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RSS feed Senator Eileen Flynn

Photo of Eileen Flynn

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community: Give Travellers the Floor: Discussion (18 Apr 2024)

“I welcome you all here this morning. It is absolutely overwhelming to have the Seanad Chamber full of members of our community. It is a day and an opportunity for people to speak. This is a legacy and history. We can tell our children and our grandchildren that we were doing something different and making the change. This day is evidence that things are changing and moving in the right...”

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community: Give Travellers the Floor: Discussion (18 Apr 2024)

“I thank Mr. Joyce. I call Ms Nora Corcoran from the Galway Traveller Movement.”

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community: Give Travellers the Floor: Discussion (18 Apr 2024)

“Well done, James. All our thoughts are with the people in Palestine and Gaza. We express our solidarity to people in Gaza today. I call Latisha McCrudden, who is also a young Traveller activist. She is very welcome and I thank her for being here.”

More of Eileen Flynn's recent appearances


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