Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Education and Skills
Schools Building Projects
Grace Boland (Dublin Fingal West, Fine Gael)
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594. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to provide an update on the progress her Department has made to progress the new school building for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1197/25]
Norma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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The Campus project to which the Deputy refers has been devolved for delivery to CEIST.
The project is currently at Stage 2b of the architectural planning design process. This stage of the process allows for detailed design/planning, obtaining the necessary statutory permissions and the preparation of tender documents. The planning application was submitted to Fingal County Council in August 2024.
As soon as planning permission is finalised, the design team will complete the stage 2b report for submission to the Department. As soon as this report is received, reviewed, and approved, the project will progress to tender stage and onwards to construction in due course.
The timeframe for the construction of the project will not be known until the design stages have been completed and planning permission secured.
CEIST, as the delivery body will continue to engage directly with the school community to keep it fully informed of progress.
Grace Boland (Dublin Fingal West, Fine Gael)
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595. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to provide an update on the progress her Department has made on the new building for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1198/25]
Norma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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The major project referred to by the Deputy is at Architectural Planning Stage 3 – Tender Action and Award. The project brief is for a 32 classroom school with 2 classrooms for children with special educational needs and all ancillary accommodation.
A tender report was received by Department Officials in 2023, in the course of the review it was noted that the planning permission was due to expire in early December 2023 and a new planning permission was required.
The design team held a preplanning meeting with Fingal County Council in March 2024 to discuss the planning requirements that are in place currently. The design team are working through the items raised to ensure that all requirements will be met prior to submitting the new planning permission application.
The large scale capital project remains a priority for delivery and my department officials will be in contact with the school authority as soon as there any further developments regarding the project.
Grace Boland (Dublin Fingal West, Fine Gael)
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596. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to provide an update on the progress her Department has made on the new building for a school (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1199/25]
Norma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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The major building project for the school referred to by the Deputy is currently at Stage 3, Tender Action & Award.
The brief for this project is the development of a new 17 classroom school with accommodation for pupils with special educational needs, and the demolition of the existing buildings at the current school site.
The Design Team have recently submitted the tender report to my Department for review.
The large-scale capital project remains a priority for delivery and Department Officials will be in contact with the Design Team and School Authority on completion of the review.
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