Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

Participation of People with Disabilities in Political, Cultural, Community and Public Life: Discussion (Resumed)

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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We are talking about funding here as well. As Ms Quigley just said, those are just two examples. We need to make sure these are considered. That is what this Joint Committee on Disability Matters is going to do. It is our objective to make sure that funding is available. As the witnesses have said, their organisation needs more funding as it is always applying for grants and so on. There should be funding there. It is important that those of us on the committee fight to get funding in the budget which can be easily accessed. That is important for everyone.

My other question is for Mr. McGrath. I heard recently from adults with intellectual disabilities in County Carlow about how, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government did not publish information on Covid-19 in a more accessible format. I appreciate Mr. McGrath raising the issues of accessible public communication. He has spoken about information being available in accessible formats. Can he tell me more about what that would mean? It is important. As I said, I spoke to people in my own area recently. Perhaps Mr. McGrath could provide more information on the issue.