Dáil debates
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
- Prelude (0 speeches)
Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar 10:30
- Leaders' Questions (28 speeches)
Yesterday, the head of banking regulation at the Central Bank, Ms Fiona Muldoon, made a very frank and honest statement in which she outlined what was not being done about the mortgage crisis....
- Order of Business (64 speeches)
It is proposed to take No. 4, Education and Training Boards Bill 2012 - Second Stage (resumed); No.1, Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Bill 2012 Seanad - Second Stage; and Private...
- Topical Issue Matters (1 speech)
I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Ray Butler - the need to...
- Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (30 speeches)
Question again proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
- Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions (0 speeches)
- Anti-Social Driving Practices (10 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade further to Parliamentary Question No. 25 of 19 July 2012, if he will have further urgent consideration given to the requests of...
- Northern Ireland Issues (6 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will give an update on the circumstances of Marian Price's imprisonment in particular on her isolation and medical...
- Middle East Peace Process (6 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the steps he has agreed with his EU counterparts in ending illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank; if he will implement a...
- Human Rights Issues (6 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if his attention has been drawn to the continued human rights violations in Bahrain, particularly against medics; and the...
- Other Questions (0 speeches)
- Commemorative Events (7 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he has discussed the decade of centennial celebrations with the Northern Executive and the Secretary of State for Northern...
- Human Rights Issues (6 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade in view of the ongoing threats to trade unionists, civil society leaders, and human rights and defence lawyers, his views...
- Human Rights Issues (8 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will provide a report on the newly formed Ireland Saudi Arabia Business Council; and the expected economic benefits of...
- Middle East Peace Process (7 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if his attention has been drawn to reports from German news organisation, Der Speigel, which states that Germany is providing...
- Foreign Conflicts (8 speeches)
To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade his views on the need for a fresh UN mandate to help end the Syrian civil war; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
- Topical Issue Debate (0 speeches)
- Credit Availability (4 speeches)
I have previously spoken on the matter of high loan refusal rates and the detrimental effects they were having on the recovery of SMEs which is vital for the country. At the time, it was...
- School Accommodation (4 speeches)
I welcome the opportunity to discuss this very important issue on the floor of the Dáil. It is projected that the Presentation Convent national school will experience huge growth by 2014 or...
- Garda Strength (4 speeches)
Last Saturday evening in the town of Kincasslagh in County Donegal, which is probably best known throughout the country for being the home town of Daniel O'Donnell, over 200 local residents...
- Child Detention Centres (14 speeches)
I thank the Ceann Comhairle for selecting this issue, which is very topical given the publication yesterday in the public domain of the prison inspector's report and the facts that there is to be...
- Message from Select Committee. (1 speech)
The Select Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality has completed its consideration of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Bill 2012 and has made amendments thereto.
- Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (39 speeches)
Question again proposed: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
- Education and Training Boards Bill 2012: Referral to Select Committee (1 speech)
I move:That the Bill be referred to the Select Sub-committee on Education and Skills pursuant to Standing Orders 82A(3)(a) and (6)(a) and 126(1) of the Standing Orders relative to Public Business.
- Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Bill 2012 [Seanad]: Second Stage (2 speeches)
I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time." I welcome the opportunity to address the House on Second Stage of this Bill, which will introduce a system of generic substitution and...
- Home Help and Home Care Services: Motion (Resumed) [Private Members] (43 speeches)
The following motion was moved by Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin on Tuesday, 16 October 2012:That Dáil Éireann:- recognising the right of older people to live in dignity...