Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Tax Data

Photo of Alan KellyAlan Kelly (Tipperary North, Labour)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

844. To ask the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection the estimated additional revenue that would be generated if the 11.05% employer's PRSI rate was increased to 13.5% on the portion of wages in excess of €160,000. [46284/24]

Photo of Heather HumphreysHeather Humphreys (Cavan-Monaghan, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The estimated additional annual revenue that would be generated if the higher employer PRSI rate, currently at 11.15%, was increased to 13.5% on the portion of wages in excess of €160,000 is €194.3 million per annum.

This estimate does not take into account any possible changes in employer or employee behaviour arising from changing the rate of employer PRSI contribution.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.


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