Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Culture and the Gaeltacht
Current Housing Demand: Discussion (Resumed)
1:20 pm
Ms Kathleen McKillion:
The nominations process was developed several years ago with the four Dublin local authorities to prioritise homeless nominations for casual vacancies that occur within housing association stock. It, however, does not seem to be implemented on the ground. We ask our members about nominations they receive but they are unable to identify them or it has not been clear they have been prioritised. There seems to have been some recent improvement in that. We do need to address this current situation in homelessness but it needs to be balanced by ensuring mixed and sustainable communities.
There has been some talk about rent controls. There is an issue of rising rents, particularly in Dublin. I have evidence of it personally with getting 28 days’ notice of a significant rent increase. There is very little one can do about that when the market is moving that way. It certainly causes serious issues for those on rent supplement. We all see the advertisements for letting which state applicants on rent supplement are not welcome. There needs to be a review of the caps.
The whole move to HAP, housing assistance payment, appears to be workable. It makes sense to have a long-term housing support in the place of the local authority. We have not, however, been included in the proposed direct deduction of source from welfare as the local authorities have. We do need to have a role and know what impact it might have. It appears to suggest it will increase housing provision and that there is money available. We need to know about that. We certainly feel the housing list may reduce if people accommodated through HAP are deemed to be adequately housed.