Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Health
Education and Training Provision
Alan Kelly (Tipperary North, Labour)
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1487. To ask the Minister for Health the reason students in fourth year children's and general integrated training courses are not receiving the €500 subsistence payment (details supplied); and if a commitment will be given to doing this. [1087/25]
Alan Kelly (Tipperary North, Labour)
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1488. To ask the Minister for Health the reason students in fourth year children's and general integrated training courses are not receiving the €500 subsistence payment (details supplied); and if a commitment will be given to grant the payment. [1088/25]
Stephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 1487 and 1488 together.
I wish to thank the deputy for the questions.
The four-and-a-half-year children’s and general nursing education programme requires 95 weeks clinical placement learning as mandatory of which 36 weeks are on a paid intern placement. Allocation to a clinical placement is driven by educational needs, enabling students to achieve stated learning outcomes.
The subsistence allowance is provided to all nursing and midwifery students to support them to undertake necessary specialist clinical placements. This subsistence allowance is not based on the duration of the programme but supports students to attend specialist placements which may not necessarily be in the principal clinical partner site.
The number of specialist placements on the combined children’s and general programme are in keeping with all other undergraduate nursing and midwifery education programmes and can be undertaken at any time during the programme.
As per the terms of the enhanced Travel and Subsistence Scheme, allowances are provided for supernumerary students between years 1-3. In the circumstance where students are required to travel or avail of overnight accommodation to attend supernumerary placements, receipts should be provided so that expenses can be reimbursed to the student.
Additional supports are provided for students beginning their internships such as, the provision of two extra uniforms, a uniform laundry allowance where required, and re-instated pay at 80% of first year staff nurse/midwife pay scale.
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