Written answers

Monday, 9 September 2024

Photo of Paul DonnellyPaul Donnelly (Dublin West, Sinn Fein)
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355.To ask the Minister for Finance the number of gaming machines currently licensed, by county, in 2024; and if he will make a statement on the matter.[35258/24]

Photo of Paul DonnellyPaul Donnelly (Dublin West, Sinn Fein)
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356.To ask the Minister for Finance the number of gaming machines licensed, by county, in each of the years 2020 to 2024, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.[35259/24]

Photo of Paul DonnellyPaul Donnelly (Dublin West, Sinn Fein)
Link to this: Individually | In context | Oireachtas source

357.To ask the Minister for Finance the amount of revenue generated through gaming machines licence fees split, by county, in gaming premises and casinos located in Ireland since 2020, per year, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter.[35260/24]

Photo of Jack ChambersJack Chambers (Dublin West, Fianna Fail)
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I propose to take Questions Nos. 355 to 357, inclusive, together.

I am advised by Revenue that gaming machine licences may be applied for to cover a full year period, or a three month period. The number of gaming machine annual licences and three month licences issued to date in 2024, for each county, are set out in table 1.

Table 1

County Gaming Machine Annual Licence Gaming Machine 3 month Licence Total
CO. CARLOW 127 0 127
CO. CAVAN 97 75 172
CO. CLARE 140 27 167
CO. CORK 784 690 1474
CO. DONEGAL 1837 56 1893
CO. DUBLIN 54 0 54
CO. GALWAY 621 120 741
CO. KERRY 55 334 389
CO. KILDARE 80 0 80
CO. LIMERICK 282 315 597
CO. LOUTH 754 133 887
CO. MAYO 67 0 67
CO. MEATH 319 144 463
CO. MONAGHAN 110 0 110
CO. SLIGO 221 0 221
CO. TIPPERARY 142 0 142
CO. WATERFORD 425 0 425
CO. WEXFORD 158 25 183
CO. WICKLOW 393 0 393
Total 6714 1919 8633

The number of annual gaming machine licences issued, by county, in each of the years 2020 to 2024 (to date) is outlined in tabular form in table 2.

Table 2

County 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (to date)
CO. CARLOW 135 0 127 120 127
CO. CAVAN 14 0 105 86 97
CO. CLARE 76 0 30 100 140
CO. CORK 236 0 677 682 784
CO. DONEGAL 0 0 1579 1891 1837
CO. DUBLIN 0 0 0 54 54
CO. GALWAY 574 0 644 578 621
CO. KERRY 52 0 54 55 55
CO. KILDARE 72 <10* 0 72 80
CO. LIMERICK 38 0 170 330 282
CO. LOUTH 155 0 202 588 754
CO. MAYO N/A* 0 40 67 67
CO. MEATH 0 0 0 238 319
CO. MONAGHAN <10* 0 110 110 110
CO. ROSCOMMON 0 0 0 12 48
CO. SLIGO 0 0 78 162 221
CO. TIPPERARY 0 0 132 137 142
CO. WATERFORD 0 0 375 428 425
CO. WEXFORD 82 0 77 286 158
CO. WICKLOW 0 0 357 739 393
Total 1454 <10* 4757 6735 6714
* Where the number of cases is less than 10 the exact number is not provided, instead these are presented as ‘<10’. This is in line with Revenue’s , which are in place in order to protect and maintain taxpayer confidentiality. In some cases where the number of cases is not less than 10 it may still be required to suppress the exact number; these are displayed as ‘N/A’. This is in order to prevent that data presented as ‘<10’ being imputed from the total number of cases, which is also provided. The data point chosen to be suppressed is the lowest value data point that is not itself less than 10.

The number of three month gaming machine licences issued, by county, in each of the years 2020 to 2024 is outlined in tabular form in table 3.

Table 3

County 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (to date)
CO. CAVAN 63 67 0 150 75
CO. CLARE 34 0 101 185 27
CO. CORK 788 158 824 1058 690
CO. DONEGAL 1097 286 779 56 56
CO. DUBLIN 0 70 0 54 0
CO. GALWAY 121 78 240 485 120
CO. KERRY 119 0 376 507 334
CO. LIMERICK 0 0 0 0 315
CO. LOUTH 431 493 2026 826 133
CO. MAYO 0 N/A* 0 0 0
CO. MEATH 334 293 1224 400 144
CO. MONAGHAN 110 <10* 52 25 0
CO. ROSCOMMON 0 0 24 0 0
CO. SLIGO 0 115 390 150 0
CO. WATERFORD 400 0 0 0 0
CO. WEXFORD 70 40 30 25 25
CO. WICKLOW 370 75 0 0 0
Total 3937 1713 6066 3921 1919
* Where the number of cases is less than 10 the exact number is not provided, instead these are presented as ‘<10’. This is in line with Revenue’s , which are in place in order to protect and maintain taxpayer confidentiality. In some cases where the number of cases is not less than 10 it may still be required to suppress the exact number; these are displayed as ‘N/A’. This is in order to prevent that data presented as ‘<10’ being imputed from the total number of cases, which is also provided. The data point chosen to be suppressed is the lowest value data point that is not itself less than 10.

The amount of revenue generated through gaming machine licence fees split, by county, since 2020, per year, is set out in tabular form in table 4.

Table 4

County 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 (to date)
CO. CARLOW €68,175 €0 €64,135 €60,600 €64,135
CO. CAVAN €16,205 €9,715 €53,025 €65,180 €59,860
CO. CLARE €43,310 €0 €29,795 €77,325 €74,615
CO. CORK €233,440 €22,910 €461,365 €497,820 €495,970
CO. DONEGAL €159,065 €41,470 €910,350 €963,075 €935,805
CO. DUBLIN €0 €10,150 €0 €35,100 €27,270
CO. GALWAY €307,415 €11,310 €360,020 €362,215 €331,005
CO. KERRY €43,515 €0 €81,790 €101,290 €76,205
CO. KILDARE €36,360 €1,010 €0 €36,360 €40,400
CO. LIMERICK €19,190 €0 €85,850 €166,650 €188,085
CO. LOUTH €140,770 €71,485 €395,780 €416,710 €400,055
CO. MAYO €6,060 €4,350 €20,200 €33,835 €33,835
CO. MEATH €48,430 €42,485 €177,480 €178,190 €181,975
CO. MONAGHAN €19,990 €1,160 €63,090 €59,175 €55,550
CO. ROSCOMMON €0 €0 €3,480 €6,060 €24,240
CO. SLIGO €0 €16,675 €95,940 €103,560 €111,605
CO. TIPPERARY €0 €0 €66,660 €69,185 €71,710
CO. WATERFORD €58,000 €0 €189,375 €216,140 €214,625
CO. WEXFORD €51,560 €5,800 €43,235 €148,055 €83,415
CO. WICKLOW €53,65 €10,875 €180,285 €373,195 €198,465
Total €1,305,135 €249,395 €3,281,855 €3,969,720 €3,668,825


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