Written answers

Wednesday, 30 November 2005

  • Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 55: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he expects the Charities Bill to be published by spring 2006; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36928/05]
    • Foclóirí Gaeilge agus Béarla
      Question 56: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta cathain atá súil aige a bheidh an Foclóir Leictreonach Béarla-Gaeilge ullamh ag Foras na Gaeilge; agus an ndéanfaidh...
    • Decentralisation Programme
      Question 57: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his Department will be able to meet the end of 2007 deadline he recently set for its full decentralisation to Knock;...
    • Regional Development
      Question 58: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the progress made to date in 2005 by his Department in reviewing the structure and functions of Údarás; and if he...
    • Community Development
      Question 59: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if an analysis or evaluation has been undertaken by his officials in relation to the impact of the RAPID scheme; and if...
    • Departmental Programmes
      Question 60: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the progress which has been made in regard to simplifying delivery structures with improved coverage and level of...
    • Departmental Schemes
      Question 62: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when he expects the order to be signed to allow for the transfer of the social economy scheme to his Department; and if...
    • Rural Development
      Question 63: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when he expects the new national rural development scheme to be approved and implemented; and if he will make a...
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 64: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if extra funding will be offered to voluntary or community groups involved in combating drug abuse; and if he will make...
    • Polasaí Dátheangachais
      Question 65: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta cad iad na pleananna atá aige, más ann, chun tacú leis an togra go ndéanfaí cathair dhátheangach oifigiúil de...
    • Post Office Network
      Question 66: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the progress which has been made to fulfil his commitment to have all post offices on the islands fully automated....
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 67: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide an update on the work of the working group to develop a policy for the provision of integrated...
    • Community Development
      Question 68: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he intends to introduce reforms to facilitate small voluntary groups that find it difficult to fulfil the local...
    • Rural Development
      Question 70: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason action has not been taken by his Department on foot of its publication of the review of enterprise supports...
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 71: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the results of a pilot programme run by the Irish Society for the Prevention of...
    • Countryside Recreation Strategy
      Question 74: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when he expects Comhairle na Tuaithe to have completed the national countryside recreation strategy; and if he will...
    • Departmental Projects
      Question 75: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if the cocaine treatment pilot projects announced earlier in 2005 are fully operational; if he will commit to...
    • Irish Language
      Question 76: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when in 2006 it is expected that the linguistic study on the use of Irish in the Gaeltacht will be completed; his views...
    • Care of the Elderly
      Question 78: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his proposals to introduce a subsidy in regard to the annual servicing charge for security pendant alarms for older...
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 79: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the steps which have been taken by his Department to implement the recommendations in the report of the Joint Committee...
    • Offshore Islands
      Question 80: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if the reports he has received from the official in his Department who has chaired the Blasket management group...
    • An Ghaeilge sa Státchóras
      Question 81: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta cén dul chun cinn atá déanta i mbliana ag a Roinn chun cumas agus líofacht sa Ghaeilge i measc fhostaithe an...
    • Rural Development
      Question 82: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide a geographical breakdown of the demand for the rural social scheme together with a similar breakdown...
    • Oideachas Tríú Leibhéil
      Question 84: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta an bhfuil an comhoibriú breise óna chomhghleacaí an tAire Oideachais agus Eolaíochta lena raibh sé ag súil chun ceist...
    • Community Development
      Question 85: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the projects undertaken by his Department that would not otherwise have been developed other than for the fact they...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 86: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has ensured that past grant applications to Údarás na Gaeltachta have been rechecked, in view of the failure of...
    • Drugs in Prisons
      Question 88: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has consulted with the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform in relation to changes in prison drugs...
    • Drug Abuse
      Question 90: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the latest information his Department has on the extent of the cocaine crisis nationwide; and if he will make a...
    • Íocaíochtaí Deontais
      Question 91: To ask the Aire Gnóthaí Pobail, Tuaithe agus Gaeltachta an bhfuil a fhios aige go ndealraíonn sé a bheith i bhfad níos deacra deontas a fháil ó Údarás na Gaeltachta le...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 93: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide a list of the cases in which grants were allocated under the scheme of equipment and refurbishment...
