Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Departmental Projects

Photo of Carol NolanCarol Nolan (Offaly, Independent)
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1205. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth further to Parliamentary Question No. 533 of 15 October 2024 (details supplied), to provide an update on the working group established to look at institutional and organisational abuse, including its examination of the UCD SERP report; if any recommendations have been made by the group; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1080/25]

Photo of Carol NolanCarol Nolan (Offaly, Independent)
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1206. To ask the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth further to Parliamentary Question No. 533 of 15 October 2024 (details supplied), to provide details and costs of the external research contracted by his Department to provide the working group with definitional clarification of abuse categories; if the researcher has reported back to this group; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1081/25]

Photo of Roderic O'GormanRoderic O'Gorman (Dublin West, Green Party)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 1205 and 1206 together.

As the Deputy is aware, on 22 June 2023, the UCD Sexual Exploitation Research Programme (SERP) published a report, “Protecting Against Predators: A Scoping Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People in Ireland.’ The report sought to establish the level of awareness of child sexual abuse amongst key stakeholders from across a variety of sectors.

Prior to the publication of the report, my Department established a Working Group looking at institutional and organisational abuse. This Group is currently considering the UCD SERP report and making recommendations as required, after which my Department will consider any further steps as may be necessary.

Tusla and my Department have jointly commissioned a literature review which will aid the deliberations and decision making about how Tusla responds to and intervenes in the institutional, organisational, and organised abuse of children and young people. The work of this project is confined to the examination of institutional, organisational, and organised abuse.

The joint working group awaits the completed literature review to inform its continued work in this area throughout 2025. It is expected that the research company will submit its report for consideration in late Q1 2025.


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