Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Housing, Planning, and Local Government

  • Departmental Staff
    706. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of civil servants in his Department, and in agencies under the aegis of his Department, who were on career break in...
  • Defective Building Materials
    709. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will consider an expansion to the mica redress scheme to allow for non-principal primary residences to be included...
  • Housing Policy
    710. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if the decision of a local authority to withdraw the one adult and one child rate of HAP from separated parents with part...
  • Local Authorities
    711. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to detail the budgeted level of funding provided to each local authority through the Local Government Fund for 2025. [46335/24]
  • Departmental Reports
    712. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government when the Q3 social and affordable housing delivery report will be published. [46343/24]
  • Departmental Funding
    713. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the status the interim fire safety defects funding; if funding has now been approved; the amount and for what projects; and...
  • Departmental Reviews
    715. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to conduct a review of the financing and delivery of cost rental schemes and the rent setting of these schemes in light of the...
  • Housing Schemes
    716. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if the tenant purchase scheme for local authority tenants is currently suspended (i.e., for December); if so, the reason...
  • State Bodies
    717. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the total of new positions sanctioned by An Bord Pleanála in the past six months; the positions granted; the cost...
  • Insurance Industry
    718. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he agrees that Uisce Éireann should be held accountable for the claims it is responsible for, to ensure that people...
  • Fire Service
    719. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if Dublin Fire Brigade teams will start carrying naloxone with them; if they will replicate the training programme for Cork...
  • Interest Rates
    720. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to examine the case of the Housing Finance Agency interest rate adjustments (details supplied); and if he will make a...
  • Local Authorities
    721. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if there are plans to reinstate the town councils to places such as Tralee, Killarney and Listowel in Kerry; if he will...
  • Housing Schemes
    722. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide additional funding for affordable and social housing in County Kerry; if he will introduce a scheme of low-cost...
  • Local Area Plans
    723. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government for an update on the engagement with Dublin City Council in relation to Martin Savage Park and the cessation of a Part 8...
  • Commercial Rates
    724. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to examine the massive increase in commercial rates whereby, in a large number of cases, they have doubled, trebled and...
  • Defective Building Materials
    725. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if refunds through the multi-unit development defects remediation scheme will be made available to residents who are unable to...
  • Postal Voting
    728. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will update the voting process to make it easier for people to register for a postal vote; if he will extend the list of...
  • Departmental Funding
    730. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if additional funding will be made available in 2025 to Uisce Éireann in order for the utility to provide new connections...
  • Departmental Data
    732. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of people listed as homeless in Westmeath in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. [46723/24]
  • Derelict Sites
    734. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of derelict properties in Westmeath in 2023 and 2024. [46725/24]
  • Homeless Persons Supports
    736. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if there are any new programmes being implemented in Longford-Westmeath to address the level of homelessness. [46728/24]
  • Housing Provision
    737. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of new homes built in Westmeath in 2022, 2023 and 2024. [46730/24]
  • Housing Policy
    739. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if there is currently a limit on the amount of surplus funds housing cooperatives may have at the end of a financial year; and...
  • National Parks and Wildlife Service
    740. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will provide an update on plans that the National Parks and Wildlife Service have to open new offices in Corofin, County...
  • Rental Sector
    741. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the reason for the ending of tenant in situ scheme funding to local authorities, like Galway City Council; if he will...
  • International Agreements
    742. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government his position with regard to Ireland’s membership of the Antarctic Treaty; and if he will make a statement on the...
  • Vacant Sites
    743. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of vacant sites on registers, by local authority, in 2023; the amount levied; the amount collected; and the amount...
  • Homeless Accommodation
    744. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of children who entered homeless accommodation in Cork in 2024. [46811/24]
  • Departmental Data
    745. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of people who passed away while rough sleeping in 2024, by county. [46812/24]
  • Housing Provision
    746. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government for an update on the delivery of homes at St. Kevin’s Hospital. [46818/24]
  • Referendum Campaigns
    747. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government for an update on the referendum on water. [46820/24]
  • Housing Schemes
    748. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to review a Croí Cónaithe grant application (details supplied) and provide clarity or direction in relation to it;...
  • Housing Policy
    749. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he intends to increase the targets for affordable housing for Cork city and Cork County Council. [46844/24]
  • Housing Provision
    750. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will consider funding the regeneration of the flats at Togher (Cherry Tree Road, Clashduv Road, Maple Place, Sycamore...
  • Defective Building Materials
    753. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the per unit cost provided to local authorities for retrofitting of local authority housing. [46848/24]
  • Local Area Plans
    755. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to detail the documents he has personally reviewed regarding the Cork Event Centre in relation to potential land acquisition...
  • Departmental Schemes
    757. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government when a decision will be made in relation to an NPWS farm plan scheme application submitted by a person in County Mayo (details...
  • Departmental Data
    759. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if a list will be provided of all persons appointed to State or semi-State boards under his remit since 1 November 2024. [46931/24]
  • Urban Development
    760. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government for a full update on the Westgate Vision application for Drogheda, which will revitalise the centre of Drogheda; and if he...
  • Housing Schemes
    761. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the new incentives or grants that been introduced for those building passive or log cabin homes; the schemes that are...
  • Fire Stations
    762. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide a full update on the progress made to deliver a new state-of-the-art fire station in Dunleer; and if he will make a...
