Written answers
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
- Department of Education and Skills
- Further and Higher Education
9. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to develop and support further and higher education in County Monaghan. [49541/21]
- Technological Universities
12. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if there are plans to offer new and additional courses at the technological university located in Ennis, County Clare, particularly engineering...
- Third Level Education
14. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will support proposals to develop a training centre for students of the University of Limerick’s bachelor of science in paramedic...
- Technological Universities
16. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of planned and allocated capital investment for the Carlow campus of the Technical University of the South-East; and if he will make a...
- Third Level Fees
18. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the way the distances for adjacent and non-adjacent third-level SUSI grants are set; the progress that has been made on the current review of...
- Third Level Education
19. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to increase the uptake of third-level STEM courses by girls and women. [49850/21]
- Science Foundation Ireland
20. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the changes he is proposing to the allocation of research funding though Science Foundation Ireland in view of the fact that significant new money...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
21. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if more consideration can be given to an apprentice type approach for childcare courses; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49832/21]
- Research and Development
22. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if Ireland will consider applying to join CERN due to the enormous scientific and research benefits associated with membership; and if he will...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
23. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the plans in place to promote the take-up of new apprenticeships by more women, migrants, persons with disabilities and mature applicants; and if...
- Student Accommodation
25. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the engagement he has had with the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage with regard to tackling the ongoing crisis in accommodation...
- Technological Universities
27. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the total funding provided by the Higher Education Authority to the Connaught-Ulster Alliance consortium in seeking technological university...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
28. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills further to Parliamentary Question No. 509 of 15 September 2021, his Department’s plans to encourage more young persons to take-up an...
- Further and Higher Education
29. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the extent to which he continues to remain satisfied regarding the availability of adequate third and fourth level graduates to meet the demands...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
30. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the degree to which his Department continues to facilitate the development of apprenticeship and upskilling educational and or retraining...
- Third Level Education
31. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the detail of the official advice from his Department regarding in-person lectures and classes in third-level institutions (details supplied)....
- Third Level Fees
32. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of students who to date in 2021 have applied for the SUSI grant; the number who have been awarded funding; the number of applications...
- Teacher Training
33. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of works to deliver a home economics teacher training course for Mary Immaculate College, St Patrick’s Campus, Thurles, County...
- Research and Development
34. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to prioritise investment in the research areas of agriculture, forestry and horticulture which will be significant components of future...
- Student Accommodation
35. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to assist in the delivery of purpose-built student accommodation for the Mary Immaculate College and Technological University of the...
- Further and Higher Education
36. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to develop a new pact with businesses across the country to address skills shortages; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
- Student Accommodation
37. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the steps he is taking to respond to the shortage of student accommodation. [49538/21]
- Third Level Fees
38. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will offer clarity on whether or not receipt of the pandemic unemployment payment in 2020 or earlier in 2021 would disqualify a student from...
- Third Level Education
39. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the level of funding that has been provided to UCC and the Munster Technological University to enable the safe reopening of on-campus education...
- Cross-Border Co-operation
40. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the proposals there are to intensify co-operation in the further education sector on a cross-Border and all-Ireland basis; and if he will make a...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
41. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to facilitate those in education namely cyber-security courses to progress to high-level apprenticeships; and if he will make a...
- Student Accommodation
42. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if arrangements have been made for students who continue to pay huge costs for accommodation that is not being used due to the fact certain...
- Third Level Education
43. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the policy of his Department in relation to the provision of third-level education through the medium of Irish; the location in which details of...
- Third Level Fees
44. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the progress made on the reform of the SUSI grant; the expected date for any changes to come into effect; and if he will make a statement on the...
- Third Level Education
45. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the Erasmus Plus programme for the current academic year; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49455/21]
- Technological Universities
46. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the technological university application with respect to Waterford IT and IT Carlow; when he expects a decision to be finalised; the...
- Further and Higher Education
47. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the progress to foster inclusion as provided for in the Further Education and Training Strategy 2020-2024; and if he will make a statement on the...
- Technological Universities
48. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if a commitment will be given to provide the necessary capital expenditure required to ensure the expansion of the existing WIT footprint to...
- Third Level Fees
49. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason pension contributions are disregarded for one student’s application but not the other student of the same family when applying...
- Third Level Education
51. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the current and planned developments regarding implementation of the Framework for Consent in Higher Education Institutions: Safe, Respectful,...
- Third Level Fees
52. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will review the income criteria for the SUSI grant with a view to removing the income of students who defer a year to work and save for...
- Student Accommodation
53. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the efforts that are being made to provide student accommodation for those attending the Technological University of the Shannon, Midlands...
