Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Education and Skills

School Accommodation

Photo of Gary GannonGary Gannon (Dublin Central, Social Democrats)
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478. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills to outline, in light of the long-standing delays since 2003 in providing a permanent building for a school (details supplied), the steps her Department is taking to expedite the commencement of construction on the site for which full planning permission was granted in 2008. [46337/24]

Photo of Gary GannonGary Gannon (Dublin Central, Social Democrats)
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613. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills in light of the long-standing delays since 2003 in providing a permanent building for a school (details supplied), the steps her Department is taking to expedite the commencement of construction on the site, for which full planning permission was granted in 2008; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [1372/25]

Photo of Norma FoleyNorma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 478 and 613 together.

The Major Building Project for the school referred to by the Deputy is at an advanced stage of architectural planning Stage 2b – Detailed Design, which includes the application for all statutory consents, including Planning Permission, Disability Access Certification and Fire Safety Certification and the preparation of the Tender documentation.

The project brief is to provide a New School Building for high-risk pupils as part of the Youth Encounter Project (YEP) scheme.

This project was originally to be delivered by the Dublin Docklands Development Authority, and the site and project were transferred to the Department of Education in 2013. The Design Team have been progressing the project through the stages of architectural planning - Initial site investigation and design scheme, Developed design and Detailed design stages.

In the interim, the Local Authority has deemed the site unsafe, and my Department has authorised an Enabling Works Contract prior to the main project, to make the site safe and to carry out essential site investigation surveys, to allow completion of the Stage 2(b) Submission.

The Enabling Works will require the interim relocation of an ESB power line, and an agreed proposal and location for that ESB line has only recently been confirmed. Initial works began in September 2024, and the Design Team and Project Manager are in communication with the ESB to complete the works as soon as possible. Enabling works to a neighbouring third party's property will also be required.

Once these works are completed, and the site safety works and site surveys completed and furnished to the Design Team, they can then complete the Stage 2(b) report and submit it to my Department for review. The Design Team have also secured an extension to planning permission to February 2026.

Photo of Cathal CroweCathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)
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479. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of a modular building application made by a primary school in County Clare (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [46342/24]

Photo of Norma FoleyNorma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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I am pleased to advise the Deputy that approval under the Additional School Accommodation scheme has issued to the school in question for the provision of one mainstream classroom.

The project is being delivered under the Department’s Devolved SEN Reconfiguration and Modular Accommodation programme. This programme provides project management supports to enable the accommodation to be provided as quickly as possible and helps to ease the administrative workload for individual schools in relation to the management and delivery of the project. The use of the Department's Modular Accommodation Framework also assists in ensuring lead in periods for procurement of modular accommodation are minimised to the greatest extent possible.

The School Authority recently submitted the signed necessary documentation to allow this project to progress to delivery stage, therefore, the project is now entering detailed design stage with the first tranche of funding for same expected to issue in the coming days. The overall construction sector environment is challenging and the Department and the Project Management company are doing everything possible to ensure that modular accommodation is delivered as quickly as possible. My Department is fully aware of the urgency in respect of same and will be working with the School Authority to keep it updated on overall project delivery and timelines.


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