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- PJ Coleman: TUs will do nothing for students; ITs currently offer levels 6 to 10. I don't know what the minister is talking about. So much time and energy is being wasted on TUs instead of improving... (15 December 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Anthony Whelan: i agree with increasing the application for supervision orders as opposed to seeking care orders in the first instance, but any violation of rights has to be proportionate to the perceived risk... (11 December 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Anthony Whelan: Dear Minister Zappone, Tusla can remove a child from the home even if there is a supervision order in place or not, the gardai can invoke a section 12 or Tusla seek an emergency care order. ... (11 December 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Monica Condron: Why do TDs such as Pat Breen continuously just reproduce material given to them by the Dept of Employment Affairs and Social Welfare. Anyone who has been affected by the pension anomaly will... (7 December 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Monica Condron: The new total contributions approach will do nothing for the men and women retiring before 2020. Many of those retiring between 2012 and 2020 would be entitled to a full pension under the total... (15 November 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - .BrianJM : quote [[ forced onto a jobseekers' payment for 12 months ]] I seem to remember a long, long time ago signing at the local 'office'. When I signed I was also declaring that I was available... (6 October 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Does Wallace do anything for those that voted him into Government ? (30 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Disband the Direct Provision and just take in program refugees at source . The system whereby bogus applicants turn up no documents and claim asylum get refused then get leave to remain is a joke . (30 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Anne Frawley: VRT ... should always only have been the minimal cost of a registration plate. The state joined the EU and thus its exchequer becomes subject to the free movement of people and goods.... if... (22 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - .BrianJM : Quote:[[ the former notion of an allowance covering handset rental, standing charges and a number of calls somewhat outdated, when similar assistance can be achieved by increasing the rate of... (20 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - .BrianJM : Magic Numbers Quote:[[The value of the telephone allowance in 2012 was €270 per annum]] Quote:[[ over the past two Budgets, the maximum weekly rate for State Pensions has increased by... (20 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Patricia Havelin: What exactly are the reasons why An Bord Pleanala will not give the go ahead for building Educate Together Ballinteer? (11 September 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: Just so I am extremely clear my case is NOT PROGRESSING. Its in never never land and if you knew anything about the Philippine justice system you would never make such a statement (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: Dera Mr Cannon. I note your report on my on going detention in the Philippines. With respect I would like to correct you in that my case has been elevated to the Supreme court but it is not... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: Thank you Mr Crowe for your wise words and the mention of my plight now going on four years as you know and still no justice. Please feel free to use my name when discussing this issue.... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: I would hope and expect that ANYONE who is truly working to promote the well being of exploited children anywhere would have the common decency and care to NOT displaying or publishing pictures... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: As a victim of the corruption in the Philippine judicial system with a sentence of 14 years passed on me I applaud your comments and words of caution with regard to this frame work with... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: I hope Sir with respect that you will consider helping me an Irish citizen and nurse trapped here in the Philippines where the word justice sends all running to hold their hands out for payment.... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Eanna O Cochlain: Mr Cannon I note that in your comments you mentioned that this framework would benefit the people of the Philippines but it does not specifically mention how it will help the hundreds of European... (23 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Frank L. Ludwig: Conversion therapy for autistic children (Applied Behaviour Analysis, or ABA) works by suppressing undesired behaviours without addressing the causes for these behaviours which, in the long run,... (18 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Claudia Moura: To ask the Minister of Justice and Equality the number of applications and renewals that were granted for each of the past two years( 2015-2016) to non-EEA applicants who sought permission to... (18 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Whats your alternative none and allow illegals to move freely around Europe . (13 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Brian Mulligan: The last paragraph above is quite important but it remains to be seen how it will work. Higher education can be made more efficient and it is important to allocate funds in a way that encourages... (10 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - Derrick Atkinson: Where do you propose to house asylum applicants ? (8 July 2017)
Read comment | All by this user - brendan fitzsimons: "Not a bottomless pit" - Ross Under the Ross Administration transport infrastructure is not only not a "bottomless" is hardly an indent on the landscape. Irish spending on... (5 July 2017)
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