- Third Level Fees
55. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will increase the SUSI grant thresholds to reflect the increased cost of living. [49759/21]
- Third Level Costs
56. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the determining factor that results in students of only some third-level educational institutes having access to the student hardship fund. [49540/21]
- Third Level Education
57. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the new proposed construction commencement date for two new PPP science buildings in the Waterford and Carlow campuses; if a commitment will be...
- Research and Development
58. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will establish a science and technology policy fellowship within the civil service to provide opportunities to scientists and engineers to...
- Student Accommodation
59. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the plans that are being developed to increase student accommodations units for 2022-2023 academic year; and if he will make a statement on the...
- Third Level Costs
60. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the full range of measures in place to help students in financial difficulty in third-level education; and if he will make a statement on the...
- Further and Higher Education
61. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of plans to reform the CAO; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49829/21]
- Institutes of Technology
62. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the threshold of repair funding he is proposing to sanction for repair works at WIT given that previous repair applications of up to a total...
- Third Level Education
63. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if his attention has been drawn to the shortfall in phycologists which is preventing the HSE from progressing the recruitment of staff for their...
- Further and Higher Education
64. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the progress made under the Fund for Students with Disabilities and other supports aimed at supporting students with disabilities to access and...
- Adult Education Provision
65. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the way it is envisaged higher and further education institutions will assist in the provision and expansion of adult literacy, numeracy and...
- Third Level Fees
66. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will give consideration to reviewing the way the pandemic unemployment payment is assessed as income earned outside of term-time for the...
- Further and Higher Education
67. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the specific proposals there are to expand the further education sector in 2022; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49874/21]
- Apprenticeship Programmes
68. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if there is evidence of a decline in the number of new registrations on construction related apprenticeships; and if he will make a statement on...
- Third Level Education
69. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the university courses that put on additional places to meet demand of demographics and grade or point inflation; and if he will make a statement...
- Third Level Costs
70. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if additional funding will be provided in Budget 2022 to financially assist third-level students given the ever-increasing cost of living; and if...
- Third Level Fees
71. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if the student contribution charge is currently set at an appropriate level; when he will bring forward a sustainable funding model for...
- Third Level Staff
73. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he is satisfied that all contracts issued to staff who teach and research in all higher education institutions are secure and provide for...
- Further and Higher Education
74. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the way the funding for capital works and equipment at higher and further education institutions in Limerick will be disbursed; and if the funding...
- Third Level Costs
76. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to address the demand for food banks in UCC. [49849/21]
- Technological Universities
77. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the role he foresees for the new university campus in Ennis, County Clare of the Technological University of the Shannon; if its plans to link...
- Research and Development
78. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of development of the next national research and innovation strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49814/21]
- Further and Higher Education
79. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the role of his Department in future-proofing certain industries as Ireland progresses towards carbon reduction goals; if there will be oversight...
- Student Accommodation
80. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the immediate actions that have been taken to alleviate the student housing shortage for this academic year; and if he will make a statement on...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
81. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will report on the initiatives that he has facilitated to encourage the recruitment of mature apprentices; if he is considering additional...
- Student Accommodation
82. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the measures in place or planned to increase the supply and affordability of student accommodation; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
- Third Level Fees
84. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the increase in SUSI grant amounts for students that have taken place since 2011; the increase in the eligible income limits; the changes that...
- Third Level Education
85. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding the percentage of third-level courses that have not yet returned to full-time in person learning; the steps he is taking to...
- Institutes of Technology
86. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to acquire sites in counties Waterford and Wexford and the level of capital allocation required to develop these sites into the future...
- Third Level Fees
87. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to extend the SUSI eligibility criteria to include holders of exceptional stamp 4 permissions including children and young persons in...
- Third Level Education
88. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the detail of the work and engagement his Department has had with third-level institutions in relation to sexual violence, information campaigns,...
- Further and Higher Education
89. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will address the multiple problems faced by trainee psychologists including the difficulty of supporting themselves thought their...
- Apprenticeship Programmes
90. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the details of and progress regarding the 18 consortia-led apprenticeships in development in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the...
- Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
- Work Permits
94. To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment his plans to remove hospitality workers from the ineligible list of occupations for employment permits in view of the ongoing...
- Company Law
95. To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he plans to amend the Limited Partnership Act 1907; if not, if he will take other measures to prevent the use of limited...
- Work Permits
97. To ask the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he has received a work permit application by a person (details supplied); and if so, when it will be processed. [50056/21]
- Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment
- Broadband Infrastructure
98. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the way it is proposed to increase the geographic coverage of the existing 4G network to address blackspot areas; and if...
