Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Education and Skills

School Transport

Photo of Louis O'HaraLouis O'Hara (Galway East, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

573. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when a school transport service (details supplied) will be provided; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1042/25]

Photo of Norma FoleyNorma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

The School Transport Scheme is a significant operation managed by Bus Éireann on behalf of the Department of Education. In the current school year over 172,500 children, are transported daily in approximately 7,900 vehicles across 10,300 routes daily to primary and post-primary schools throughout the country. These daily trips cover over 100 million kilometres. This figure includes over 143,800 pupils travelling on primary and post primary services, 21,700 pupils with special educational needs, and 6,800 pupils who have arrived to Ireland from Ukraine.

The scheme is made up of three separate schemes, the school transport scheme for primary, post primary and for children with special educational needs. Transport is also provided for children who have arrived in Ireland from Ukraine and those residing in IPAS/EROC centres.

The total expenditure on the scheme in 2024 was €512m.

The National Council for Special Education acts in an advisory role to the Department of Education on the suitability of placements for children with special educational needs.

Under the terms of the School Transport Scheme for Children with Special Educational Needs, the Department will consider the report of the Special Education Needs Organiser (SENO). School transport is provided to children with special educational needs who are attending the nearest school to their place of residence that is or can be resourced to meet their educational needs, as identified by the SENO.

The pupil referred to by the Deputy is eligible under the terms of the scheme and approval has been given by the School Transport Section of my Department to Bus Éireann to establish a new service.

Bus Éireann have re-tendered this service in line with procurement guidelines and sourced a new contractor to operate this service. The school is currently in the process of sourcing an escort for the service. Once the escort is available, the service can re-commence.

Both the Department and Bus Éireann are very conscious of the challenges faced by parents awaiting transport for students with special educational needs. Families of children who are eligible for these services may therefore apply for the interim Special Transport Grant. This is paid retrospectively to families once the School Transport service is in place. It is intended to assist with the cost of private transport arrangements that the family had to put in place during that time. The family have been contacted directly by officials in School Transport Section in relation to this grant.


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