Written answers

Thursday, 26 September 2024

  • Education Policy
    149. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will examine a matter regarding class sizes in primary schools (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38229/24]
  • School Facilities
    150. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of an application for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38241/24]
  • Schools Building Projects
    151. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when construction work will commence for a school (details supplied); the timeline for delivery and completion of this project; and if she will...
  • School Facilities
    154. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if urgent attention will be given to an issue in a school in County Kerry (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • School Funding
    155. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the funding for mental health/counselling support provided to a school (details supplied); the number of hours this translates to; and if she...
  • School Transport
    156. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to provide an update on the implementation of school transport for a pupil (details supplied) from their home to their school; and if she will...
  • Ministerial Staff
    157. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will provide a schedule of all special advisors that are, or were, attached to her, to include Ministers of State special advisors, by...
  • Education Policy
    158. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills her plans to bring driving lessons and driver education classes into second level education; and if she will make a statement on the matter....
  • Special Educational Needs
    159. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for an update on an ASD unit (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38395/24]
  • Education Policy
    160. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills her policy on opening reading classes (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38397/24]
  • Schools Building Projects
    161. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills for an update on the ownership of the field adjacent to a school (details supplied); the timings for the extension and remediation works for the...
  • Children in Care
    162. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will coordinate with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to ensure a cross-Government approach to...
  • School Staff
    163. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the supports that will be put in place for nurses and boarding staff made redundant at a school (details supplied), given the school’s...
  • School Funding
    164. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to examine the case of badly needed funding for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38425/24]
  • Special Educational Needs
    165. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will provide an update on the ASD unit at a school (details supplied). [38427/24]
  • School Admissions
    169. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to indicate, notwithstanding replies to previous Parliamentary Questions on the matter, if a second level school place can be found for the son...


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