Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Justice and Equality

An Garda Síochána

Photo of Emer CurrieEmer Currie (Dublin West, Fine Gael)
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963. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality to provide Garda numbers for the K district versus other districts in DMR West per 10,000 population. [46612/24]

Photo of Emer CurrieEmer Currie (Dublin West, Fine Gael)
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965. To ask the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality to provide the Garda numbers in Blanchardstown, Cabra, Lucan and Ronanstown stations over the past ten years including 2024. [46614/24]

Photo of Helen McEnteeHelen McEntee (Meath East, Fine Gael)
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As the Deputy will be aware, under Section 33 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 (as amended), the Garda Commissioner determines the distribution and stationing of the Garda Síochána throughout the State.

It is important to note that ratios such as the number of Gardaí per head of population are not an appropriate tool to use when considering the allocation of Garda resources as they fail to take account of, among other things, the fact that crime levels and types can vary significantly among communities of similar population size.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that a distribution model is used which takes into account all relevant factors including population, crime trends and the policing needs of each individual Division.

I am assured by the Garda Commissioner that personnel assigned throughout the country, together with the overall policing arrangements and operational strategies are continually monitored and reviewed. Such monitoring ensures that optimum use is made of resources and the best possible policing service is provided to the general public.

Supporting Garda recruitment is a top priority. In Budget 2025, over €2.48 billion has been allocated to An Garda Síochána. This is a 27% increase since 2020 and will allow for the sustained recruitment of new Garda recruits through the year.

As of the end of December 2024 there were 14,191 Garda members assigned across the country. This represents an increase of almost 11% since 2015, when there were 12,816 Gardaí throughout the country.

A number of actions have been taken to support increased recruitment. We have increased the age of entry from 35 to 50 and most recently increased the training allowance to €354, representing an increase of over 92% in the last 12 months.

In the interest of transparency, the number of Garda members nationwide at the end of December 2009 up to the end of December 2023, and at 31 October 2024 (the latest date available for figures) broken down by Division, District and Station are published on my Department's website. Please be advised that these figures are operational and may be subject to change.

I am pleased to note that the number of Garda members assigned to the DMR West has increased by over 7% since the end of December 2015. Blanchardstown district has seen an increase of 5.5% in the same period, while Clondalkin and Lucan districts have seen increases of 3.6% and over 14% respectively. The table below which was provided to me by the Garda authorities, sets out the number of Garda members assigned to the DMR West on 31 October 2024.

D.M.R. WEST 31 October 2024 Station GD SG IN SU CS AC Total
CABRA 57 7 2 66
FINGLAS 94 12 2 108
TOTAL 286 45 10 3 1 345
CLONDALKIN 98 19 5 2 124
TOTAL 166 27 6 2 201
LUCAN LUCAN 78 12 3 1 94
RONANSTOWN 82 12 3 97
TOTAL 160 24 6 1 191
D.M.R. WEST Total 612 96 22 6 1 737
Since the reopening of the Garda college in September 2014 a total of 506 probationer Gardaí have been assigned to the DMR West Division. In the interest of transparency, information in relation to the allocation of Probationer Gardaí by Division and Station breakdown is publicly available and can also be found at the following link. I can also advise the Deputy that I have received the most recent figures for the attestation on 13 December 2024 from An Garda Síochána which has been published on my Department's website.


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