Written answers
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
GLAS Payments
Michael Ring (Mayo, Fine Gael)
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140. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive a GLAS payment; when the issue that arose under the forestry check will be resolved; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32164/16]
Michael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael)
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An application under Tranche 1 of GLAS was received in my Department on the 16 May 2015 and the person named was approved into the GLAS 1 with effect from 1 October 2015.
Under the EU Regulations governing the Scheme and other area-based payment schemes, a comprehensive administrative check, including cross-checks with the Land Parcel Identification System, must be completed before any payment can issue.
During the GLAS pre-payment validation checks in respect of the 2015 scheme year an issue was identified in relation to some parcels under the Forestry Check. Department Officials are actively reviewing this issue with a view to resolving it and processing the 2015 payment as soon as possible.
Michael Ring (Mayo, Fine Gael)
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141. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason a person (details supplied) in County Mayo has not been paid a GLAS payment which was due in December 2015; and when this payment will issue. [32247/16]
Michael Creed (Cork North West, Fine Gael)
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An application under Tranche 1 of GLAS was received in my Department on the 24 May 2015 and the person named was approved into the GLAS 1 with effect from 1 October 2015.
Under the EU Regulations governing the Scheme and other area-based payment schemes, a comprehensive administrative check, including cross-checks with the Land Parcel Identification System, must be completed before any payment can issue.
During the GLAS pre-payment validation checks in respect of the 2015 scheme year an issue was identified in relation to a parcel on which the Farmland Habitat Private Natura action was selected. Department Officials are currently reviewing this issue with a view to resolving it and processing the 2015 payment as soon as possible.
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