    • Irish Language
      Question 94: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he supports the development of a national strategy for the Irish language; if not, the reason therefor; and if he...
    • Departmental Expenditure
      Question 95: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the amount of grant aid offered directly or indirectly, on a county basis, by his Department to various community...
    • Public Transport
      Question 96: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if, in view of the recent closure of the only petrol station on Inis Mór, he would consider the introduction of a...
    • Community Development
      Question 97: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will provide a breakdown of projects that were allocated funding in the first six months of 2005 from dormant...
    • Tourism Industry
      Question 99: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his views on whether the commencement of the Innisbiggle cable car will be an addition to the tourist attraction in...
    • Community Development
      Question 100: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the improvements which have been brought into effect in regard to the local development social inclusion programme in...
    • Drug Abuse
      Question 101: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs when the National Advisory Committee on Drugs will next issue a report; the issues being considered for this report;...
  • Department of Health and Children
    • Adoption Services
      Question 102: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if and when Ireland is entering the Hague Convention; the proposed age limits for people making an application to adopt;...
    • Rape Crisis Centres
      Question 104: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if she intends to increase funding to the Rape Crisis Centres, whose operating budget has been capped since 2002, in view...
    • Health Services
      Question 105: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if her attention has been drawn to the frustrations of many persons in Dublin south west in respect of orthodontic...
    • Ambulance Service
      Question 108: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when the paramedic grade in the ambulance service will be rolled out nationally to provide this essential service; her...
    • Cancer Screening Programme
      Question 112: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if the short-listing, fee negotiations and interviews have been completed for to the BreastCheck extension; if the...
    • Health Services
      Question 115: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if her Department will release €400,000, required to advance a nursing home in Ballinrobe, County Mayo to the design and...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 119: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if, in the context of the policy decision to put a cancer satellite centre into the north west announced in summer 2005, a...
    • Health Services
      Question 120: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if her Department proposes to provide funding for a community unit for the elderly at Moore Abbey, Monasterevin, as...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 121: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if an application for a lottery grant from her Department by an organisation (details supplied) in Dublin 11 will be...
    • Nursing Home Subventions
      Question 122: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the enhanced subvention that is being awarded; if there is a shortage of funding; the amount which...
    • Nursing Homes
      Question 123: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the nursing qualifications required to be matron or person in charge of a nursing home, in the case of a nursing home...
    • Domestic Violence
      Question 124: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children her response to the funding crisis being experienced by agencies providing essential services for the victims of domestic...
    • Hospital Accommodation
      Question 125: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the position regarding the provision of new beds at Beaumont Hospital (details supplied). [37107/05]
    • Hospital Waiting Lists
      Question 126: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if an appointment will be obtained for a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if she will make a statement on...
    • Health Services
      Question 128: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when a decision will be made on the detailed submission to her Department for a project (details supplied) in County...
    • Medical Cards
      Question 129: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when a medical card will issue to a person (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Community Employment Schemes
      Question 130: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if community employment participants currently employed by the Irish Wheelchair Association will be given an opportunity to...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 131: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be replaced at a health centre. [37287/05]
    • Hospital Charges
      Question 132: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children if a person availing of a private in-patient bed or a day care bed will be charged the public bed night charge of €60 in...
    • Departmental Offices
      Question 133: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the ministerial directive which she has issued to the Health Service Executive in relation to the future role of the former...
    • Hospital Services
      Question 134: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children her views on the extent of under dialysing of patients due to pressure of time and waiting lists; if her attention has been...
    • Health Service Staff
      Question 136: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the reason for the creation of local health officer positions; if those posts replaced those of general manager in the...
    • Foster Care
      Question 137: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the context in which the foster care allowance, the property of foster parents, was merged with the orphan's allowance...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 138: To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Health and Children the cost to the State of a unit (details supplied) in County Limerick under all headings since a manager and assistant...
  • Department of Finance
    • Drug Seizures
      Question 139: To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to develop the customs division drug sniffer dog team from the current level of 11, particularly in the context of a rise in availability...
    • Tax Code
      Question 140: To ask the Minister for Finance the reason the Revenue Commissioners issues a certificate indicating that the payment of inheritance tax has been deferred in the case of a person...
