Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Health
Departmental Schemes
Robert Troy (Longford-Westmeath, Fianna Fail)
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1446. To ask the Minister for Health if there is any financial assistance towards the of oxygen cylinders for people dependant on same, specifically those with a diagnosis of COPD; and if no assistance is currently available, if he can include oxygen cylinders in the drugs payments scheme. [46856/24]
Stephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides a wide range of medical and surgical aids and appliances, free of charge to eligible persons following assessment by a relevant health professional. There are a range of HSE administered schemes that assist individuals in meeting their medical costs.
People who cannot, without undue hardship, arrange for the provision of medical services for themselves and their dependants may be eligible for a medical card. In accordance with the provisions of the Health Act 1970 (as amended), eligibility for a medical card is determined by the HSE.
In certain circumstances, the HSE may exercise discretion and grant a medical card, even though an applicant exceeds the income guidelines, where he or she faces difficult financial circumstances, such as extra costs arising from illness.
The Drug Payment Scheme (DPS) ensures that no individual or family pays more than €80 a month towards the cost of approved prescribed medicines, including rental costs for oxygen. The DPS significantly reduces the cost burden for families and individuals with ongoing expenditure on medicines who are not eligible for a medical card.
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