Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Childcare Services

Photo of Rory HearneRory Hearne (Dublin North-West, Social Democrats)
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1236. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth further to correspondence received by a childcare service in Dublin 11 regarding damage to its premises (details supplied), the immediate supports that will be offered to the service to ensure as little disruption to staff and families as possible; if his Department will liaise with the relevant officials, including Dublin City Council, in relation to the matter; what plans are in place to ensure the service can fully reopen with full services available; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1325/25]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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My Department was notified on 3 January 2025, of a fire outside this service which resulted in significant damage to the premises.

Subsequently, Pobal, the local City/County Childcare Committee (CCC) and Tusla, have been providing support to this service with the intention to getting the service operating as soon and as safely as possible.

Furthermore, 19 children attending the service will be temporarily accommodated in alternative settings in the locality.

Staff from the service will be attending the alternative settings. Tusla has confirmed the staffs’ existing Garda Vetting covers the staff in this regard.

Regarding the other children, who are currently displaced, all appropriate options are being investigated as a matter of urgency. Pobal is working to ascertain if any additional services may be available or have capacity that can support the current number of displaced children.

My Department and its partners will continue to actively support this service to ensure that disruption to parents/guardians and children are kept to a minimum.

Additionally, my Department anticipates that the service may require funding supports to assist them in resuming operations. My Department has confirmed that there are two potential sustainability funding strands available to services in this situation;

  • Strand 1 - Emergency Relocation Support, Sustainability Funding (SF) Emergency Capital Funding and,
  • Strand 11 - Operational Funding.

Currently, Pobal and the CCC are discussing these supports with the service, and once a sustainability funding request is received officials in my department will respond to the service .

The level of funding will be partly dependent of the adjudication of the insurance assessors. At present, my Department officials are awaiting details of that assessment.

Moreover, my Department is also processing an application for Force Majeure.

My Department will continue to work with their partners on the ground to ensure that all appropriate supports are offered to assist in the speedy re-opening of the service , and in the immediate term ensure that the effect on the children attending the service is minimised.


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