Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
- Committee on Budgetary Oversight (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 14:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Thomas P. Broughan, Deputy Michael McGrath, Deputy Dara Calleary, Deputy Jonathan O'Brien. Deputy Martin Heydon, DEPUTY COLM BROPHY IN THE...
- Business of Joint Committee (6 speeches)
Apologies have been received from Deputy Lisa Chambers. A pilot approach to gender budgeting has been adopted in the Revised Estimates for public services 2018, which were published in...
- Equality Budgeting Initiative: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (36 speeches)
As always, I remind members and delegates to, please, turn off their mobile phones or, at least, to switch them to airplane mode. Interference caused by mobile phones affects the sound quality...
- Committee on Public Petitions (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 13:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Denise Mitchell, Senator Jerry Buttimer, Deputy Eugene Murphy, Senator Colette Kelleher. Deputy Martin Heydon, Deputy Tom Neville,+ + In...
- Business of Committee (1 speech)
I thank the witnesses for coming in. There are the usual provisos in respect of mobile phones. I will just turn my own to airplane mode. I propose we go into private session to deal with a...
- English Junior Certificate Examination: Discussion (Resumed) (45 speeches)
The next item on the agenda is engagement with officials from the State Examinations Commission and the Department of Education and Skills. Before we begin, I remind members, witnesses and...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Denise Mitchell, Senator Martin Conway*, Deputy Tom Neville, Senator Máire Devine, Deputy Anne Rabbitte, Senator Catherine Noone....
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
Apologies have been received from the Chairman, Deputy Alan Farrell and from Deputies Kathleen Funchion and Lisa Chambers. Senator Martin Conway is formally substituting for Deputy Farrell. We...
- Cybersecurity for Children and Young Adults: Discussion (Resumed) (275 speeches)
Apologies have been received from the Chairman, Deputy Alan Farrell, Deputies Kathleen Funchion and Lisa Chambers, who cannot be here today. I also note that Senator Martin Conway is formally...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Bernard J. Durkan, Senator Colm Burke. Deputy Billy Kelleher, Deputy Alan Kelly, Deputy Margaret Murphy O'Mahony, Deputy Kate O'Connell,...
- Select Committee on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation (0 speeches)
The Select Committee met at 14:45 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Niall Collins, Deputy Tom Neville, Deputy Heather Humphreys (Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation), Deputy Maurice Quinlivan....
- Companies (Statutory Audits) Bill 2017: Committee Stage (45 speeches)
I welcome to the committee Deputy James Lawless who is replacing Deputy Gino Kenny who is no longer in a position to attend our meetings. I remind members to ensure their mobile phones are...
- Message to Dáil (1 speech)
In accordance with Standing Order 90, the following message will be sent to the Dáil:The Select Committee on Business, Enterprise and Innovation has completed its consideration of the...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:00 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Jack Chambers, Deputy Jim O'Callaghan, Deputy Clare Daly, Deputy Mick Wallace. In attendance: Deputies Pearse Doherty and Donnchadh Ó...
- Business of Joint Committee (1 speech)
We will commence in public session. I thank Senator Kelleher for her attendance and advise her she has now performed what is required of her. We are in business and I thank her for that. I...
- General Scheme of the Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017: Discussion (101 speeches)
The purpose of today's engagement is to conduct detailed scrutiny of the Multi-Party Actions Bill 2017, a Private Members' Bill sponsored by Deputies Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire and Pearse...
- Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport (0 speeches)
The Joint Committee met at 09:30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Deputy Mick Barry, Senator John O'Mahony, Deputy Imelda Munster, Senator Ned O'Sullivan. Deputy Catherine Murphy, Deputy Noel Rock, Deputy Robert...