Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Grant Payments

Photo of Sorca ClarkeSorca Clarke (Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Fein)
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882. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection if she will review the payment of the grant that covers the provision of hair wigs for cancer and alopecia suffers, with a view to making the payment directly payable to the applicant. [1433/25]

Photo of Sorca ClarkeSorca Clarke (Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Fein)
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884. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the reviews carried out since 2022 of the grant amounts for hair wigs; and if the payable amount is set to increase in 2025. [1435/25]

Photo of Sorca ClarkeSorca Clarke (Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Fein)
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885. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the role her Department played in setting the criteria for inclusion on the hair replacement products list; and the process for inclusion on the list, including the required qualifications. [1436/25]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
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In general, medical or health related benefits fall within the remit of the Department of Health and the HSE. However, my Department administers the Treatment Benefit scheme which provides certain dental, optical, and medical appliances benefits to insured workers, the self-employed and retired people who have the required number of PRSI contributions. These treatments are also available to their dependent spouse or partner, if applicable.

A new grant was introduced from May 2022 towards the cost of wigs and hairpieces for people who suffer from hair loss, due to disease such as cancer and a number of types of alopecia. The €500 grant toward the cost of a hairpiece, wig or hair replacement is available to individuals and their dependent spouse, civil partner or cohabitant who satisfy the medical requirements and the PRSI conditions of the treatment benefit scheme. The grant is payable for one item per calendar year.

The types of alopecia covered are:

• alopecia areata (which includes alopecia totalis/universalis, diffuse alopecia areata, alopecia ophiasis),

• primary scarring alopecias (including cicatricial alopecia, frontal fibrosing alopecia and lichen planopilaris alopecia),

• chemotherapy induced alopecia (anagen effluvium),

• alopecia resulting from surgery or trauma, including burns.

Under the Treatment Benefit scheme, a range of private suppliers hold contracts with the Department for the provision of services to qualified persons. The hair replacement contract specifies that "a 'wig' means any hair replacement item for the scalp, to include full wigs, hair pieces or toupee but does not include surgical hair replacement or topical applications."

In keeping with the other elements of the treatment benefit scheme, the qualified person is free to source the appropriate hair replacement product from a supplier of their choice and decide themselves which product they wish to purchase. Once chosen, the grant will cover the price of the product up to €500, with any excess over this amount paid by the qualified person.

Treatment benefit is a prior approval scheme and the current process allows contracted suppliers to check the eligibility of the customer and, following treatment or the provision of a product, make a claim online, via my Department’s portal ‘WelfarePartners’.

To be included on my Department's approved list of suppliers for hair replacement products, a provider must undertake to provide such products under the following terms and conditions of their contract with my Department:

(a) Have and maintain professional indemnity insurance.

(b) Maintain tax compliance and provide proof of such as is required by the Minister from time to time.

(c) Operate a practice address which is open to the public during normal business hours and any advertisement should mention this address and its contact details.

(d) Provide a minimum of 12 months guarantee on any product provided.

My Department keeps its schemes under regular review to make sure they continue to meet their objectives. This particular scheme has been kept under review since its introduction in 2022. Any change in the level or method of payment available under the scheme would have to be considered in a policy and budgetary context.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.

Photo of Sorca ClarkeSorca Clarke (Longford-Westmeath, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

883. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the number of applicants for hair wigs, per county, for both successful and unsuccessful applications, for the years 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, in tabular form; and the total value of the approved applications, per year. [1434/25]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The Treatment Benefit Scheme provides dental, optical, aural and hair replacement products and services to insured workers, the self-employed, retired people and their dependant spouse/partner who have the required number of social insurance (PRSI) contributions.

The hair replacement benefit, introduced in 2022 is an annual benefit of up to €500 available to persons who satisfy the medical requirements and the PRSI conditions of the Department’s Treatment Benefit scheme.

The payment assists people who have suffered hair loss due to a disease or treatment of a disease such as cancer or certain types of alopecia to purchase a hair replacement product (HRP).

Of those persons who satisfy the PRSI conditions of the scheme, the following claims per

county were paid.

Number of HRP Customers paid by Customer County
Resident County 2022 2023 2024 Totals
Carlow 15 45 83 143
Cavan 15 47 43 105
Clare 26 53 65 144
Cork 96 261 296 653
Donegal 29 86 206 321
Dublin 438 1,005 1,343 2786
Galway 66 175 269 510
Kerry 30 93 92 215
Kildare 116 237 299 652
Kilkenny 30 62 106 198
Laois 21 44 78 143
Leitrim 16 43 40 99
Limerick 49 127 127 303
Longford 20 28 43 91
Louth 53 131 149 333
Mayo 38 116 171 325
Meath 71 147 198 416
Monaghan 13 38 45 96
Offaly 31 50 62 143
Roscommon 33 54 76 163
Sligo 16 59 65 140
Tipperary 62 117 198 377
Waterford 17 53 80 150
Westmeath 25 43 85 153
Wexford 32 66 113 211
Wicklow 45 84 125 254
1,403 3,264 4,457 9,124
  • Information based on claims paid during the relevant calendar year.
  • Resident county is based on the customer’s current address as per Department’s records.

Of those persons who satisfy the PRSI conditions of the scheme, the following claims per

county were disallowed.

Number of HRP Customers Disallowed by Customer County
Resident County 2022 2023 2024
Cork 0 0 1
Donegal 1 0 0
Dublin 4 1 0
Laois 1 0 0
Meath 2 1 0
Tipperary 0 1 0
Wexford 0 1 0
Total 8 4 1

Total value of approved applications 2022-2024

Year 2022 2023 2024
Total Expenditure €689,392 €1,626,325 €2,255,189

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.


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