Dáil debates

Wednesday, 1 February 2006

  • Prelude (0 speeches)
    Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m.
  • Leaders' Questions. (76 speeches)
    One of the darkest days this country experienced was 30 May 2005, when the "Prime Time Investigates" programme exposed the shocking conditions in Leas Cross nursing home. Following that...
  • Ceisteanna — Questions. (0 speeches)
    Official Travel.
    • Official Travel. (38 speeches)
      Question 1: To ask the Taoiseach if he will report on his visit to Croatia; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37547/05]
  • Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31. (6 speeches)
    Before coming to the Order of Business I propose to deal with a number of notices under Standing Order 31.
  • Order of Business. (140 speeches)
    It is proposed to take No. 16, National Economic and Social Development Office Bill 2002 — Order for Report, Report and Final Stages; No. 15, Competition (Amendment) Bill 2005 [Seanad] —...
  • National Economic and Social Development Office Bill 2002: Order for Report Stage. (1 speech)
    I move: "That Report Stage be taken now."
  • National Economic and Social Development Office Bill 2002: Report Stage. (36 speeches)
    Amendments Nos. 1 to 4, inclusive, are related and may be discussed together, by agreement. Is that agreed? Agreed.
  • Ceisteanna — Questions (Resumed). (0 speeches)
  • Priority Questions. (0 speeches)
    Road Network.
    • Road Network. (14 speeches)
      Question 105: To ask the Minister for Transport if it is intended to continue to fund parts of the road construction programme through a tolling mechanism; and if he will make a statement on the...
    • Road Traffic Offences. (34 speeches)
      Question 106: To ask the Minister for Transport if, in view of the Attorney General's advice to the Garda Commissioner that under existing legislation the Garda Síochána has the power to set up...
    • Public Transport. (105 speeches)
      Question 107: To ask the Minister for Transport the position regarding bus transport policy; when same will be implemented; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3567/06]
    • Regional Airports. (8 speeches)
      Question 109: To ask the Minister for Transport if an investment of €29 million, which Ireland West Airport Knock requires for the period of 2005 to 2007 to meet essential infrastructural needs...
  • Other Questions. (0 speeches)
    Decentralisation Programme.
    • Decentralisation Programme. (29 speeches)
      Question 110: To ask the Minister for Transport when the coast guard will move its headquarters to Drogheda; the number of positions and staff who will transfer; the arrangements being made for...
    • National Car Test. (11 speeches)
      Question 111: To ask the Minister for Transport the reason for the delay in publishing the outcome of the review of the national car test; the changes he intends making following the review; and...
    • Transport Policy. (53 speeches)
      Question 112: To ask the Minister for Transport the progress made in regard to the delivery of the projects outlined in Transport 21; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3342/06]
  • Adjournment Debate Matters. (1 speech)
    I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Neville — A Vision for...
  • National Economic and Social Development Office Bill 2002: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage. (25 speeches)
    Debate resumed on Amendment No. 17:
  • Competition (Amendment) Bill 2005 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (103 speeches)
    Question again proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
  • Private Members' Business. (0 speeches)
  • Social Services Inspectorate: Motion (Resumed). (46 speeches)
    The following motion was moved by Deputy Twomey on Tuesday, 31 January 2006:
  • Adjournment Debate. (0 speeches)
    Mental Health Services.
    • Mental Health Services. (2 speeches)
      I intend to discuss the recommendations of the report of the expert group on mental health policy, A Vision for Change. I thank the Ceann Comhairle for allowing me the opportunity to debate this...
    • Rape Crisis Centres. (2 speeches)
      I thank the Ceann Comhairle for giving me the opportunity to raise this important issue. Violence against women is extensive, pervasive and ongoing. Frontline services including rape crisis...
    • Hospital Services. (3 speeches)
      I wish to share time with Deputy Hoctor. Since 1997 there have been significant developments in the county hospital in Nenagh, including the appointment of a range of consultants, nursing and...
    • Job Creation. (22 speeches)
      I thank the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Deputy Martin, for coming before the House to listen to Deputy Healy, and I making a case for Carrick-on-Suir. As the Minister will be...