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- Ann Maher: I hope the HSE will be able to answer your questions.Sorca (6 May 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Abby Semple: Public procurement needs to take account of embodied emissions in construction materials, demolition etc. Under the Programme for Government and CAP, there is a commitment for all procurement... (2 May 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Pairic Duffy: To Whom it may concern. I am in receipt of a Public service Pension having spent almost 41 years working in an IoT. As of yet 26/02 2022 I have Not received the 1% pension increase referred to... (26 February 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Raymond Deane: This is, frankly, a despicable response. The Taoiseach is dismissing not just Amnesty International, but the Israeli human rights organisations Yesh Din and B'Tselem and the NY-based... (12 February 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Raymond Deane: "Interacting" with the European Commission is inadequate, given that the Commission appears to be entirely onside with Israel. Such "interaction" is merely an excuse for inaction. Time to... (28 January 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Stephen McGarry: I am frustrated with these stock answers over the status of Foreign Birth Registrations. When you only have to look at public FBR chat sites to realise 2 years is now the minimum wait for an... (21 January 2022)
Read comment | All by this user - Mina Walsh: How will the funding support those in the sector who are self-employed Kind Regards Mina Walsh (15 November 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - William Hughes: Why are there no management plans for the majority of SAC/SPA sites in Ireland. When Mr Noonan are you going to correct this very major failing. It makes a mockery of your intention to really do... (12 October 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Hugh O'Donoghue: The IACP would like to thank Deputy Wynne for raising this question to the Minister. We're still very curious why Psychologists - who are not yet regulated - have access to this VAT exemption.... (4 October 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Cora Stack: This appears to be happening all too commonly in the third level sector where much is changing at the moment people assigned to roles where there is no open and transparent recruitment and... (11 September 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Madeline O'Brien: TO Deputy Minister Willie O'Dea Does the Deputy wish to include An Garda Síochána who are suspended for alleged offences that abused (women) victims of assault and domestic crimes which have... (15 July 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Ann Maher: Some information here from the EU. files/media/en/healthtopics/vectors/worl d-health-day-2014/Documents/factsheet-ly me-borreliosis.pdf. Could we at... (2 July 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Donal Hunt: I will never the forget the employee in the Cork Intreo office who finally answered the phone after 7-8 minutes to inform me "this is a public facing office. we couldn't possibly be answering the... (30 June 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Julius Bailey-Augalistas: Here is the text from my petition on change dot org: rtin-taoiseach-please-urgently-review-an d-overhaul-the-foreign-birth-registratio... (27 June 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Julius Bailey-Augalistas: So when will FBR applications start to be processed? A few weeks ago is said on the DFA website that this would be when Ireland is at Level 3. This statement has since been removed. What the hell... (27 June 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Raymond Deane: So why did the government bin Senator Frances Black's Occupied Territories Bill? And why, when experts the world over (including in Israel and Palestine) are saying that the "two state solution"... (12 April 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Ann Maher: Could we Please have a Reply from our Health Minister. I have been contacting Health Ministers ,since Mary Harney held that Office... The HSE does not Recognise Chronic Lyme Disease.!! ... (7 April 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Ann Maher: Thank you David and Michael for Asking PQ's on our Behalf... I am not sure if this is a Service Matter.Minister.! If it was ,the HSE would have sorted it decades ago.... 25 years ago I went... (29 March 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Ann Maher: Thank you.James. I would appreciate a Proper reply from our Health Minister or the HSE. Most Lyme disease Patients have a Chronic illness by the time they are Diagnosed here in Ireland. It is... (26 March 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Niall Hughes: Hi Martin, Thank you for your contribution. With regards to the Cliffs of Moher 2040 Strategy, the consultants are setting as a sole Measure of Success (MOS) the gross number of visitors... (24 March 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Niall Hughes: Hi Roisin, Thank you for your contribution. With regards to the Cliffs of Moher 2040 Strategy, the consultants are setting as a sole Measure of Success (MOS) the gross number of visitors -... (24 March 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Cora Stack: Hi Re the issue put to third level colleges could it not better be put in terms of bullying and sexual violence and related harassment. Because bullying is a huge issue in higher... (11 March 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Jack Kavanagh: I would suggest the minister tries to get a HIV test himself and sees the hurdles that have to be crossed before he gets one. Additionally, please reopen the GMHS clinic asap. One pandemic... (9 February 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - maeve Doyle: Hello,My husband is a GP.he was first alerted that he needed to register on a GP portal some weeks ago, in order to be eligible for the vaccine.He did as instructed only to discover that the... (1 February 2021)
Read comment | All by this user - Ann Maher: Thank you Deputy Connelly for asking this question for Many of Us Lyme disease Patients around the country. In Reply to Minister Noonan, Putting Awareness/Information notices at the entrance... (30 January 2021)
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