    • Office of Public Works
      Question 144: To ask the Minister for Finance when the portacabin will be removed from the Abbey graveyard in Dromahair, County Leitrim; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37308/05]
    • Tax Code
      Question 145: To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to introduce tax relief, grant support or other financial assistance for persons with physical disabilities; and if he will make a...
  • Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 146: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the target which Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas...
    • Post Office Network
      Question 148: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if he is giving due consideration to apply a public service obligation to the post office network to computerise...
    • Semi-State Bodies
      Question 149: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if the statutory borrowing limit on Bord na Móna plc will be reviewed to enable it to deliver its new strategy....
    • Harbour Authorities
      Question 150: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources his proposals to address the future of fishermen in the south east following the decision of the High Court in...
    • Broadcasting Legislation
      Question 151: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources his views on the need to introduce measures to protect children from the marketing of unhealthy goods to...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 160: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the details of the economic instruments planned in order to drive the achievement of the targets set under the...
    • Electricity Generation
      Question 161: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the planned date for the closure and cessation of coal firing at Moneypoint as required under the national...
    • Harbours and Piers
      Question 163: To ask the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if the proposal from Howth Yacht Club referred to in Parliamentary Question No. 135 of 24 November 2005 has been...
  • Department of Foreign Affairs
    • Foreign Adoptions
      Question 164: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs the efforts which are being made by his Department to liaise with the Adoption Board and Belarus to ensure that it re-opens to foreign...
    • Undocumented Irish in the USA
      Question 165: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs further to his recent visit to America, the progress which has been made on the legislative process in relation to the undocumented Irish in...
    • Foreign Conflicts
      Question 166: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement on the rationale behind the decision to donate €390,000 to the demobilisation process in Colombia; and the way...
    • Human Rights Issues
      Question 167: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he intends to conduct an investigation along the lines of those being carried out in Sweden, Spain and Iceland to determine whether CIA...
  • Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism
    • Sports Capital Programme
      Question 170: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the position of an application (details supplied); if his attention has been drawn to the amount of work carried out by this...
    • Departmental Correspondence
      Question 171: To ask the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he has received correspondence regarding the future of a studio (details supplied) Dublin 4; if his Department will support...
  • Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
    • Disposal of Property
      Question 172: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the amount of land disposed of by the IDA; the amounts raised by the disposal of this property in County Kildare in the...
    • Job Creation
      Question 173: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the number of new foreign companies brought by the IDA to Ennis, Scariff, Kilrush and Miltown Malbay in County Clare since...
    • Economic Competitiveness
      Question 174: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, in view of the fact that IDA factories in County Mayo are being sold off as car showrooms and that west of Ireland...
    • Planning Issues
      Question 175: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the date on which planning permission was given for the 20,000 sq. ft. factory at Lisfannon, Fahan; the efforts which have...
    • Work Permits
      Question 177: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will report on the different permits allowing migrants to engage in economic activity issued or intended to be issued...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 178: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the target that Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for...
    • Job Losses
      Question 186: To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the position regarding the recent announcement of a company (details supplied) in County Sligo in relation to the future...
  • Department of Social and Family Affairs
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 187: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the position in relation to persons who collect their social welfare payments from the post office if there is a strike in An Post;...
    • Social Welfare Appeals
      Question 189: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the outcome of an appeal for the disability allowance for a person (details supplied) in County Mayo. [37093/05]
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 190: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the practical schemes to assist people with disabilities living in poverty and hardship. [37105/05]
    • Tax and Social Welfare Codes
      Question 192: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the changes that have been approved in respect of PRSI contributions which will affect job share and part-time workers; and if he...
    • Social Welfare Benefits
      Question 194: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs the reason elderly persons who are not living alone are not entitled to the fuel allowance of €9 or €12 as the carers who are...
    • Tax and Social Welfare Codes
      Question 195: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Affairs his plans to recognise the role of farm spouses by permitting spouse and partners to make PRSI contributions in order to qualify...
  • Department of Transport
    • Rural Transport Services
      Question 196: To ask the Minister for Transport the extent to which he can facilitate travel facilities for the elderly in rural communities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37228/05]
    • Parking Regulations
      Question 197: To ask the Minister for Transport when all disabled parking bays in County Mayo and nationwide will be painted blue as directed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37031/05]
    • State Airports
      Question 199: To ask the Minister for Transport if he will instigate a full economic impact study on the western region as a result of the new changed circumstances at Shannon Airport; if his...
