Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Education and Skills
School Staff
Frank Feighan (Sligo-Leitrim, Fine Gael)
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582. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the reason a teacher (details supplied) is not recognised at the correct salary scale despite having a recognised masters and the relevant experience; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1077/25]
Norma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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The criteria for the award of incremental credit are set out in the Department’s Circulars 10/2001 for Primary teachers, 29/2007 and 29/2010 for post-primary teachers. The criteria for the award of incremental credit to recognised teachers was agreed under the auspices of the Teachers Conciliation Council (TCC). The relevant circular applying here is 10/2001.
These circulars provide for the award of incremental credit in respect of overseas teaching service, both within and outside the EU. Where a school satisfies the criteria set out in the circulars to have service at that school recognised for incremental credit, an award of incremental credit can be made.
Criteria such as whether the school is subject to state funding, which can be of relevance when examining claims relating to private teaching schools, and the length of time the school has been in existence, must be satisfied for service at that school to be recognised for incremental credit.
Where schools do not satisfy the required criteria, then service at that school cannot be considered towards incremental credit. Teachers must be on the department’s payroll or teaching in an Education and Training Board school before an application can be processed.
In accordance with the rules set out in Circular 10/2001, the maximum service that can be claimed for teaching service outside the EU is 7 years.
With regard to the teacher you are referring to, the department note that they have not applied for incremental credit. In order to be considered for an award of incremental credit with respect to prior service, an application for incremental credit must first completed and submitted to the Department.
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