Written answers

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Flood Relief Schemes

Photo of Noel McCarthyNoel McCarthy (Cork East, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

389. To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the current status of a project (details supplied); when he expects planning permission to be submitted for the project; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1344/25]

Photo of Kieran O'DonnellKieran O'Donnell (Limerick City, Fine Gael)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

I am aware of the devastation caused by flooding to communities and the impact on the people, families and businesses in Midleton and east Cork. Cork County Council is leading the delivery of the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme and in 2017 appointed engineering and environmental consultants. Midleton has proven to be one of the most complex schemes with flood risks from four sources; fluvial, tidal, groundwater and pluvial. The preferred option has been identified and, following Storm Babet, an assessment has been completed, so that we can be confident that we have designed a scheme that can meet the standard of protection required by the insurance industry.

The next major step is to finalise the details of the scheme design and to seek planning consent. To that effect, Cork County Council has begun to engage with landowners, whose lands have been identified as needed for the scheme, and has organised an information clinic for the affected landowners later this month. In parallel with these meetings, work is continuing on the environmental surveys and assessments, which are required to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the scheme. At this time, the indicative estimate is for Cork County Council, in early 2026, to submit to An Bord Pleanála the Midleton Flood Relief Scheme under the Planning and Development Acts.

An assessment of advance works, which involves the delivery of elements of the scheme in advance of the delivery of the whole scheme, has been completed with Tir Cluain identified as suitable for such works. The OPW understands that work is ongoing by Cork County Council on the preparation of planning documents for these works under the Part 8 planning process, in the coming quarter. The Council is also working with the scheme consultants on other locations for possible advance works.

Interim flood defence measures in Midleton are underway in a phased manner, and in compliance with the regulatory frameworks. A number of interim measures have been completed, including the removal of Moore’s Bridge, which was a possible source of flood risk, and which was removed in August 2024. The removal of gravels deposited during Storm Babet is complete, in addition to the clearance of fallen trees and overgrown vegetation at various locations on the Owenacurra and Dungourney Rivers. A number of gauges have been installed on the Dungourney River by the OPW Hydrometric Team, and Interim flood defences have been installed at Woodlands estate. Cork County Council and the scheme consultants are currently investigating potential interim works at a site north of the Northern Relief Road, and also engaging with Met Éireann to develop more focussed flood forecasting for County Cork, and in particular East Cork.

In October 2024, I announced €5.8m in funding from the OPW to Cork County Council for the installation of Individual Property Protection measures to homeowners and businesses impacted by the October 2023 flood event during Storm Babet across Midleton and East Cork. The Individual Property Protection Scheme is intended to help reduce the impact of flooding, mitigating the damage caused to people’s property. The Scheme closed for applications on the 18th November 2024, with eligible properties currently progressing through the assessment process. It is estimated that the rollout of Individual Property Protection will begin in late February 2025.

The above measures will be discussed again at the next meeting scheduled for the 30th January 2025, between the Steering Group for the scheme, and the Midleton Flood Committee with locally elected representatives, business community and the wider community. This meeting occurs on a quarterly basis.


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