Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Justice and Equality

Misuse of Drugs

Photo of Barry WardBarry Ward (Dún Laoghaire, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

1064. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality her views on the estimation by An Garda Síochána of the market value of the most commonly found substances prohibited by regulations made under the Misuse of Drugs Acts 1977-2016; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2109/25]

Photo of Helen McEnteeHelen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

Tackling drug dealing and targeting the work of organised crime groups, who inflict intimidation, violence and misery on families and communities, is a top priority for the government and my Department.

As the Deputy will appreciate, the Garda Commissioner is responsible for the management and administration of An Garda Síochána. This includes all operational and investigative policing matters.

An Garda Síochána continue to target those involved in the distribution of illicit drugs in Ireland through operational initiatives such as Operation Tara, a nationwide operation which is implemented with the focus of disrupting, dismantling and prosecuting drug trafficking networks at all levels, nationally, internationally and at a local level who are involved in the importation, distribution, cultivation, production and local sale and supply of illicit drugs.

I am advised by Garda authorities that drug pricing valuations are based on the current retail market value of illicit drugs on the retail drug market. The value assigned to illicit drugs represents what that substance is estimated to sell for on average in Ireland in its lowest denominational street deal. The most credible approaches used to determine set prices on the retail market is via test purchase operations, from intelligence sources; and through evaluation and comparison of the experiences of officers in drugs policing nationwide. Based on all three sources, prices are calculated systematically.

The figures below, provided by Garda authorities, provide pricing examples from the main drug types below:

- Cannabis Herb - €20 per gram;

- Cannabis Plants* - €800;

- Cannabis Resin - €6 per gram;

- Cocaine - €70 per gram;

- Diamorphine - €140 per gram.

*Cannabis plants are valued based on the potential yield of the plant. An actual market value can only be applied when plants are fully mature and ready for sale. Charges contrary to Section 15A of the Misuse of Drugs Act (as amended) are not applied in relation to nursery plants or plants that are not fully mature.


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