Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence

Consular Service: Motion

9:40 am

Photo of Billy LawlessBilly Lawless (Independent)
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I think it is an excellent idea, especially where Senator Daly and I are coming from with regards to the undocumented Irish people in the United State. We would like to get up-to-date figures. The figures we are using are definitely more than ten years old. I would like to know exactly the number of undocumented Irish in the mid American states. We are always concentrating on Chicago, the East Coast and the San Francisco area, but one can be sure that there are thousands of Irish people all over the country. In this day and age we should be compiling lists of our citizens that are abroad.

I certainly would back that.