Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Health
Departmental Expenditure
David Cullinane (Waterford, Sinn Fein)
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1411. To ask the Minister for Health if he will provide information on the resource allocation and spending to date by his Department on implementation of the National Traveller Health Action plan launched in 2022; where that spend is directed; and if the spend is once-off or recurring, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46741/24]
Colm Burke (Cork North-Central, Fine Gael)
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The Dept and the HSE published the national Traveller health action plan (NTHAP) in 2002. It states that Travellers have the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health as is the norm in Irish society. To achieve health equity, the Dept and the HSE have produced a comprehensive public health response that provides tailored and affirmative measures to prevent disease, promote health and prolong life for this population group, and are delivered in partnership with Travellers.
The HSE has a ring-fenced budget of over €10 million for the provision of Traveller-specific health services. This is in addition to the funding provided for general healthcare services that are availed of by the Traveller community, eg GMS, public health, acute hospitals, mental health and community care. Additional resources have also been provided for drug services, including services that target Travellers affected by problematic drug and alcohol use.
In 2023, the Dept allocated an additional €1.3 million to the HSE to commence the implementation of the NTHAP, with €300k of this being allocated for Traveller mental health. The Department has announced two additional funding calls on Traveller health, to support the implementation of the NTHAP.
• €500,000 to improve healthcare services and address the social determinants of health for Traveller women who experience homelessness, under the Women's Health Action Plan.
• €710,000 to address the social determinants Traveller health, in conjunction with the Healthy Communities Programme.
In addition, the Dept has allocated significant additional resources for Traveller mental health, including expansion of the Traveller Counselling Service, enhancement of NCP for Self-Harm and Suicide Related Ideation, with culturally sensitive supports for Travellers, and enhancement of the Suicide Bereavement Liaison Service with culturally appropriate supports for Travellers.
In Budget 2025, €500k was allocated for a programme focused on the health of Traveller children, in conjunction with National Healthy Childhood Framework.
The HSE national service plan contains the following actions with regard to the NTHAP.
- Conduct a mid-term review of the plan’s implementation and evaluate the impact of the Primary Healthcare for Traveller projects to inform future developments and implement the Traveller healthy childhood initiatives.
- Strengthen culturally appropriate mental health services and supports for Travellers, through the further expansion of the National Traveller Counselling Service, and the provision of additional Traveller focused suicide prevention and self-harm supports.
I am fully committed to providing the leadership and resources for evidence-informed measures to implement the NTHAP, in conjunction with the HSE and Traveller organisations.
David Cullinane (Waterford, Sinn Fein)
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1412. To ask the Minister for Health if he has considered funding access for children with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma to a trial (details supplied); if he is aware of any other EU Member States which facilitate or do not facilitate this; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46758/24]
Stephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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A patient’s participation in any trial is a decision for them, their legal guardians and specialist clinical team. My Department provides significant funding for the health research environment which includes clinical trial infrastructure for trials taking place in Ireland, as opposed to access to specific trials in particular locations. Over the past 15 years my Department has invested 150 million euro into trials and research services infrastructure.
Other EU Member States are at various stages of maturity in developing their national trials infrastructure and funding structures. Within the various jurisdictions, payment cover of trials will vary significantly depending on the trial type, trial sponsor and sponsor cover.
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