Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Office of Public Works

Photo of Aidan FarrellyAidan Farrelly (Kildare North, Social Democrats)
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394. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the number of WTE qualified archaeologists employed by OPW as of 2 January 2025, in tabular form. [1469/25]

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael)
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The number of WTE qualified archaeologists employed by OPW as of 2 January 2025:



The OPW does not employ archaeologists. If a need for archaeological services is identified for a particular project, such services are acquired through a procurement process.

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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395. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the percentage of the 2024 OPW capital budget allocation that was actually spent; if any unspent funding will be automatically transferred to the 2025 capital budget allocation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1493/25]

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael)
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The Office of Public Works will respond Directly to the Deputy on this matter.

Photo of Jennifer Murnane O'ConnorJennifer Murnane O'Connor (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fianna Fail)
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396. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the refurbishment works that were carried out by OPW at Kilkenny Castle during 2024; the future refurbishment works scheduled to commence at Kilkenny Castle over the next 18 months; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1494/25]

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael)
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The Office of Public works is responsible for the conservation, care and presentation of the Kilkenny Castle and parkland and the collections associated with the Castle.

In 2024, approximately 417,000 people visited Kilkenny Castle for tours and a total of circa 870,000 visited the parklands. The OPW delivers an annual programme of maintenance and conservation at the Castle to ensure the protection of and upgrading of the building fabric, building systems and presentation of the historic rooms in order to continuously improve the offering to visitors.

In 2024, the OPW carried out substantive works to repair the floor in the Grosvenor Room. This room is now part of the guided tour of the Castle and new exhibitions for this space are now under development.

Various maintenance works were also carried out including upgrading of the lighting and audio visual equipment in the Parade Tower, lighting improvements to the Castle wing and general cabling throughout the Castle.

As the Deputy may be aware, the OPW secured planning permission for development works to improve accessibility to the Castle. These proposed works will facilitate universal access which includes provision of a ramped approach through a gradient landscape, lift access to the Picture Gallery and a Changing Places bathroom facility. As part of these works, the OPW plans to carry out fabric repair work to the Picture Gallery and has acquired Section 57 consent from the Local Planning Authority for these works.

Some preliminary archaeological investigative works were conducted in 2024 to inform the approach to universal access. Work is underway on the detailed design and the production of tender documentation.

Subject to availability of technical resources and funding, it is hoped to finalise tender documentation in 2025 and to begin works in 2026.


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