  • Departmental Data
    764. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the nationality of each person currently registered as homeless in Ireland today. [1063/25]
  • Development Contributions
    765. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government his plans, if any, to extend further the development contribution fees waiver, following the extension that was made to 31...
  • National Monuments
    766. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide all the information in relation to the recording of a standing stone (details supplied); the date it was notified...
  • Wildlife Regulations
    767. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the plans that are in place to eliminate wandering deer from roads in Kerry (details supplied); and if he will make a...
  • Energy Policy
    768. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the options that are available to older people who can no longer use the housing aid for older people grant to buy a new...
  • Local Authorities
    769. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of additional powers granted to local authorities and the number of powers removed from local authorities over the...
  • Planning Issues
    770. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide an update on planned revisions to the Rural Planning Guidelines; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
  • Housing Schemes
    771. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the factors used to determine the property price ceilings for the first home scheme by local authority area; if he would...
  • Housing Policy
    772. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he plans to provide for a new local infrastructure housing activation fund or similar measure; and if he will make a...
  • Cybersecurity Policy
    774. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the measures taken by his Department and by local authorities to address cybersecurity; if he is satisfied as to the level of...
  • Artificial Intelligence
    775. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if his Department and agencies under the aegis of his Department have policies on the use of artificial intelligence within...
  • Invasive Species Policy
    776. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide details on plans to ensure that cherry laurel which has been removed from the Glen of the Downs does not regrow in...
  • Urban Development
    778. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government when the regeneration of Pearse House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, will commence; and if he will make a statement on the matter....
  • Housing Schemes
    779. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide assurances that the issues impacting the Oscar Traynor Woods developments will not be mirrored in housing...
  • Rental Sector
    781. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of properties acquired under the cost rental and tenant-in-situ schemes, in each local authority; the number of...
  • Waterways Issues
    786. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will establish one agency to manage the river Shannon. [1428/25]
  • National Parks
    788. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the status of plans to deliver a national park in County Meath; the progress made in this regard since lands were purchased at...
  • Wind Energy Generation
    789. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government for an update on the development of new windfarm development guidelines; the reason for the ongoing delay in publishing same;...
  • Housing Schemes
    792. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the total number of housing units delivered under the affordable purchase scheme in each county in each of the past five...
  • Vacant Properties
    797. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the total number of persons who have applied for the vacant property refurbishment grant in each local authority in each of...
  • Housing Schemes
    803. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the grants available to convert a town centre premises to a residential unit. [1640/25]
  • Local Authorities
    805. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of housing maintenance workers that currently work for Cork County Council; the measures his Department is taking...
  • Departmental Properties
    810. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the full address and Eircode of each property that is directly occupied by his Department where that address is located in...
  • Housing Schemes
    811. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will consider increasing the income thresholds for applicants for social housing supports (details supplied). [1793/25]
  • National Cultural Institutions
    812. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the status of the proposal to reinter on Omey Island a number of skeletal remains removed from the island and understood...
  • Official Travel
    813. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide a schedule of all foreign travel undertaken by him and their accompanying officials in 2023 and 2024, including...
  • National Monuments
    814. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government if he will clarify the position in respect of Chapter 4 (188) of the Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous...
  • Housing Provision
    816. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide a breakdown of the social housing waiting list in Kerry, in tabular form; how many children are on the list; and if...
  • Housing Schemes
    817. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of persons in receipt of the HAP payment in county Kerry in each of the years 2019 to date; and if he will make a...
  • Derelict Sites
    818. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government his intention to address the issue of dereliction in County Kerry; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1898/25]
  • Vacant Properties
    819. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to address the issue of vacancy in County Kerry; the measures he is taking to encourage increased registration of vacant...
  • Local Authorities
    820. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of WTE vacant homes officers employed, by local authority, in the years 2019 to date, in tabular form. [1901/25]
  • Housing Provision
    822. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide a breakdown of targets for Kerry for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 and for each year out to 2030, in tabular...
  • Departmental Data
    824. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of persons who are homeless in County Kerry; to provide a breakdown of the number of homeless persons in County...
  • Departmental Contracts
    825. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to provide details of any public contracts in his Department provided to companies or individuals who do not pay tax in...
  • Defective Building Materials
    827. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government to address a number of issues in relation to the defective concrete block scheme (details supplied); and if he will make a...
  • Housing Schemes
    830. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of local authority mortgages approved in 2024 and drawn down in 2024; the average amount approved; and the average...
  • Housing Provision
    831. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government when the Q4 2024 social and affordable housing delivery figures will be published; and to provide a breakdown of these figures...
  • Traveller Accommodation
    832. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the number of new accommodation units provided in 2024 through the Traveller accommodation programme funding, with a breakdown...
  • Defective Building Materials
    833. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government whether the increases to the cap and square foot rates of the enhanced defective concrete blocks grant scheme have been fully...
  • Housing Provision
    834. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the up-to-date position with a new housing scheme in Kildare south (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the...
  • Housing Schemes
    835. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the up-to-date position with a new housing scheme in Kildare south (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the...
  • Waterways Issues
    836. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the current option with a project in south Kildare (details supplied); the expected opening date; and if he will make a...
  • Housing Provision
    837. To ask the Minister for Housing, Planning, and Local Government the financial assistance available to a local authority to develop a project (details supplied) in Kildare south; and if he...


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