- Post Office Network
99. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will give further consideration to a submission by a union (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on...
- National Broadband Plan
100. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will address the lack of broadband in parts of rural Ireland which is making remote working extremely difficult;...
- Environmental Policy
101. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the steps being taken to ensure that hedgerows will be included in calculations relating to carbon sequestration...
- National Broadband Plan
102. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if there is a more accurate timeline available for the connection of broadband to a premises (details supplied). [50047/21]
- Energy Production
103. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment when micro-generated energy providers will be in a position to sell their surplus domestic generated energy to the...
- Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
- Rail Network
104. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport when the feasibility study into the double tracking of the rail line from Athenry to Galway city is commencing; when the findings will be...
- Public Transport
105. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if additional funding will be provided to the rural transport programme and TFI LocalLink in Budget 2022; and if he will make a statement...
- Road Projects
106. To ask the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if there is a commitment in the National Development Plan to fund two relief roads projects in Killeagh and Castlemartyr, County Cork;...
- Department of Finance
- Tax Reliefs
107. To ask the Minister for Finance if consideration will be given to extending stamp duty relief to young trained farmers until December 2026; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
- Insurance Industry
109. To ask the Minister for Finance the reason a person (details supplied) cannot get insurance due to their age; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50003/21]
- Vehicle Registration Tax
110. To ask the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 1225 of 9 September 2021, if he will address further matters regarding VRT (details supplied); and if he will make a...
- Tax Reliefs
111. To ask the Minister for Finance if he will consider instructing his Department to begin collecting the data either through research or as a standardised component of the tax return on which...
- Departmental Data
112. To ask the Minister for Finance if he will provide the Department calculations by that reportedly project a revenue loss of €2 billion a year following a corporate tax rate increase...
- Illicit Trade
113. To ask the Minister for Finance the action that will be taken by statutory agencies in relation to the threat posed to retailers and communities by criminal gangs selling illicit roll your...
- Tax Collection
115. To ask the Minister for Finance the supports available to older and vulnerable households in order to assist them in submitting their local property tax revaluation given that many persons...
- Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government
- Commercial Rates
116. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if veterinary practices, dentist surgeries, physiotherapy clinics, holistic healing centres and other such services are...
- Local Authorities
117. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the way in which a local authority can apply for funding to employ a full-time biodiversity officer; the number of officers...
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Departmental Inquiries
118. To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade the status of an application by a person (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49986/21]
- Passport Services
119. To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will make representations to the Passport Office to expedite the processing of the passport application of a person (details supplied)...
- Foreign Birth Registration
120. To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if there are plans for processing of foreign birth registrations to recommence in the near future; and if so, the date. [50012/21]
- Passport Services
121. To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will examine a case regarding a passport application by a person (details supplied); when a passport will be issued to the applicant;...
- Department of Education and Skills
- School Accommodation
125. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the amount spent on renting prefabs at a school (details supplied) in each of the years 2014 to 2020, in tabular form. [49938/21]
- School Staff
126. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will address a matter (details supplied) regarding substitute teachers; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [49989/21]
- School Transport
128. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when school transport will return to 100% capacity. [49998/21]
- School Staff
129. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if the current release day allocation of one release day per week for teaching principals will be maintained beyond the academic year 2021-2022...
- School Equipment
130. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the details of the quality assurance testing and calibration carried out on the CO2 monitors delivered by her Department to schools; and if she...
- Capitation Grants
132. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills her views on the adequacy of the school capitation grant levels for primary schools; if she will report on the basis for the discrepancy between...
- School Staff
133. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if the level of retirement from the primary school system is matched by the number of newly qualified teachers; the research her Department has...
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio
135. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the position regarding the average pupil teacher ratio in primary schools at a national level if only schools with a full-time administrative...
- School Staff
136. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will address issues concerning the primary education sector as outlined in correspondence (details supplied); and if she will make a...
- School Facilities
138. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if she will report on the upgrading of a facility (details supplied). [50102/21]
- Legislative Measures
139. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when she proposes to commence section 8 of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018; and the reason for the delay in commencement. [50114/21]
- Special Educational Needs
143. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when she will establish the estimated costs of fully implementing the remaining sections and subsections of the Education for Persons with...
- Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
- Social Welfare Benefits
145. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection when the waiver for fixed line charges for pensioners was abolished. [50008/21]
- Departmental Projects
146. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the timeline for the completion of a research project undertaken by the civil registration unit on the process of...
- Pension Provisions
147. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the status of the community employment supervisors dispute regarding entitlement to a pension; and if she will make a...
- Social Welfare Payments
148. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the reason the working family payment for a person (details supplied) was refused; if they are being penalised due to their...
