Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment

  • Departmental Staff
    68. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the number of civil servants in his Department, and in agencies under the aegis of his Department, who were on career...
  • Departmental Schemes
    71. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment of those in fuel poverty, how many people got boiler and/or full heating upgrades out of the total number who applied...
  • Energy Conservation
    73. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the protections that are in place for the use of public money as part of Ireland's ambitious retrofitting programme...
  • Electricity Grid
    74. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment what provisions are made for those who are unable to avail of the electricity credit allowance due to the meter being...
  • Recycling Policy
    75. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment on behalf of a transition year student at a school (details supplied), who is part of the Young Social Innovators...
  • Broadband Infrastructure
    76. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the plans for current and future upgrading of the broadband infrastructure in rural parts of Cork, in particular the...
  • Departmental Schemes
    77. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he will outline any scheme administered by his Department whereby recipients of fuel allowance can have solar panels...
  • Telecommunications Infrastructure
    78. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment when full telephone and broadband reception will be available at Dromid, Waterville and at Ballycleave, Glenbeigh on the...
  • Energy Infrastructure
    79. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment what plans are in place to progress the Shannon LNG storage facility at Ballylongford in Kerry, now that planning...
  • Bord na Móna
    80. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment what interaction he has had with Bord na Móna on its decision to dispose of AES recycling; his views on the impact...
  • Post Office Network
    81. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if further consideration will be given to the issues outlined in correspondence (details supplied); and if he will make...
  • Illegal Dumping
    82. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment whether provisions under the Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 that allow for the use of CCTV to...
  • Inland Fisheries
    83. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if a representative of Inland Fisheries Ireland will inspect damage being caused on the land of a person (details...
  • Appointments to State Boards
    84. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if a list will be provided of all persons appointed to State or semi-State boards under his remit since 1 November 2024....
  • Departmental Schemes
    85. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment when he plans to publish the renewable heat obligation scheme; the reason for the delay in publishing same; and if he...
  • Environmental Policy
    86. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment regarding the National Waste Action Plan 2020-2025, and the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive, the status of Ireland's...
  • Electricity Generation
    88. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment for an update on analysis being undertaken to assess the security of the electricity supply in the event of...
  • Energy Policy
    89. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment whether there has been any change to national policy as regards the commercial import of liquid natural gas as a result...
  • Environmental Policy
    90. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment for an update on proposals for a scheme of legal aid for environmental litigation. [1153/25]
  • Departmental Schemes
    92. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to consider providing an additional €125 payment for pensioners and those with disabilities under the Government...
  • Air Quality
    93. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment what protections exist for people experiencing air pollution from neighbouring properties in the form of wood burning...
  • Environmental Policy
    94. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he is in favour of a law that aims to discourage the production and consumption of polyester-heavy fashion items by...
  • Air Quality
    95. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment his plans to introduce public air quality monitors in Galway, as some constituents with consumer grade devices are...
  • Food Waste
    96. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if he is aware that food waste is second-biggest contributor to climate breakdown and is responsible for 8-10% of global...
  • Artificial Intelligence
    97. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if his Department and agencies under the aegis of his Department have policies on the use of artificial intelligence...
  • National Broadband Plan
    98. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the status of the roll out of National Broadband Ireland in the Ballintogher area of County Sligo; and if he will make a...
  • Cybersecurity Policy
    100. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the number of reports of serious cybersecurity incidents to his Department impacting on any Government Department or...
  • Renewable Energy Generation
    101. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to outline the progress on meeting Ireland’s planned target of 80% of energy being generated by renewable...
  • Air Quality
    102. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the measures being taken to address poor air quality in breach of World Health Organisation guidelines, to identify...
  • Renewable Energy Generation
    103. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment if solar farm developers receive grants or subsidies to develop solar farms; if the electricity they generate on solar...
  • Departmental Properties
    104. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the full address and Eircode of each property that is directly occupied by his Department where that address is located...
  • Official Travel
    105. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to provide a schedule of all foreign travel undertaken by him and his accompanying officials in 2023 and 2024,...
  • Energy Conservation
    106. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the number of households that availed of the grant as part of the SEAI’s warmer home scheme in Kerry, broken...
  • Wind Energy Generation
    107. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the steps he will take to accelerate approval for offshore wind infrastructure; and if he will make a statement on the...
  • Electricity Generation
    108. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the incentives he will put in place to improve and increase domestic electricity micro-generation; and if he will make...
  • Renewable Energy Generation
    109. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the steps he will take to increase provision of solar farming in otherwise unusable open space like airports and...
  • Departmental Contracts
    111. To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to provide details of any public contracts in his Department provided to companies or individuals who do not pay tax in...


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