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- Terence Brazil: Dear Willie, I have received a threatening letter from "Turas Nua" stating I failed to attend an initial activation meeting, however the letter I received was my first official contact with them.... (14 June 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Patrick McCabe: Wasi it not Lorrha? (14 June 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Mary Farrell: Time and time again this issue has been discussed over the years. PAC Report 2001/2002; PAC Report 2015; Justice & Equality Committee Report 2018 and underpinning everything, The Report by The... (1 June 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Why do I see the same question asked repeatedly ? (1 June 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - PJ Coleman: How could ITC and WIT merge while WIT has this huge ongoing legal process and liabilities? (26 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Michael Barry: Will it be possible as a private user to use a foreign registered car on a pro rata basis also? (25 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Still a large number coming from countries not at war eg South Africa ! (25 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Barry Mahon: There is no provision in the Bill to supervise the application of the regulations. (24 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Rita Duff: Check EU Case Law Defective Vaccines and Burden of Proof: No need for scientific consensus to compensate victims Judgement C-621/15 21.06.2017 N.W. and others V Sanofi Pasteur MSD SNC and... (17 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Monica Condron: The minister nor anybody in government ever explains why state and semi state employees were not paying a stamp and then PRSI at the same rate as all private employees in similar employment and... (4 May 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Monica Condron: The minister did not answer the question asked here. The anomalies will not be removed by her proposed solution as she is well aware. (27 April 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Tomás Lally: When CIB was requested to produce documentation regarding "the requirements of the Comptroller and Auditor General" at the Joint Oireachtas Committee (JOC) they failed to produce any. The JOC... (20 April 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - John Lagan: Well said. (31 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - June Fitzgibbon: Dear Mr Murphy, the Rental Allowance and HAP limits do not reflect at all the actual cost of renting in the private market. My daughter is looking for accommodation in Cork, city or county, and... (25 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Fergal McCarthy: Has there been any progress on this Bill? (12 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - John Cummins: Minister Paul Kehoe, Re: RDF recruitment difficulties - a possible solution As noted in your comment, there are significant difficulties meeting recruitment targets for the RDF. I would... (12 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Shay Wheelock: Pascal, Perhaps it has escaped you Common Knowledge, But it is not the NORM for CRIMINALS to REPORT THEIR CRIMES to the appropriate Authority.However it is YOUR JOB to Seekout & Ensure that THEY... (9 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Maddy Nollid: It is great to hear the investment in our canals and that further investment will be spent. I wonder however if the minister is aware that the newly refurbished Royal Canal has huge issues with... (7 March 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Katie Downes: The Minister’s answer was very superficial as this question required a more detailed and comprehensive answer. This proposed Chapel for cremation services and car park for 74 cars is in St.... (9 February 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Susan Lohan: Regina Doherty's answer is ambiguous; In the final paragraph, the Ministers suggests that the PSC chip holds "the place of birth of that person.... all former surnames (if any) of that person,... (2 February 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Monica Condron: Why is the Total Contributions Approach being assessed over 40 years. Why not one of the 30 or 35 year's contribution options as in the Actuarial Review of Social Insurance Funds 2015 published... (25 January 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Margaret english: MY dad murdered in Kays Tavern 19thDecember 1975, he was self employed tailor Hugh Watters and Jack Rooney also murdered and any many more injured, really appreciate any efforts on your behalf... (23 January 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Orla Cosgrave: Senator There is a far more worrying issue regarding pensioners and that is the pensions paid were connected to a salary scale. This is no longer the case since 1 April 2017 there is a total... (14 January 2018)
Read comment | All by this user - Frank L. Ludwig: I don't suppose the department has consulted autistic adults who had ABA used against them when they were children. While there are many reasons not to subject an autistic child to ABA (see... (16 December 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - PJ Coleman: Consultation process: where is it in the case of Waterford IT and IT Carlow? Staff are barely kept updated nevermind consulted. (15 December 2017)
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