- Social Welfare Benefits
150. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if the allowance for electricity units for the elderly and persons claiming such entitlements can be increased due to planned...
- Employment Support Services
153. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if she will respond to correspondence from an organisation (details supplied); if she will ensure that senior representatives...
- Social Welfare Payments
154. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if a decision has been made on an appeal of the decision on a widow’s grant application by a person (details supplied)...
- Personal Public Service Numbers
155. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection when a PPS number will issue for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9; the reason for the delay; and if she will make a...
- Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
- Residential Institutions
156. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth his plans to address the issues of the former residents of the Bethany homes; and if he will make a statement on...
- Health Services Staff
157. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth his plans for the restoration of pay for section 56 and section 59 organisations in line with the Workplace...
- Youth Services
158. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth his plans to restore funding for youth work services to pre-2008 levels; if his attention has been drawn to a...
- Department of Education and Skills
- Protected Disclosures
159. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of protected disclosures received by his Department since June 2020; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49815/21]
- National Development Plan
160. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if a commitment will be given that funding and development for the WIT campus at Waterford will proceed regardless of other developmental issues...
- Education and Training Provision
161. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the training fund which was promised to the former workers of a company (details supplied). [43799/21]
- Third Level Education
162. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will provide an estimate of the number of emails he has received over the past three months from students experiencing difficulties with...
- Third Level Admissions
164. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of students who had the points for entry to high-demand courses such as veterinary science or medicine but who lost out on the lottery...
- Student Accommodation
165. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills if he will request that purpose-built student accommodation ceases to be offered to tourists during term-time; and if he will make a statement on...
- Third Level Education
166. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of sitting days of the student grant appeals board in each year since 2016; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50032/21]
- Apprenticeship Programmes
167. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the number of annual registrations that would be required in order to maintain an apprenticeship population of 40,000; and if he will make a...
- Third Level Education
168. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to ensure continued access to third level for all students seeking to avail of third-level education; and if he will make a statement...
- Department of Justice and Equality
- Human Trafficking
178. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the actions her Department is taking to combat the trafficking of human beings into Ireland; if her Department has identified...
- An Garda Síochána
179. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the funding provided to the National Protective Services Bureau within An Garda Síochána; the number of staff...
- Human Trafficking
180. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality if her attention has been drawn to reports from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission that an emerging trend in human...
- Citizenship Applications
182. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality if a person born in the UK has the right to claim Irish citizenship as a result of marrying an Irish-born citizen. [49966/21]
- Departmental Data
183. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the average waiting time for refugee travel documents issued to date in 2021. [50038/21]
- Human Rights
188. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality the way in which a member of the Houses of the Oireachtas can raise an issue on behalf of a person (details supplied) which...
- Department of Health
- Cannabis for Medicinal Use
189. To ask the Minister for Health the status of a matter in relation to legislation on cannabis (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50073/21]
- Hospital Services
190. To ask the Minister for Health the status of the development of the central sterile services department at Roscommon hospital; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42546/21]
- Hospital Facilities
191. To ask the Minister for Health the current status of the Portiuncula Hospital 50 bedroom ward block development; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [42547/21]
- Vaccination Programme
192. To ask the Minister for Health the status of plans to introduce a no-fault vaccination compensation scheme for severe adverse reactions to State-promoted vaccination programmes; and if he...
- Health Strategies
193. To ask the Minister for Health the role of genomic medicine in Ireland; his plans for a national genomics strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [48278/21]
- Health Services Staff
194. To ask the Minister for Health if he will increase the number of neurology nurse specialists across Ireland including five extra nurses for Beaumont Hospital to bring Ireland in line with...
- Health Service Executive
195. To ask the Minister for Health if parents of children in a school (details supplied) will be fully updated on the results of an evaluation carried out by the HSE of services provided in the...
- Primary Medical Certificates
196. To ask the Minister for Health if a medical assessment can be redone due to the unsatisfactory way the original assessment took place in the case of a person (details supplied); and if he...
- Departmental Data
197. To ask the Minister for Health the number of capital projects approved under the winter planning within the Covid-19 pandemic October 2020–April 2021 plan; the projected number of...
- Hospital Appointments Status
199. To ask the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be called for a cataract appointment. [49948/21]
- Hospital Waiting Lists
200. To ask the Minister for Health the number of persons on waiting lists for treatment at Naas General Hospital in each of the past five years; the number waiting for lengths greater than three...
- Hospital Staff
201. To ask the Minister for Health if Naas General Hospital is operating with its full complement of medical staff; if not, the number and kind of medical staff missing, for example, general...
