Written answers
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Artificial Intelligence
Malcolm Byrne (Wicklow-Wexford, Fianna Fail)
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398. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if his Department and agencies under the aegis of his Department have policies on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the Department and those agencies; whether training has been provided to staff on the use of AI; if his Department has used AI, including large language models, in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1586/25]
Paschal Donohoe (Dublin Central, Fine Gael)
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In relation to the use of AI, my Department has regard to relevant guidance published by the National Cyber Security Centre, the seven requirements for ethical AI that have been developed by the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on AI in their Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI and the Interim Guidelines for the Use of AI in the Public Service. These Interim Guidelines, which were published by my own Department, underscore the Government’s commitment to promoting the adoption of trustworthy AI in the Public Service and set out high level principles to support this (the interim Guidelines are available at: www.gov.ie/en/publication/2127d-interim-guidelines-for-use-of-ai/).
The Deputy may also wish to be aware that reflecting on the rapid pace of change in the adoption of AI tools, the coming into force of the EU AI Act and the refresh of the National AI Strategy by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in November 2024, my Department is now finalising more advanced, practice-orientated Guidelines for the Responsible Use of AI in the Public Service, including Generative AI.
With regard to training, 13 officials from my Department attended the AI Essentials programme delivered by the Institute of Public Administration in 2024. The AI Essentials programme aligns with the Better Public Services transformation programme, which aims to enhance service delivery through technology and digitisation, and equips participants with the fundamentals of AI, as well as its potential and implications for public service organisations. In addition, TUD run a Foundation Certificate in AI which was attended by 120 public servants, including a number from my Department.
Finally, I wish to advise the Deputy that staff in my Department have not used AI, including large language models, in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments.
The position in respect of the bodies under the aegis of my Department is set out below.
Office of Public Works
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
Yes | Yes | No |
Public Appointments Service
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
PAS has established a cross-organisational working group to consider the risks, opportunities and potential uses of AI. Included in the remit of that group is the development of policies and procedures on the use of AI. | As AI is not widely used in the day to day work of PAS, training has not been rolled out to all staff. However, staff within IT have completed some AI training and members of the AI working group and IT teams have attended seminars and conferences on AI. | No |
Office of the Ombudsman
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
Staff are generally not permitted to access “Generative AI” websites, such as ChatGPT, in line with advice of National Cyber Security Centre. However, specific requests for access to such services are evaluated on a case-by-case base in line with the relevant guidance. | Not to-date, however, training for staff is to be considered in the context an increase in the use of AI by public bodies and the general public. | No |
National Shared Services Office
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
No. NSSO adheres to the guidelines set out by the DPENDR, NCSC and other relevant guidance in relation to AI. | No | No |
Office of the Regulator of the National Lottery
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
Yes | Yes | No |
State Laboratory
Policy in place on the use of AI | Training provided on the use of AI | AI used in the preparation of legislation or statutory instruments |
No | No | No |
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