Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community

Give Travellers the Floor: Discussion

Photo of Eileen FlynnEileen Flynn (Independent)
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I thank Ms O'Donoghue. Before we call our next speaker, I welcome the young people with us in the Chamber. When we were discussing the day's events with the National Traveller Women's Forum and the other national organisations, including Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service and Involve, we regarded it as crucial to have young people in the Chamber. All the young people here are a credit to our community. I hope they are inspired by the day. I know politics can be boring but I thank them for being here. I would also like to inspire in them the belief that any young person could be sitting here. They deserve to dream. I want to say this to the young people here today. I am looking over at one young man who was falling asleep once or twice. I would not blame him because when I was very young I did not love politics either. I hope people will be influenced by this experience and know that this is possible. I call Mr. James Stokes, a young Traveller activist.