Seanad debates

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Commencement Matters (Resumed)

Organ Donation Data

10:30 am

Photo of Shane RossShane Ross (Dublin Rathdown, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I believe we are talking the same language. Earlier I made reference to whether this measure has advantages to the public. The Senator is right - that reference was undisguised code for the question of whether it saves lives.

I believe this is a potentially life-saving measure and I do not believe it would be right to stand in its way, at least not for any bureaucratic reasons. If there are practical reasons, although I do not see any at the moment, then so be it. However, I believe it would be absolutely wrong, in view of what the Senator has said, if I did not ask my official to open a conversation with the HSE to see if it would be in the interests of the HSE. Moreover, if the HSE agrees with it, then we could proceed, hopefully, to save some lives as a result of this measure.


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