Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Health
Hospital Waiting Lists
Michael Cahill (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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1392. To ask the Minister for Health to urgently address the chronic waiting times, especially for our senior citizens, who have been left waiting on chairs and trolleys for 24, 48 hours and longer in the accident and emergency department at University Hospital Kerry; if he will he addresses as a matter of urgency the chronic shortage of nurses and doctors there (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46632/24]
Stephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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As our health system is in the midst of what is historically one of the most challenging periods of the year, I would like to assure the deputy that every measure is being taken to deliver the smooth running of our hospitals over the winter period including University Hospital Kerry (UHK). It is a key target of the 2024 Unscheduled Emergency Care Plan to maintain and exceed the target of 99% of all attendees aged 75 years and over at Emergency Departments (EDs) who are discharged or admitted within 24 hours of registration. There is a particular focus on 24hr PET for this age cohort to mitigate the patient safety risks associated with extended wait times. The HSE aims to achieve this target through the provision of services and protocols to maximize patient flow and ensure those in the most need are treated in good time.
These plans include the cohorting of patients in specialty or dedicated wards in particular Older Adults to specialist geriatric wards. In addition, roster amendments have been made to provide additional and extended hours for senior decision makers and staff integral to patient flow, improving the patient journey through the hospital system and maximising utilisation of the available facilities.
All EDs have plans in place to screen all patients ≥ 75 years for Delirium and Frailty at triage (or within 15 minutes of registration) and provide early access to specialist emergency and gerontology care. In UHK a designated person is rostered to keep them informed and assist as needed throughout each shift. UHK also has a Geriatric Emergency Multidisciplinary Service unit, operating a Monday to Friday service, based in the ED working with people aged 75 years and older.
As the matter of site-specific staffing is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to respond to the deputy directly.
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