Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Community Welfare Services

Photo of Brendan SmithBrendan Smith (Cavan-Monaghan, Fianna Fail)
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909. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if she will ensure that adequate personnel are assigned at local level to administer community welfare services and ensure as existed, prior to administrative changes in recent years, reasonable access for persons to such services; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [2070/25]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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The delivery of vital locally based Community Welfare Services (CWS) to meet the challenges and the needs of citizens across the country is a priority for me and for my Department. The Community Welfare Service provides a flexible service to meet the different needs of clients, who may find themselves in a financially difficult or vulnerable situation. It is a priority that this service is easily accessible and responsive to our client’s needs.

Community Welfare Officers (CWOs) are physically on site daily in over 50 Intreo Centres across the country where they are available without an appointment, during business hours, Monday to Friday. In addition to meeting people in Intreo Centres and Department of Social Protection offices, CWOs can facilitate an appointment within a short time of a person requiring such a meeting, at a mutually agreed location, including at the person's home. This reflects my commitment to continue to support the delivery of locally based services.

While local face-to-face engagement with people continues to be a cornerstone of the community welfare service, it is important to mention that a person does not need to meet with a CWO to make an application and any person who needs to access the CWS can call the National CWS freephone number at 0818 60 70 80, to make an appointment or to speak directly to a CWO. A person can speak with a CWO over the phone if they do not wish to travel to meet with a CWO in person. This service is used by customers in rural areas in particular, who can have their needs met without the requirement to travel.

Where it is clear that a person has an urgent or immediate need, every effort is made to ensure that the claim is processed on the same day. CWOs also have the facility to issue same-day manual cheque payments where it is deemed necessary. As of January 2025 there are no delays in processing claims.

I trust this clarifies the matter.


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