Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Health
Hospital Services
Darren O'Rourke (Meath East, Sinn Fein)
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1340. To ask the Minister for Health the estimated cost of three additional "see and treat" gynaecology clinics. [46410/24]
Stephen Donnelly (Wicklow, Fianna Fail)
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The roll out of the Ambulatory Gynaecology Model of Care commenced in 2020. There are currently 16 ambulatory gynaecology clinics in operation nationwide, and five more in development.
The staffing model for ambulatory gynaecology clinics comprises consultant gynaecologists, advanced nurse practitioners, clinical specialist physiotherapists, nurses, administrators, and healthcare assistants. The exact model will depend on whether the clinic is Level 1 or Level 2.
Funding this year from the Women’s Health Taskforce will enable the establishment of a 21st ambulatory gynaecological clinic in Connolly Hospital. This will be a Level 2 clinic with five Whole-Time Equivalent (WTE) staff, comprising the following:
* 1 x Advanced Nurse Practitioner
* 1 x Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist
* 1 x Staff Nurse
* 1 x Health Care Assistant
* 1 x Grade V Administrator
The associated full-year cost for this staffing cohort is €401,478, including non-pay costs.
Nenagh’s ambulatory gynaecology clinic, established in 2022, is an example of a Level 1 clinic, with nine WTEs, comprising the following:
* 1 x Advance Nurse Practitioner
* 2 x Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist
* 1 x Clinical Nurse Specialist
* 1 x Enhanced Nurse (General)
* 3 x Health Care Assistant
* 1 x Grade V Administrator
The associated full-year cost for this staffing cohort is €589,455, including non-pay costs.
The development of any new ambulatory gynaecology clinic requires the financial support of once-off set-up costs. The exact capital figure investment required per clinic is site specific. Set up costs have ranged from €50K for Waterford to €870K for Drogheda. Total Capital investment has been €6.598m to date.
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