- General Practitioner Services
202. To ask the Minister for Health if according to best public health practice and per population County Kildare has sufficient numbers of general practitioners; and if he will make a statement...
- Departmental Data
203. To ask the Minister for Health the number of public healthcare workers in County Kildare at all levels of the health service that are or have been on sick leave or extended leave due to work...
- Mental Health Services
205. To ask the Minister for Health if he will ensure that sufficient resources and personnel are in place in 2022 to provide an improved level of mental health services in areas such as counties...
- Civil Registration Service
206. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 425 of 5 May 2021, the status of a review of thresholds for still birth registrations. [49975/21]
- Medicinal Products
207. To ask the Minister for Health when he will establish a Ministerial stakeholder group as agreed by him in November 2020 to review and strengthen current risk reduction measures for women of...
- Health Services Staff
208. To ask the Minister for Health his plans to recruit four unfilled epilepsy nurse specialist posts agreed in 2018 for the implementation of the pregnancy prevention programme (details...
- Hospital Staff
209. To ask the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that based on the population number living in the catchment area of Tallaght University Hospital, national and...
- Covid-19 Pandemic
210. To ask the Minister for Health the reason the Covid certificate of recovery is only valid for 180 days from 11 days after a positive PCR result when the HSE is treating the period of...
- State Bodies
211. To ask the Minister for Health the reason family support networks no longer have a seat on the National Oversight Committee; and when this will be restored. [49996/21]
- Departmental Priorities
212. To ask the Minister for Health the progress on establishing a national family support network. [49997/21]
- Health and Safety
213. To ask the Minister for Health if he plans to review the current blood donation ban on sexually active gay and bisexual men; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [49999/21]
- Hospital Services
214. To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question No. 633 of 15 September 2021, when a response will issue (details supplied). [50000/21]
- Departmental Correspondence
215. To ask the Minister for Health if he will address matters raised in correspondence (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50002/21]
- Hospital Appointments Status
216. To ask the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be rescheduled for a recently cancelled procedure in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; and if he...
- Departmental Priorities
217. To ask the Minister for Health the supports his Department provides for research into motor neuron disease; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50009/21]
- Dental Services
218. To ask the Minister for Health the reason a person (details supplied) is waiting so long for a referral to the public dentist in Cavan General Hospital; and if he will make a statement on...
- Hospital Overcrowding
219. To ask the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the overcrowding and the lack of beds at UHL Limerick; his plans to alleviate the problem (details supplied); and if he will...
- Mental Health Policy
220. To ask the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the increase in the number of persons that are seeking mental health support and taking medication for such issues in the...
- Hospital Appointments Status
221. To ask the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will receive an appointment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50020/21]
- Covid-19 Pandemic
222. To ask the Minister for Health if his Department will undertake research to discern the number of persons in Ireland that are living with long Covid and to produce recommendations to him...
- Hospital Appointments Status
224. To ask the Minister for Health the reason a person (details supplied) cannot get a hip operation; the reason for the delay; the reason the hospital has no record of an appointment; and if he...
- Mental Health Policy
225. To ask the Minister for Health if his Department has finalised a draft general scheme to amend the Mental Health Act 2001; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50065/21]
- Dental Services
227. To ask the Minister for Health the number of dentists in each county that have opted out of the dental treatment services scheme in 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form. [50067/21]
- Health Services
231. To ask the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will receive an appointment; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50105/21]
- Medical Aids and Appliances
232. To ask the Minister for Health if he will expedite the purchase of an item of equipment for a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [50112/21]
- Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
- Live Exports
233. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine further to Parliamentary Question No. 862 of 28 September 2021, if he has taken into account concern for the welfare of the animals...
- Agriculture Schemes
234. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the level of drawdown under TAMS of the grant aid for installation of solar panels; if a review has been carried out on the...
- Departmental Priorities
235. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine his views on the availability of green certificate courses during Covid-19 and the possible implications that a lack of these courses...
- Agriculture Industry
236. To ask the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if his attention has been drawn to the widespread concerns in relation to the inadequate pigmeat processing capacity at present due...
- Department of Rural and Community Development
- Flexible Work Practices
237. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development if consideration will be given to the provision of additional rural working hubs in each rural town and village to enable remote...
- Insurance Coverage
238. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development the insurance indemnity schemes that are applicable to signed and looped walkways here (details supplied); and if she will make a...
- Departmental Funding
239. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development the status of the €8 million funding sought by Clare County Council for the development of a maritime training centre in...
- Island Communities
240. To ask the Minister for Rural and Community Development the engagement her Department has had with other relevant Departments and agencies in addition to external stakeholders with regard to...