Seanad debates

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Commencement Matters (Resumed)

Organ Donation Data

10:30 am

Photo of Mark DalyMark Daly (Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister for his reply and I welcome his positive response. Data protection is clearly a concern for everybody but I am not sure of the small print when one applies for a licence. There is an element of data sharing being signed off as the M50 toll company can now access data, as well as the Courts Service. It is clearly within the gift of the Minister to ensure others have access to data. If we can do it for the Courts Service, the Health and Safety Authority and others, I am sure it could be extended to the HSE.

There is the question of who would access the data. It would not be something general but it would happen when people at the coal face believe somebody is a potential donor. They should be able to find out whether the person had indicated a wish to be a donor.That information could then be used with the consultant informing the family. These are the parameters of what we are seeking. The idea is to assist families in coming to a decision. It would be helpful to have that information available to assist them in ascertaining the intentions of their loves ones.

The Minster has made some valid points but the issues of data protection and sharing of data are already covered in the existing legislation. The issue at this stage relates to the HSE. Ultimately, the public good arising from this comes from lives being saved and transformed. Let us suppose the measure brings about even one extra organ donor per annum. That change alone can transform up to five lives and it would be because of the Minister's action. I recall a line from the Bible, although I have not read the Bible too often. The Book of Genesis says that if a man saves one life, he saves the world entire.

By introducing this statutory instrument, the Minister's influence will be felt for years after he has left office. Lives could be transformed as a result of this important information being shared and that could make a major difference for families and people in the country.


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