Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Justice and Equality
Artificial Intelligence
Malcolm Byrne (Wicklow-Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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1023. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality if her Department and agencies under the aegis of her Department have policies on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the Department and those agencies; whether training has been provided to staff on the use of AI; if her Department has used AI, including large language models, in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1585/25]
Helen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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I wish to inform the Deputy that my Department complies with the “Interim Guidelines for Use of AI in the Public Service” issued by the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery & Reform (DPENDPR) in February last and also with guidance issued to all Government Departments in June 2023 by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) in relation to the cyber security aspects for consideration with respect to the use of Generative AI.
My Department does not currently use AI tools including large language models in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments.
Where appropriate my Department plans to assess the opportunities presented by all digital tools, including AI, to improve the delivery of services to our customers. My Department has recently deployed an AI assistant chatbot which provides FAQ type responses and assistance to customers and staff. This is in operation on the Immigration Service Delivery website. Staff training on its use has been provided. Additionally my Department has approved several training requests for training related to AI while some officials from my Department have attended seminars and conferences where AI was a key focus.
Regarding the agencies under the aegis of my Department, I am informed by An Garda Síochána (AGS) that they do not currently have a specific policy on the use of artificial intelligence. However, AGS has a number of existing related policies and procedures that govern the way in which new technologies are used within the organisation. This includes HQ Directive 56/2019 which introduced the current ICT Information Security Policy and Acceptable Use Procedure. The procedure outlines that the use of unlicensed or unapproved software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by An Garda Síochána is strictly prohibited.
In addition to these policies and procedures, the Garda National Data Protection Office (GNDPO) works closely with operational business areas and ICT and assists them in conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for new systems or processing activities that may present a high risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. In some cases the GNDPO will consult with the Data Protection Commission (DPC) in relation to these DPIAs to seek the views of the DPC on how the proposed data processing is compliant under existing legislation and aligns with best practice. Personnel attached to the GNDPO have taken part in training that has included content in relation to assessing the risks of AI systems in a data protection context.
I am informed by the Legal Services Regulatory Authority that although they have no specific policy on the use of Artificial Intelligence, members of their senior management team have been provided training on the use of AI.
I am informed by the Courts Service that they released a Generative Artificial Intelligence Security Standard in 2024 designed to govern the responsible use of Generative AI (GenAI) to protect the interests of the Courts Service and the Courts from the risks associated with the technology. No specific training has been provided to staff in this area.
I am informed by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) that they have no specific policy on the use of AI, however several senior members of GSOC staff have attended training and conferences in this area.
I am informed by the Data Protection Commission (DPC) that the use of Artificial Intelligence is included within the DPC Acceptable Use of IT Supplement Policy and that they have funded three members of staff to complete a Professional Diploma in Artificial Intelligence to date.
I understand that no other Agency under the aegis of my Department has specific AI policies on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) or provided specific related training.
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