    • Road Safety
      Question 200: To ask the Minister for Transport, in view of the high number of road traffic accidents, his views on whether a greater than recognised number of road traffic accidents are due to...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 201: To ask the Minister for Transport the target which Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector by...
  • Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
    • Care of the Elderly
      Question 209: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the reason grants under the scheme of support for older people have not been paid out in 2005; the further reason a...
    • Community Development
      Question 210: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the amount of money spent under the young people's facilities and services fund in Counties Carlow, Waterford,...
    • Irish Language
      Question 212: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his plans to promote the use of the Irish language in the future; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37227/05]
    • National Drugs Strategy
      Question 213: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the extent to which he can offer financial assistance to community groups involved in combating the drugs problem...
    • Community Development
      Question 214: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the moneys at his disposal in 2005 for the promotion of areas of responsibility within the ambit of his Department;...
    • Dormant Accounts Fund
      Question 215: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs his plans for the spending of funds likely to accrue to his Department from the dormant insurance accounts; and if he...
    • Departmental Programmes
      Question 217: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he intends to introduce new schemes or initiatives with a view to addressing rural or urban economic blight or...
    • Rural Depopulation
      Question 218: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he proposes to address the issue of depopulation by way of specifically funded projects; and if he will make a...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 219: To ask the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the number of applications for grant aid under the various schemes administered by his Department from bodies, groups...
  • Department of Agriculture and Food
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 220: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food the target which Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for the...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 227: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan will be granted their area aid entitlements; and if she will make a statement on the...
    • Departmental Programmes
      Question 230: To ask the Minister for Agriculture and Food the policy in place to assist pig farmers; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [37327/05]
  • Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
    • Visa Applications
      Question 231: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason Chernobyl children visiting Ireland on holidays require a visa; if efforts can be made to remove or simplify this...
    • Asylum Support Services
      Question 232: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the position regarding the parents of the children attending a school (details supplied) in County Kerry for their...
    • Garda Stations
      Question 234: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if progress is being made towards reaching a decision in respect of the redevelopment of Tallaght Garda station and a second...
    • Garda Transport
      Question 235: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if patrol cars are fitted with the vehicle recognition system; when the system will be rolled out here (details supplied);...
    • Child Care Services
      Question 236: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the reason an application for a grant lodged in April 2003 in respect of a child care crèche (details supplied) in County...
    • Northern Ireland Issues
      Question 237: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the estimated number of "on-the-runs" here; his views on granting them an amnesty; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Garda Investigations
      Question 239: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if any person is under investigation for the murder of persons (details supplied) in County Leitrim December 1983; and if he...
    • Garda Strength
      Question 240: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of serving gardaí in each Garda district in the Dublin metropolitan region south division and the population in...
    • Drug Seizures
      Question 241: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if, in view of the high level of access to drugs nationally and the success that drugs teams are having, the reason there is...
    • Garda Disciplinary Proceedings
      Question 242: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, further to the payment of over €1.3 million to 27 suspended gardaí when he sought and received the report; the steps he...
    • Proposed Legislation
      Question 243: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will introduce legislation as part of the Registration of Deeds and Title Bill 2004, whereby rogue claims of title on...
    • Citizenship Applications
      Question 244: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the number of applications for naturalisation received each month since 2002, in tabular form; the number of applications...
    • Drugs Legislation
      Question 247: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if the sale of the drug known as "magic mushrooms" is legal and if not the steps which have been taken to ensure it is not...
    • Grant Payments
      Question 248: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform if he will provide an adequate staffing grant to a crèche (details supplied) in County Limerick; if he will ensure that...
    • Work Permits
      Question 251: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the arrangements his Department is putting in place to facilitate family reunification for holders of green cards issued by...
    • Departmental Reports
      Question 252: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the status of the report drafted by a person (details supplied) on an international review of the policy and legislation on...
    • Crime Prevention
      Question 253: To ask the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform the way in which his Department promotes the national community development organisation active in rural Ireland, for...
