Written answers

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Department of Education and Skills

Schools Building Projects

Photo of Cathal CroweCathal Crowe (Clare, Fianna Fail)
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414. To ask the Minister for Education and Skills when construction of an extension to a school (details supplied) will begin, having signed an acceptance letter with her Department in November 2023. [44461/24]

Photo of Norma FoleyNorma Foley (Kerry, Fianna Fail)
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The school referred to by the Deputy was approved to enter my Department’s pipeline of school buildings under the Additional School Accommodation Scheme for a project to provide one mainstream classroom and two SET rooms. The project has been devolved to the school authority for delivery.

I can confirm to the Deputy, that in Q1 2024 department officials received a Stage 1/2a report. Upon completion of my Departments review of this report, comments issued to the school advising them that the submitted report was incomplete. The report was returned to the school authority for clarification of design and cost detail.

In Q3 2024 a revised Stage 1/2a was submitted by the school authority and forwarded to my Departments professional and technical team, for review. In Q4 upon completion of that review comments issued to the school authority, advising them that they deviated from the approved project brief and the submitted cost report was again incomplete. Department officials have been in communication with the school authority to provide guidance on what exactly the Design Team is required to submit in order to progress this project.

This project is currently at design stage and will be required to go through further stages and assessment for planning and tendering prior to the project being approved to construction. Each of these steps require a significant amount of time but are crucial to maintain our commitment to excellence and to deliver the best possible outcome for this project in line with my Departments Infrastructure Guidelines.

It is currently not possible at this early stage to give the Deputy a timeframe as to when this school project will go to construction.


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