Seanad debates
Thursday, 19 December 2002
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Paidir. Prayer.
- Business of Seanad. (1 speech)
I have received notice from Senator Quinn that, on the motion for the Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Justice, Equality...
- Standing Order 30. (1 speech)
I have notice of a matter of concern from Senator White under Standing Order 30 which will be taken at 12.50 p.m.
- Message from Dáil. (1 speech)
The Dáil has passed the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill, 2002, without amendment.
- Order of Business. (52 speeches)
As this is the last meeting before the Christmas recess I extend seasonal greetings to all Members and the staff of the House. I thank the Leas-Chathaoirleach, the Leader, the Deputy Leader,...
- Conflict in the Middle East: Motion. (1 speech)
I move: That Seanad Éireann calls on the Government of Israel unconditionally to allow the President of the Palestinian Authority to attend Mass in Bethlehem on Christmas Day. Question put and...
- Immigration Bill, 2002: Committee Stage (Resumed). (57 speeches)
- Matter raised under Standing Order 30. (3 speeches)
I travelled to Colombia two weeks ago at the request of the families of the three Irishmen being held in prison there – Niall Connolly, Jim Monaghan and Martin McAuley. I went in the interests...
- Adjournment Matters. - Investment Based Naturalisation Scheme. (12 speeches)
I tabled this matter because some years ago I began to have nightmares. These were not serious, but they did recur. I dreamed of arriving at passport control in some foreign country and the...
- Tipperary Plant Closure. (4 speeches)
I raise the issue of the announcement that the Miza, formerly Antigen, pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Roscrea, County Tipperary, is to close, with a substantial loss of employment for the...