  • Department of Education and Science
    • Road Safety
      Question 254: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of schools in County Westmeath who have applied to her Department for the installation of traffic calming and safety...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 255: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if, in view of recent correspondence from a school (details supplied), she will take steps to ensure that the necessary additional...
    • Vocational Education Committees
      Question 256: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of boards in place at all vocational education committees; the composition of these boards; the name of the persons sitting...
    • School Staffing
      Question 257: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the position relating to the one teacher schools support group which is anxious to have another adult employed in each one teacher...
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 258: To ask the Minister for Education and Science when finance will be available for the purpose of building a new school (details supplied) in County Kilkenny; and if she will make a...
    • Summer Works Scheme
      Question 259: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if summer works for a college (details supplied) in County Longford will be approved; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • Special Educational Needs
      Question 260: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of learning resource teachers in County Kildare in the years 2002 to 2005; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
    • Schools Recognition
      Question 262: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the progress that has been achieved towards permanent recognition of a school (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if she will...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 263: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of schools in County Kildare that have applied for funding under the 2006 summer work scheme; and if she will make a...
    • School Staffing
      Question 264: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the recourse which is open to a person who is of the opinion that they were more qualified for a post (details supplied) than the...
    • Pension Provisions
      Question 265: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the pension entitlements of a person (details supplied) in County Cork. [37091/05]
    • Schools Building Projects
      Question 266: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the stage at which the proposal to construct a new school at a location (details supplied) in Dublin 5 has reached; the system which is...
    • Higher Education Grants
      Question 267: To ask the Minister for Education and Science if funds for the higher education grant are to be made available to a group (details supplied) when they have been deemed eligible for...
    • School Accommodation
      Question 268: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the priority with regard to funding classrooms that are rat infested, old and without toilets or new physical education halls and gyms....
    • Third Level Fees
      Question 269: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the reason a person (details supplied) in County Kildare is being asked to pay fees for a course; the effect the stated payment would...
    • State Examinations
      Question 270: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the proportion of marks allocated for spoken Irish in the leaving certificate for Irish at lower level; if she intends to restructure...
    • Teacher Training
      Question 271: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the cost accrued by the State in training a primary teacher in each official teacher training college; the cost of training a primary...
    • School Curriculum
      Question 273: To ask the Minister for Education and Science the number of hours in the primary teacher training curriculum; the number of hours spent on dyslexia; the way in which same is...
  • Department of Defence
    • Defence Forces Recruitment
      Question 274: To ask the Minister for Defence the position is in relation to a person who is interested in joining the cadets and who is a diabetic; the present policy; his views regarding same;...
    • Ambulance Service
      Question 275: To ask the Minister for Defence his views on whether the air ambulance service provided by the Air Corps should be on more than an "as is" basis as these new helicopter types will...
    • Courts-Martial
      Question 276: To ask the Minister for Defence the number of Defence Forces personnel that were in detention or confined to barracks, during the week ending 27 November 2005; the exact details of...
  • Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 277: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the target which Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas...
    • Capital Expenditure
      Question 279: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the amount of funding allocated to the mid-east and other regions for the years 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004 from...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 280: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the situation regarding the application for funding for a sewerage scheme at Dunlavin, County Wicklow by...
    • Housing Grants
      Question 281: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if measures will be put in place to ensure that the necessary staffing is allocated to the disabled persons'...
    • Social and Affordable Housing
      Question 282: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government if the clawback arrangement will be reviewed as applied in the social and affordable housing scheme operated...
    • Water and Sewerage Schemes
      Question 283: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the timescale for the completion of a water scheme (details supplied) in County Kildare; and if he will make a...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 285: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the target which Ireland has set in the national climate change strategy for the reduction of greenhouse gas...
    • Building Regulations
      Question 289: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress which has been made to date in 2005 in respect of the plan specified under the national climate...
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Question 290: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the progress which has been made to date in 2005 in respect of the planned agreement regarding the reduction...
    • Local Authority Staff
      Question 292: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government further to Parliamentary Question No. 583 of 22 November 2005 if persons originally employed as general...
    • Local Authority Funding
      Question 293: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the requests currently under consideration or ongoing at his Department for funding for projects in Counties...
    • Recycling Policy
      Question 294: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government his plans to introduce a refundable deposit scheme at the point of sale on plastic and aluminium bottles and...