakdown of all schools at pre-architectural planning stage. [11206/09]
    • Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme
      Question 1056: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the assistance available from his Department or agencies operating under the aegis of his Department regarding financial assistance...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1057: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will grant an additional year of education in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Cork who has made significant...
    • Schools Building Programme
      Question 1058: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the conditions in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Galway, such as crumbling...
    • Schools Refurbishment
      Question 1062: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the situation regarding the provision of a class in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Clare; and if he will make a...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1065: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the outcome of an appeal in respect of a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [11285/09]
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1066: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will review the decision by his Department in relation to the retention of the special class in respect of a school (details...
    • Disadvantaged Status
      Question 1067: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if a review of the allocation in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Offaly of resources under band two of DEIS has been...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1068: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views on the increasing of general allocation allowance to accommodate children with mild general learning difficulties, who were...
    • Departmental Allowances
      Question 1070: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of individuals who are in receipt of fixed car allowances within any semi-State body reporting into his Department; the...
    • Teachers' Remuneration
      Question 1071: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will support a matter (details supplied). [11693/09]
    • School Enrolments
      Question 1072: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if tax exiles are entitled to have their children educated free in Irish primary and post-primary schools or if they are expected to...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1073: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the circumstances of a DEIS school (details supplied) in Dublin 11 which will have to refuse 31...
    • Schools Buildings Projects
      Question 1075: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when officials from his Department will be in contact with a school (details supplied) in County Cork and its design team to invite...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1076: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will make a statement in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Limerick. [11753/09]
    • Teaching Council Act 2001
      Question 1077: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will enact Part 5 of the Teaching Council Act 2001; the reason for the delay in introducing this part; and if he will make a...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1078: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of secondary school building projects and the estimated value of the projects which are in band one, band two, band three...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 1079: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of prefabs in which the rent paid to date by his Department has been in excess of €100,000; and if he will make a...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 1080: To ask the Minister for Education and Science his views on the need to put in place provisions planned under the Student Support Bill 2008 to streamline the maintenance grant...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 1081: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 476 of 17 February 2009, the expenditure by his Department on grants in respect of the...
    • School Transport
      Question 1084: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of children in County Clare in junior cycle and senior cycle using school transport provided by Bus Éireann. [11831/09]
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 1086: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding the appointment of a design team for a proposed new school building in respect of a primary school (details...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1088: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the cuts in funding that will be made in respect of a school (details supplied) in Dublin 6W; if this will impact on teacher numbers...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 1089: To ask the Minister for Education and Science, further to Parliamentary Question No. 272 of 12 November 2008, if a school (details supplied) in Dublin 12 has received a grant for...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1090: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the way he will support the education of seven out of 18 previously assessed special needs children or if he requires a school...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1092: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position regarding an appeal in respect of a school (details supplied) in County Cork in relation to its 2009-2010 staffing...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1093: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the supports and financial assistance available for the special needs of gifted children; and if he will reconsider the decision to...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 1094: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the grant options available to a person wishing to study dance abroad; and his views in view of the high tuition fees faced by Irish...
    • Departmental Properties
      Question 1095: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he or his Department have considered the ownership and future use of a former primary school site and buildings (details supplied)...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 1096: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will respond to a query in relation to the education system and its role in the development of a knowledge economy (details...
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 1097: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the capitation grant paid to each local authority for 2007 and 2008 to provide the special education library service to special...
    • School Staffing
      Question 1099: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he will to retain four teachers in a school (details supplied) in County Roscommon. [12276/09]
    • Institutes of Technology
      Question 1100: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if he has asked the Higher Education Authority to recommend, as provided for under section 9(1) of the Universities Act 1997, the...